What GOP leaders are NOT saying.


Shaken, not stirred!
I noticed that when Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were on the recent Sunday talk shows flapping their gums with the usual anti-Obama rhetoric, they failed to mention the SUCCESS of Obamacare in their home state....and the so called "liberal media" failed to bring it up! Hmmmm, I wonder why? :rolleyes:
7000/600000 = 1.1%

98.9% still uninsured!

This is success? Or was the working website a success? Oh wait, click the link on your biased article that links to the story about Kynect working smoothly. The very first line was:

"While Kentucky’s health-insurance exchange experienced some glitches when it launched Tuesday, it seemed to perform better than many of its peers"

In fact, at one point, also prevented users from creating accounts:

"On Tuesday morning, the rush of online applicants overwhelmed the system, and users were soon prevented from setting up accounts."

They get a pat on the back though because every other system sucked royally, and they reacted quicker. They also rolled out a simpler version without as many features. I'm struggling to find where this "success" is, please help.
7000/600000 = 1.1%

98.9% still uninsured!

Pay attention;"......By Monday afternoon, 6,946 families had enrolled in plans through Kynect and the website had handled 3.1 million page views, according to the governor’s office. "
That's just ONE afternoon back in October. Would you like to know the update? Or are you satisfied with your out of context mantras?

This is success? Or was the working website a success? Oh wait, click the link on your biased article that links to the story about Kynect working smoothly. The very first line was:

"While Kentucky’s health-insurance exchange experienced some glitches when it launched Tuesday, it seemed to perform better than many of its peers"

In fact, at one point, also prevented users from creating accounts:

"On Tuesday morning, the rush of online applicants overwhelmed the system, and users were soon prevented from setting up accounts."

They get a pat on the back though because every other system sucked royally, and they reacted quicker. They also rolled out a simpler version without as many features. I'm struggling to find where this "success" is, please help.

Your biased myopia is evident. Rather than just excerpt negatives and IGNORE the rest of the articles, all one has to do is READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY to see your errors. Case in point:

To be sure, the rollout wasn’t glitch-free. On Tuesday morning, the rush of online applicants overwhelmed the system, and users were soon prevented from setting up accounts. They could still browse the site and look at different plan options, but couldn’t file an application.

Technicians responded by bringing two more servers online and adding processing power to computers. “We added 50% more horsepower,” said Chris Clark, technology program manager for the exchange. By 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, the website was fully functional again, state officials said.

Overall, though, the Kentucky exchange performed comparatively well. “Kentucky seems to have a smoother rollout than some other states,” said Jennifer Tolbert, director of state health reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation. When she visited various exchange websites Tuesday morning, she said, “the one I got through most easily on to get prices and comparisons was the Kynect site.”

Though Ms. Tolbert said she wasn’t certain why the Kentucky site functioned more effectively, she speculated that one reason could be its somewhat pared-down design. It “doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that other states tried to incorporate,” like interactive features, she said. “It’s very straightforward in allowing consumers to browse plans without first creating an account.”


It works like this toodles....if I'm running a business and on opening day I have so many customers that they EXCEED my stock, that's a GOOD THING, because it shows that there is a DEMAND for my product. As time goes on, the glitches are smoothed out, and more people are served. What YOU fail to acknowledge is that you have a slew of "red" states who have REFUSED and blocked access to to the AHCA services. So small wonder that certain goals are not being met in adequate time.

What YOU have done is typical of the nonsense parroted by the likes of Drudge, Levine, Limbaugh, Krauthhammer and the WND.....fortunately, the WHOLE truth is out there to expose your dishonest folly.
If you only read/listen to right wing media, you won't. But FYI:

My State Needs Obamacare. Now.
Published: September 26, 2013


What Kentucky's Obamacare Success Might Mean in 2014
By John Tozzi October 08, 2013

So 7k people signed up when they figured 600k needed it and that is success ? More to the point how are they liking the price tag or are they just the new Medicaids ?
Get back to me when you have something to counter the 49 point approval drop nationally with ocare.
What you've done is repeat what I already summarized, and put a positive spin on it like it's some awesome success story.

See here's how I see it. Users come to your website to try and sign up for a service. Only they can't sign up for the service because there was poor load testing done in the beginning. The service is down, and you must wait until it is fixed in order to log on. In a normal world, if I were to provide a service like that to my customers, I would have a hard time after to get the users to adopt my product. I work in IT, I develop software, I've seen this happen. You do not put out a product to a large quantity of individuals without load testing it first. There is no reason that it should have gone down with the amount of users that were on the site. If Facebook goes down for an hour, people are bitching left and right and threatening to close their accounts. But, Facebook should receive a pat on the back because they came back online? That IS NOT success, that is a mistake, and the reaction to the mistake was swift enough to prevent even more people from having problems. You view success as how swiftly they fixed a mistake that lasted over 3 hours.

Secondly, having a lot of people on the site does nothing when very few of them are receiving service. Again, only 7000 people have gotten anything, and over 600000 people are still uninsured. That's ok 'Toodles' you stay comfortable in your 'biased myopia'. A site broke down is success cause lots of people browsed to it... didn't get anything... but they browsed and said "WTF? Why can't I do anything? Awww F*** it"
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
If you only read/listen to right wing media, you won't. But FYI:

My State Needs Obamacare. Now.
Published: September 26, 2013


What Kentucky's Obamacare Success Might Mean in 2014
By John Tozzi October 08, 2013


So 7k people signed up when they figured 600k needed it and that is success ? More to the point how are they liking the price tag or are they just the new Medicaids ?
Get back to me when you have something to counter the 49 point approval drop nationally with ocare.

Seems you neocon/teabaggers all parrot the same dreck. Here's I schooled your like minded compadre on this:

What you've done is repeat what I already summarized, and put a positive spin on it like it's some awesome success story.

FACTS are NOT "spin" my neocon/teabagger toadie! What happened was YOU excerpt parts of the information given and then clamped on YOUR supposition and conjecture to bolster your OPINION. That you choose to continue parroting your willful ignorance speaks towards your stubborn adherence to an ideology that has historically proven not to work.

See here's how I see it. Users come to your website to try and sign up for a service. Only they can't sign up for the service because there was poor load testing done in the beginning. The service is down, and you must wait until it is fixed in order to log on. In a normal world, if I were to provide a service like that to my customers, I would have a hard time after to get the users to adopt my product. I work in IT, I develop software, I've seen this happen. You do not put out a product to a large quantity of individuals without load testing it first. There is no reason that it should have gone down with the amount of users that were on the site. If Facebook goes down for an hour, people are bitching left and right and threatening to close their accounts. But, Facebook should receive a pat on the back because they came back online? That IS NOT success, that is a mistake, and the reaction to the mistake was swift enough to prevent even more people from having problems. You view success as how swiftly they fixed a mistake that lasted over 3 hours.

So all you're doing is just bleating the mantra's put out by Fox Noise, the WND, Drudge, etc. while IGNORING what the article reports. No one has contested the problems.....it's just right wing flunkies like you that are screaming "shut it down" because of initial start up problems which have plagued EVERY avenue of internet business from Banks to public utilities to ALL commercial businesses hasn't been fixed in less than 24 hours....but hey, it's Obama, so he's held to an exceptionally higher (if not unreasonable) standard than anything else.

Your Facebook comparison is absurd, because you comparing a FREE chat board with people trying to seek arrangements for their financial/physical well being....the latter given an ALTERNATIVE by being assisted by "exchangers" and using the good old telephone to contact folk. Any fool knows that when it comes to bucks, people will wait to get it right...as they are in Kentucky and other states that are complying with the AHCA.

Secondly, having a lot of people on the site does nothing when very few of them are receiving service. Again, only 7000 people have gotten anything, and over 600000 people are still uninsured. That's ok 'Toodles' you stay comfortable in your 'biased myopia'. A site broke down is success cause lots of people browsed to it... didn't get anything... but they browsed and said "WTF? Why can't I do anything? Awww F*** it"

Stop acting stupid, will ya please? You keep repeating an empty mantra that was already disproven.....typical Drudge headline..ignore the WHOLE truth and keep repeating an out of context quote coupled with supposition and conjecture. In one afternoon in October, 7K got the service they wanted despite the problems....little neocon/teabagger parrots like YOU won't DARE look into how many have done so since. So I'll just ignore your intellectual cowardice and put forth the FACTS:

As of Friday morning, 96,968 Kentuckians— nearly a fifth of the state’s half-a-million uninsured people–are now covered thanks to Obamacare, a state official told msnbc.

As the first deadline for coverage approaches—to be covered by Jan. 1, you must enroll by Dec. 23—the rate of enrollment is up by 62% from before Thanksgiving, according to Jill Midkiff, director of communications for Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services. That’s a jump from the 40% surge from before Thankskgiving the state announced last week.

Perhaps the most promising number: 40% of all enrollees are under 35. That’s crucial, because getting healthy, younger Americans into the health care law’s exchanges is key to the law’s long-term success.


But do continue to parrot with your blinders on, toodles....just as we all have come to expect. Rush would be proud of ya! ;)
FACTS are NOT "spin" my neocon/teabagger toadie! What happened was YOU excerpt parts of the information given and then clamped on YOUR supposition and conjecture to bolster your OPINION. That you choose to continue parroting your willful ignorance speaks towards your stubborn adherence to an ideology that has historically proven not to work.

Nah, I pretty much summarized the entire article down to the last paragraph in one sentence, or did you miss it? You just posted 4 paragraphs that mean the exact same thing as "They get a pat on the back though because every other system sucked royally, and they reacted quicker. They also rolled out a simpler version without as many features." I appreciate the angst though, you apparently are pissed because you posted a half-assed article to symbolize 'Success', and I called you out on it.

So all you're doing is just bleating the mantra's put out by Fox Noise, the WND, Drudge, etc. while IGNORING what the article reports. No one has contested the problems.....it's just right wing flunkies like you that are screaming "shut it down" because of initial start up problems which have plagued EVERY avenue of internet business from Banks to public utilities to ALL commercial businesses hasn't been fixed in less than 24 hours....but hey, it's Obama, so he's held to an exceptionally higher (if not unreasonable) standard than anything else.

Your Facebook comparison is absurd, because you comparing a FREE chat board with people trying to seek arrangements for their financial/physical well being....the latter given an ALTERNATIVE by being assisted by "exchangers" and using the good old telephone to contact folk. Any fool knows that when it comes to bucks, people will wait to get it right...as they are in Kentucky and other states that are complying with the AHCA.

First, I don't watch any of that crap. It's all a bunch of over-bloated idiots with a bias. I never once said 'SHUT IT DOWN!' either. I think that would be a mistake, now that the ball is rolling, even if I do disagree. Problems happen in tech all the time, but you pointed out a 'successful' roll-out, that wasn't as successful as you seem to believe. You went from parroting how great the roll-out was to being pissed off because, once again, I called you out for wondering where the success was in what you had given. Instead of debating with me on the merits of the article you posted, you've decided to hurl insults and generalize me into a group.

The Facebook comparison is simply an example of my point. If users have problems with the technology, the adoption rate of that technology is reduced. People will flock away from that technology simply because they expect it to work. It becomes even harder for users to accept a piece of technology if the very first time they've used it, it breaks. They simply will find an alternative method or competing site. Facebook was an easy to use example, but even then so, it's FREE! So it highlights how users react to even non-important pieces of technology. So in general, the website was not a success. It broke down, and the only success story that could be garnered from the articles you had given was that they 'quickly' fixed the issue. Even then, you could argue that they clearly had the resources at their disposal to begin with, to get it right the first time if they could turn around a fix that quickly. Good load-testing up front could have prevented a break.

Stop acting stupid, will ya please? You keep repeating an empty mantra that was already disproven.....typical Drudge headline..ignore the WHOLE truth and keep repeating an out of context quote coupled with supposition and conjecture. In one afternoon in October, 7K got the service they wanted despite the problems....little neocon/teabagger parrots like YOU won't DARE look into how many have done so since. So I'll just ignore your intellectual cowardice and put forth the FACTS:

As of Friday morning, 96,968 Kentuckians— nearly a fifth of the state’s half-a-million uninsured people–are now covered thanks to Obamacare, a state official told msnbc.

As the first deadline for coverage approaches—to be covered by Jan. 1, you must enroll by Dec. 23—the rate of enrollment is up by 62% from before Thanksgiving, according to Jill Midkiff, director of communications for Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services. That’s a jump from the 40% surge from before Thankskgiving the state announced last week.

Perhaps the most promising number: 40% of all enrollees are under 35. That’s crucial, because getting healthy, younger Americans into the health care law’s exchanges is key to the law’s long-term success.


But do continue to parrot with your blinders on, toodles....just as we all have come to expect. Rush would be proud of ya! ;)

Don't call me stupid for your own apparent upfront laziness. You posted an article highlighting the fact that 7000 people received insurance, and a quickly fixed website were 'success' stories. That was simply lazy on your end to point out success, because it clearly was not success. I was simply debating you on what you provided. Why should I care that more people have signed up since? I wasn't debating you on the merits of ACA itself, I was debating you on what you provided as evidence of success. I won't call you a 'typical liberal', because I realize there are a lot of smart liberals out there, and I'd hate to associate you with them. You are more of the 'bait and switch' type of person, where once you are called out, you switch to a different argument to try and make yourself correct. You're also very sore when people call you out on your laziness in providing examples. Had you provided this argument:

"I noticed that when Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were on the recent Sunday talk shows flapping their gums with the usual anti-Obama rhetoric, they failed to mention the SUCCESS of Obamacare in their home state....and the so called "liberal media" failed to bring it up! Hmmmm, I wonder why? "

followed by:

"Since Obamacare has been implemented, a little over 16% of the uninsured Kentuckians are now insured"

This would have been a totally different debate. One I might even refrain from commenting on. There is still time left before the deadline, but that number is still low. There are a lot of procrastinators.. yeah I wouldn't really have much of an opinion yet. I just know that still isn't success, but it's looking better than what you provided, for certain!

So toodles, next time you open your trap about 'success' stories, back it up a little better. Oh, and fuck fat ass Rush!
they will just pretend its a not a success until they have to claim they wrote it to claim the good its done as their credit.

they will flip the second they think they can get away with it.

hell at least it will be true that their team wrote it
I noticed that when Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were on the recent Sunday talk shows flapping their gums with the usual anti-Obama rhetoric, they failed to mention the SUCCESS of Obamacare in their home state....and the so called "liberal media" failed to bring it up! Hmmmm, I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Probably because there's no such thing as "Obama-Care Success." That's just a figment of your and MSNBC's idiot imagination and propaganda.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
FACTS are NOT "spin" my neocon/teabagger toadie! What happened was YOU excerpt parts of the information given and then clamped on YOUR supposition and conjecture to bolster your OPINION. That you choose to continue parroting your willful ignorance speaks towards your stubborn adherence to an ideology that has historically proven not to work.

Nah, I pretty much summarized the entire article down to the last paragraph in one sentence, or did you miss it? You just posted 4 paragraphs that mean the exact same thing as "They get a pat on the back though because every other system sucked royally, and they reacted quicker. They also rolled out a simpler version without as many features." I appreciate the angst though, you apparently are pissed because you posted a half-assed article to symbolize 'Success', and I called you out on it.

You seem hell bent of repeating your disproved supposition and conjecture six ways to Sunday DESPITE having been proven wrong. A true "summary" would touch base on ALL FACTUAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE. All you are doing repeatedly is showing your myopic bias, as I've previously explained. In short, you're just stubborn with nothing else to offer.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So all you're doing is just bleating the mantra's put out by Fox Noise, the WND, Drudge, etc. while IGNORING what the article reports. No one has contested the problems.....it's just right wing flunkies like you that are screaming "shut it down" because of initial start up problems which have plagued EVERY avenue of internet business from Banks to public utilities to ALL commercial businesses hasn't been fixed in less than 24 hours....but hey, it's Obama, so he's held to an exceptionally higher (if not unreasonable) standard than anything else.

Your Facebook comparison is absurd, because you comparing a FREE chat board with people trying to seek arrangements for their financial/physical well being....the latter given an ALTERNATIVE by being assisted by "exchangers" and using the good old telephone to contact folk. Any fool knows that when it comes to bucks, people will wait to get it right...as they are in Kentucky and other states that are complying with the AHCA.

First, I don't watch any of that crap. A lie, because you parrot the EXACT same mantras and use the EXACT same debating tactics. It's all a bunch of over-bloated idiots with a bias. then you should check yourself, toodles, because you are a firm acolyte.I never once said 'SHUT IT DOWN!' either. But that was the logical conclusion of your tirades, toodles. Let's see you back peddle out of this one. I think that would be a mistake, now that the ball is rolling, even if I do disagree. Problems happen in tech all the time, but you pointed out a 'successful' roll-out, that wasn't as successful as you seem to believe. A distortion on your part, as I pointed out the successes of the program in Kentucky in SPITE of all the problems. YOU bitched about some minor set backs and are now trying to BS your way out of it because I schooled you on how well the program is working there. You went from parroting Don't steal my writing style, toodles...you don't have the skill or intellectual honesty to do so. how great the roll-out was to being pissed off because, once again, I called you out for wondering where the success was in what you had given. Once again, you're lying....as the chronology of the post shows. And you're STILL in denial of how well the program is working in Kentucky...like any typical neocon/teabagger flunkie. Instead of debating with me on the merits of the article you posted, you've decided to hurl insults and generalize me into a group. Again, a lie...as the chronology of the post shows, it is YOU who REFUSE to acknowledge ALL THE INFORMATION presented in the article, and how I demonstrated your idiocy in harping about only so many people registering in ONE AFTERNOON.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Stop acting stupid, will ya please? You keep repeating an empty mantra that was already disproven.....typical Drudge headline..ignore the WHOLE truth and keep repeating an out of context quote coupled with supposition and conjecture. In one afternoon in October, 7K got the service they wanted despite the problems....little neocon/teabagger parrots like YOU won't DARE look into how many have done so since. So I'll just ignore your intellectual cowardice and put forth the FACTS:

As of Friday morning, 96,968 Kentuckians— nearly a fifth of the state’s half-a-million uninsured people–are now covered thanks to Obamacare, a state official told msnbc.

As the first deadline for coverage approaches—to be covered by Jan. 1, you must enroll by Dec. 23—the rate of enrollment is up by 62% from before Thanksgiving, according to Jill Midkiff, director of communications for Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services. That’s a jump from the 40% surge from before Thankskgiving the state announced last week.

Perhaps the most promising number: 40% of all enrollees are under 35. That’s crucial, because getting healthy, younger Americans into the health care law’s exchanges is key to the law’s long-term success.


But do continue to parrot with your blinders on, toodles....just as we all have come to expect. Rush would be proud of ya!

The Facebook comparison is simply an example of my point. If users have problems with the technology, the adoption rate of that technology is reduced. People will flock away from that technology simply because they expect it to work. It becomes even harder for users to accept a piece of technology if the very first time they've used it, it breaks. They simply will find an alternative method or competing site. Facebook was an easy to use example, but even then so, it's FREE! So it highlights how users react to even non-important pieces of technology. So in general, the website was not a success. It broke down, and the only success story that could be garnered from the articles you had given was that they 'quickly' fixed the issue. Even then, you could argue that they clearly had the resources at their disposal to begin with, to get it right the first time if they could turn around a fix that quickly. Good load-testing up front could have prevented a break.

All you've done is just repeat a folly. Bottom line: by your "standard" the internet would be vastly REDUCED in usage by businesses, corporations, etc. But low and behold, it's not. Why? Because it depends upon what is being offered, public demand and WHO is footing the bill. Facebook runs solely on ADVERTISING, so minor glitches and such are not going to easily dissuade them from potentially millions of customers WHO ARE JUST EXCHANGING WORDS, PHOTOS AND SONGS. The AHCA is a PUBLIC SERVICE OFFERING FINANCIAL AID AND ALTERNATIVE INSURANCE.

Big difference to those who are not wearing neocon/teabagger blinders.

Don't call me stupid for your own apparent upfront laziness. You posted an article highlighting the fact that 7000 people received insurance, and a quickly fixed website were 'success' stories. That was simply lazy on your end to point out success, because it clearly was not success. I was simply debating you on what you provided. Why should I care that more people have signed up since? I wasn't debating you on the merits of ACA itself, I was debating you on what you provided as evidence of success. I won't call you a 'typical liberal', because I realize there are a lot of smart liberals out there, and I'd hate to associate you with them. You are more of the 'bait and switch' type of person, where once you are called out, you switch to a different argument to try and make yourself correct.

My, but you are stupid if you think you can BS your way past your documented folly. YOU keep repeating some myopic bullshit as to how YOU rate "success", which belies logic and the very HISTORY of how the successful the AHCA in Kentucky is....so much so that it's causing a problem for the GOP "shut it down" actions in Congress. I never changed my statements, in fact, I FURTHER DOCUMENTED THEM. All you've done is blather your opinion, supposition and conjecture as if they are FACT, which as the chronology of the posts shows, are not.

You're also very sore when people call you out on your laziness in providing examples. Only in your fevered little mind, toodles. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Had you provided this argument:

"I noticed that when Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were on the recent Sunday talk shows flapping their gums with the usual anti-Obama rhetoric, they failed to mention the SUCCESS of Obamacare in their home state....and the so called "liberal media" failed to bring it up! Hmmmm, I wonder why? "

followed by:

"Since Obamacare has been implemented, a little over 16% of the uninsured Kentuckians are now insured"

This would have been a totally different debate. One I might even refrain from commenting on. There is still time left before the deadline, but that number is still low. There are a lot of procrastinators.. yeah I wouldn't really have much of an opinion yet. I just know that still isn't success, but it's looking better than what you provided, for certain!

Ahhh, but as usual YOU leave out the additional information I've provided, toodles....which is why I didn't state what YOU WANT to see as the ONLY facts surrounding this issue. As the chronology of the posts shows, you just keep doing the SOS and hope that no one notices.

So toodles, next time you open your trap about 'success' stories, back it up a little better. Oh, and fuck fat ass Rush!

You're delusional if you think that your absurd standard of "success" is the be all end all. Clearly, you are Rush's child, as rational, fact based information is ignored in favor of your opinion, supposition and conjecture. So be it, the reader's see your folly, and I won't have to waste any more time on you.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I noticed that when Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were on the recent Sunday talk shows flapping their gums with the usual anti-Obama rhetoric, they failed to mention the SUCCESS of Obamacare in their home state....and the so called "liberal media" failed to bring it up! Hmmmm, I wonder why?

Probably because there's no such thing as "Obama-Care Success." That's just a figment of your and MSNBC's idiot imagination and propaganda.

And yet willfully ignorant clods like yourself REFUSE to deal with the information provided in the links I gave. No surprise there.
You seem hell bent of repeating your disproved supposition and conjecture six ways to Sunday DESPITE having been proven wrong. A true "summary" would touch base on ALL FACTUAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE. All you are doing repeatedly is showing your myopic bias, as I've previously explained. In short, you're just stubborn with nothing else to offer.

*Sigh* Trying to parse out just what you had to say into quotes, in order to respond to each is going to be tiresome. You clearly need to learn how to use the Internet before commenting on how it's users react when a problem arises. Simply put, 'toodles', you've done nothing other than spew more crap about who I am, and proven nothing. There was no factual information to go off of from your original 'evidence' other than the summary I provided. 7000 users signed up, the site broke, they fixed it quickly. The rest was fluff and opinions, which I did ignore because it means nothing. You have yet to name one 'fact' that was provided in those articles outside of what I originally summarized. You really need to take a look in the mirror when you say 'you're just stubborn with nothing else to offer', because all you keep doing is generalizing and showing your true colors of what kind of person you are. You hate a little disagreement, and it's evident.

A lie, because you parrot the EXACT same mantras and use the EXACT same debating tactics.

then you should check yourself, toodles, because you are a firm acolyte.

LOL! That's all you deserve. But I'll be nice and respond. Once again, proving my point about generalizing. Sounds to me like you know a lot about Drudge/Fox News/WND because you know their EXACT debating tactics and EXACT mantras. Do you watch it to piss yourself off?

But that was the logical conclusion of your tirades, toodles. Let's see you back peddle out of this one.

The logical conclusion to my 'tirades' couldn't be that I have a higher standard of success? *high fives all my republican, fox news, homies*

A distortion on your part, as I pointed out the successes of the program in Kentucky in SPITE of all the problems. YOU bitched about some minor set backs and are now trying to BS your way out of it because I schooled you on how well the program is working there.

You're right, you edumacated me well. My definition for success is much more strict, and you wear it loosely. MAKES ME ANGRY! BLARG!

Don't steal my writing style, toodles...you don't have the skill or intellectual honesty to do so.

OMGosh, I said 'parrot'! I'm sorry you must have a copyright on that word, toodles. Don't worry though, I'll refrain from using your writing style going forward, because frankly, it sucks ass.

Once again, you're lying....as the chronology of the post shows. And you're STILL in denial of how well the program is working in Kentucky...like any typical neocon/teabagger flunkie.

U mad bro?

Again, a lie...as the chronology of the post shows, it is YOU who REFUSE to acknowledge ALL THE INFORMATION presented in the article, and how I demonstrated your idiocy in harping about only so many people registering in ONE AFTERNOON.

Pete, meet Repeat. If you keep saying I'm a liar, then it must be true. Even in one afternoon, 1% is not success. I pointed out a fact from your article, and you didn't like it.

All you've done is just repeat a folly. Bottom line: by your "standard" the internet would be vastly REDUCED in usage by businesses, corporations, etc. But low and behold, it's not. Why? Because it depends upon what is being offered, public demand and WHO is footing the bill. Facebook runs solely on ADVERTISING, so minor glitches and such are not going to easily dissuade them from potentially millions of customers WHO ARE JUST EXCHANGING WORDS, PHOTOS AND SONGS. The AHCA is a PUBLIC SERVICE OFFERING FINANCIAL AID AND ALTERNATIVE INSURANCE.

Big difference to those who are not wearing neocon/teabagger blinders.

I don't know where you get the "Internet" would be vastly reduced in usage by my standards. If the internet was unreliable, you simply switch providers. In some cases, people can't and they are stuck with say, Time Warner Cable. I wonder what their customer approval ratings.. hmm. You clearly don't get the point about user adoption, and how it effects public sentiment. If Facebook goes down, people are pissed. If people can't sign-up for a promised service, they are going to be pissed. Both are provided over the internet, through a website and offer a service. If it's broke, and people want to use it right now, they will not be happy that they have to wait. It's a simple concept of user adoption, and it's one every service has to consider, regardless of what it's offering. Ever re-visit a website that used an 'Under Construction' logo?

My, but you are stupid if you think you can BS your way past your documented folly. YOU keep repeating some myopic bullshit as to how YOU rate "success", which belies logic and the very HISTORY of how the successful the AHCA in Kentucky is....so much so that it's causing a problem for the GOP "shut it down" actions in Congress. I never changed my statements, in fact, I FURTHER DOCUMENTED THEM. All you've done is blather your opinion, supposition and conjecture as if they are FACT, which as the chronology of the posts shows, are not.

My rate of success 'belies logic', but yet you think success is something less than a pitcher's batting average. Yeah, Ok. What's stopping the GOP from the "shut it down" actions are that they are playing politics with it. They have their fingers crossed that it's going to fail and they'll hammer away at how bad things are, hoping to gain position. I MUST be one of them, right?

Only in your fevered little mind, toodles. You can dish it out, but you can't take it.

You make me laugh... or cry.. I can't figure out which one.

Ahhh, but as usual YOU leave out the additional information I've provided, toodles....which is why I didn't state what YOU WANT to see as the ONLY facts surrounding this issue. As the chronology of the posts shows, you just keep doing the SOS and hope that no one notices.

OHHHH, I only wanted to see my tax dollars result in massive failure across the board. That makes sense. What I got was just a few lame attempts to try and convince me that its a 'success'. I'm sorry, I didn't get what I wanted. You posted links, I posted the facts from your links. You can try and take credit for what I've provided from your lazy attempt, unless you wrote those articles. Only additional information you provided was the current numbers of users registered, which is now hovering around 16%. I did the math for you there, too. Anything else you need? You want me to state 40,000 of them are under 35 (even though it has nothing to do with my point) for you too so you can keep calling me toodles? I never once called for it's repeal, never once blasted the act itself. I blasted YOUR definition of success, toodles.

You're delusional if you think that your absurd standard of "success" is the be all end all. Clearly, you are Rush's child, as rational, fact based information is ignored in favor of your opinion, supposition and conjecture. So be it, the reader's see your folly, and I won't have to waste any more time on you.

My 'absurd' standard of success would never be close to yours, of course. A pitcher's batting average is usually the lowest on the team, and I won't go that low. Simply put though, if your version of success was the goal of this act, even the democrats wouldn't have voted it in.
And yet willfully ignorant clods like yourself REFUSE to deal with the information provided in the links I gave. No surprise there.

Your Business Week story was published back in October 2013. It says,

“By Monday afternoon, 6,946 families had enrolled in plans through Kynect and the website had handled 3.1 million page views, according to the governor’s office.”

Notice that it doesn’t say anything about how many of the enrollees actually made a premium payment which would actually be the “be all, end all” to actual proof of enrollment. Also the article omits any information about how many of the so-called enrollees actually signed up for MEDICAID the governments highly subsidized and taxpayer funded socialist program.

Is the following what you’re considering “success?”

“Data from seven states and the District of Columbia, which are running their own marketplaces, show that of more than 200,000 enrollees, nearly 22 per cent are 18 to 34 years old.

The administration had hoped that more than 38 per cent, or 2.7 million, of all enrollees this year would be 18 to 35 years old, based on a Congressional Budget Office estimate that 7 million people would sign up by the end of March” Read more at http://www.scmp.com/news/world/arti...s-obamacare-needs-more-younger-enrollees-work.

Guess who’s gonna end up BAILING OUT Obana-Care. Congratulations idiots!!!!!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And yet willfully ignorant clods like yourself REFUSE to deal with the information provided in the links I gave. No surprise there.

Your Business Week story was published back in October 2013. It says,

“By Monday afternoon, 6,946 families had enrolled in plans through Kynect and the website had handled 3.1 million page views, according to the governor’s office.”

Notice that it doesn’t say anything about how many of the enrollees actually made a premium payment which would actually be the “be all, end all” to actual proof of enrollment. Also the article omits any information about how many of the so-called enrollees actually signed up for MEDICAID the governments highly subsidized and taxpayer funded socialist program.

Is the following what you’re considering “success?”

“Data from seven states and the District of Columbia, which are running their own marketplaces, show that of more than 200,000 enrollees, nearly 22 per cent are 18 to 34 years old.

The administration had hoped that more than 38 per cent, or 2.7 million, of all enrollees this year would be 18 to 35 years old, based on a Congressional Budget Office estimate that 7 million people would sign up by the end of March” Read more at http://www.scmp.com/news/world/arti...s-obamacare-needs-more-younger-enrollees-work.

Guess who’s gonna end up BAILING OUT Obana-Care. Congratulations idiots!!!!!

1. Look at my last response to your compadre Digital Dave, which gives a link to reports given in December (2 months ago). http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...-leaders-are-NOT-saying&p=1431858#post1431858

2 As for Medicaid, here's a more objective report from November 2013: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...jority-of-obamacare-sign-ups-are-in-medicaid/

And for those interested in FACTS:



And libertarian lunkhead/right wing sycophant Sen. Rand Paul (KY) lying his ass off as usual:

This is not a porn site, Libby.

*sigh* a lame retort by yet another intellectually bankrupt neocon/teabagger parrot. (FYI: the "phrase" came to public attention when the astro-turfed idiots that were bussed to Tea Party rallies courtesy of Dick Armey & friends....some were photographed wearing hats with tea bags hanging from them, and one woman proudly carried a sign stating "Tea Bag Obama before he Tea bags you". Look it up if you don't believe me.)

Anything else, bunky?