What GOP leadership thinks of YOU!

Once again, Bravo barks his insipidly stubborn ignorance from the barstool.

King said what he said......only Bravo would be ignorant enough to try and separate labor from the laborer, because King sure as hell wasn't talking about AI robots doing the work.

Bravo is just what King and Boehner need....willfully ignorant and proud neocon parrots that readily endorse policies against their better interests because neocon politicos drape their heinous agenda with the veil of "Don't let those people win, because they'll take stuff away from you".

Per Merriam-Webster


an economic good: as
a : a product of agriculture or mining
b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment <commodities futures>
c : a mass-produced unspecialized product <commodity chemicals> <commodity memory chips>
2a : something useful or valued

"Bravo" indeed!

Driving up the cost of labor is certainly not in the best interest of the country as a whole So being reduced to a total wage slave is the answer? Because that's the logical conclusion to Boehner's and King's little diatribes. They are talking about YOU, my intellectually impotent Bravo. Maybe you like being that, but the majority of America does not. .....Labor has value and some forms of labor have more value than other forms.....and that value is determined by its difficulty, as in special skills or knowledge required, its danger to the worker as in miner, steelworker, firefighter, etc......, its value to the consumer...doctor and scientist, vs. clerk or stocking shelves and other factors.....Newsflash for you, einstein....PAPER PUSHERS CAN MAKE MORE MONEY THAN PHYSICAL LABORERS IN SOME INSTANCES. Case in point, a Sentor makes more than the cop on the beat, the lawyer makes more than the construction worker on high rises and bridges. The MOVIE STAR makes more than all the people you mentioned combined! So much for "labor" as a commodity or "value" to the consumer (your doctor is worth more than some starlets boobs) ...and LABOR is performed by a HUMAN BEING, who has skills, personal needs, possible family, intuition, etc. You take out the human element, and you have a computer and auto-mated factories...which STILL need human maintenance. Your analogy doesn't make a lick of sense when applied to real life .....

If doctors are plentiful and in abundant supply, their value becomes less even though their skills are demanding.....and the same logic applies in every circumstance.....the most skillful at any trade will obviously be in a position to demand the most return for their talent.....and this is as it should be and I think every honest person will agree with this.......the best grades go to those that earn them and are not shared to underachievers, as TC would want in his perfect socialist society....

This ain't supply and demand regarding doctors, you fool! Doctors fees don't go down because of their number in a vicinity, as those fees are determined by state law in addition to doctors setting their own fees when applicable. When your ass is going through a heart attack or your told you have high blood pressure, the "commodity" is the drug or instrument....the DOCTOR is the HUMAN BEING WITH THE SKILLS TO HELP YOU.....and in many cases he just can't be replaced like a new pill or stethoscope.

This is the commodity side of the equation.... No, that's your assinine attempt to justify any BS that falls from the lips of your neocon GOP gods. If YOU like being a wage slave, toddle on down to the Sudan or some South American country where there are NO protections for workers, and they are indeed treated like a commodity to be discarded for any reason without a care. Your ass would be back here so fast it would break the sound barrier!-------

As for the laborer, the person, the human being......no one deserves to be treated with distain or rancor or resentment or hostility for the labor they are or are not capable of.....
labor and the laborer are two completely different entities.....our value as people is completely separate than our value as to the labor we do.....and we earn those values in completely different ways.....

What kind of psychotic BS are you shoveling, Bravo? Who performs the "labor", you blithering idiot! There is NO labor with a laborer...unless you've got an AI robot doing the work. Last time I checked, a shovel doesn't move dirt by itself......but ONLY a complete POS would reduce the laborer to a commodity like the shovel.=====================
Do you understand what you've posted here ?


an economic good: as
a : a product of agriculture or mining
b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment <commodities futures>
c : a mass-produced unspecialized product <commodity chemicals> <commodity memory chips>
2a : something useful or valued

an economic good: as something useful or valued (AS A PARTICULAR SKILL)....don't you quite understand this definition ?

"Something".......are YOU a "thing", Bravo...or a someONE, a HUMAN BEING? Skill can be valued, but the human being that wields that skill has a different value from a tool, for it is that PERSON who performs the "skill"...the "tools" used are the commodity that has value, like a superior microscope or scalpel.

But hey, if YOU don't mind being reduced to a slave to be put on barter at auction as a "commodity", be my guest! Or better yet, just get back on the barstool Bravo.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And once again Liberty just ignores posts and responses he doesn't like in order to attack others and facts that don't fit his libertarian mind set. Seems the words of King and Boehner were too much for Liberty's fevered brow to handle.

SmarterThanYou stated a fact.

I gave my two cents worth,,,,,,

and now you come up with this nonsense.

What's this, "And once again Liberty just ignores posts and responses he doesn't like in order to attack others and facts that don't fit his libertarian mind set." What does this mean?

I'm responding with either specifics, or agreements.

And what does this statement by you mean? "Seems the words of King and Boehner were too much for Liberty's fevered brow to handle."

What does this have to do with my statement about my agreement with SmarterThanYous statement?

I don't think I've missed anything.

You live with a mindset of there only being the dems and the reps.

I live in a world that has the dems and reps as one,,,, and then there's me. And people like me.(most people.)

What SmarterThanYou said is really being thrown under the bus by you,,,,,

with your statement.


Wow, Liberty is just one big gasbag when he's dodging a point made by someone else! The chronology of the post shows how I deconstruct STY attempt to paint me as some partisan hack, and now you have Liberty blowing smoke in a similar fashion.

If these two idiots agree with me regarding King and Boehner, then just do so and let it go at that. But given the obvious axes they have to grind with me plus their intellectual dishonesty in admitting their agreements with many of the neocon GOP's mantras, the reader gets these posts from Liberty that literally say nothing of worth other than he's backing up STY....on what Liberty can't say precisely, but saying nothing is not unusual for Liberty.

I'm not going down this moronic detour of Liberty's.....if he doesn't have the cojones or honesty to just agree or disagree with King/Boehner and my position, then I'll just watch him blather on.
Freedom is the right to choose: the right to create for
oneself the alternatives of choice. Without the possibility of choice and the
exercise of choice a man is not a man but a member, an instrument, a

I think this came from Jefferson.
Wow, Liberty is just one big gasbag when he's dodging a point made by someone else! The chronology of the post shows how I deconstruct STY attempt to paint me as some partisan hack, and now you have Liberty blowing smoke in a similar fashion.

If these two idiots agree with me regarding King and Boehner, then just do so and let it go at that. But given the obvious axes they have to grind with me plus their intellectual dishonesty in admitting their agreements with many of the neocon GOP's mantras, the reader gets these posts from Liberty that literally say nothing of worth other than he's backing up STY....on what Liberty can't say precisely, but saying nothing is not unusual for Liberty.

I'm not going down this moronic detour of Liberty's.....if he doesn't have the cojones or honesty to just agree or disagree with King/Boehner and my position, then I'll just watch him blather on.

Dear Lord!

I guess you've got me again.

"Something".......are YOU a "thing", Bravo...or a someONE, a HUMAN BEING? Skill can be valued, but the human being that wields that skill has a different value from a tool, for it is that PERSON who performs the "skill"...the "tools" used are the commodity that has value, like a superior microscope or scalpel.

But hey, if YOU don't mind being reduced to a slave to be put on barter at auction as a "commodity", be my guess! Or better yet, just get back on the barstool Bravo.

The definition seems to be way way over you skill level to understand.....

The "something useful" mentioned in the definition is the LABOR or SKILL, not the laborer....

Thats obvious to any educated person with reading skills.....if it was to mean the laborer (the person) it would say someONE useful....
someTHING obviously means the labor....or commodity....


Its like this TCPinhead....because one extreme isn't desirable, doesn't mean the other extreme is the only alternative...so your first reply is bullshit...the logical conclusion is balance, not the opposite extreme....

Then you blather about paper pushers and laborers....irrelevant bullshit again....to cloud the issue....

All skills and all labor are affected by supply and demand...a ditch digger may not have a demanding mental skill...but if you need thousands of them and there are only 50, they can demand more than a higher skilled worker that is in abundance....just common sense, like the price of tomatoes in January...,something you obviously lack....

Its ironic how people in their personal dealings will get several bids to do some work they need done at home or get several prices from different car dealers when buying a car and then make an informed decision they deem advantagious to themselves.......
but when it comes to THEIR labor they don't want the employer or corporation to shop for labor in the same way.....to pay the lowest labor cost to get some job done at the best price....


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Freedom is the right to choose: the right to create for
oneself the alternatives of choice. Without the possibility of choice and the
exercise of choice a man is not a man but a member, an instrument, a

I think this came from Jefferson.

Does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Wow, Liberty is just one big gasbag when he's dodging a point made by someone else! The chronology of the post shows how I deconstruct STY attempt to paint me as some partisan hack, and now you have Liberty blowing smoke in a similar fashion.

If these two idiots agree with me regarding King and Boehner, then just do so and let it go at that. But given the obvious axes they have to grind with me plus their intellectual dishonesty in admitting their agreements with many of the neocon GOP's mantras, the reader gets these posts from Liberty that literally say nothing of worth other than he's backing up STY....on what Liberty can't say precisely, but saying nothing is not unusual for Liberty.

I'm not going down this moronic detour of Liberty's.....if he doesn't have the cojones or honesty to just agree or disagree with King/Boehner and my position, then I'll just watch him blather on.

Dear Lord!

I guess you've got me again.

Dear Lord, does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer, and tries to bluff with sarcasm. Liberty fails as usual.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Something".......are YOU a "thing", Bravo...or a someONE, a HUMAN BEING? Skill can be valued, but the human being that wields that skill has a different value from a tool, for it is that PERSON who performs the "skill"...the "tools" used are the commodity that has value, like a superior microscope or scalpel.

But hey, if YOU don't mind being reduced to a slave to be put on barter at auction as a "commodity", be my guess! Or better yet, just get back on the barstool Bravo.

The definition seems to be way way over you skill level to understand.....

The "something useful" mentioned in the definition is the LABOR or SKILL, not the laborer....

Thats obvious to any educated person with reading skills.....if it was to mean the laborer (the person) it would say someONE useful....
someTHING obviously means the labor....or commodity....


Its like this TCPinhead....because one extreme isn't desirable, doesn't mean the other extreme is the only alternative...so your first reply is bullshit...the logical conclusion is balance, not the opposite extreme....

Then you blather about paper pushers and laborers....irrelevant bullshit again....to cloud the issue....

All skills and all labor are affected by supply and demand...a ditch digger may not have a demanding mental skill...but if you need thousands of them and there are only 50, they can demand more than a higher skilled worker that is in abundance....just common sense, like the price of tomatoes in January...,something you obviously lack....

Its ironic how people in their personal dealings will get several bids to do some work they need done at home or get several prices from different car dealers when buying a car and then make an informed decision they deem advantagious to themselves.......
but when it comes to THEIR labor they don't want the employer or corporation to shop for labor in the same way.....to pay the lowest labor cost to get some job done at the best price....


Notice folks, that our willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn Bravo just can't acknowledge a simple fact of life and reality....THERE IS NO "LABOR" WITHOUT A HUMAN "LABORER" PERFORMING THE ACT. So Bravo does what he does best....ignore the facts and logic of previous responses and parrot the same old neocon BS with larger and bold font.

The sheer schizoid "logic" that Bravo prattles in order to justify the callous blatherings of his neocon gods Boehner and King would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

As I said before, if Bravo likes being "something" and not "someone", if Bravo likes being a wage slave, he toddle on down to the Sudan or some South American country where there are NO protections for workers rights, and they are indeed treated like a commodity to be discarded for any reason without a care. Bravo's ass would be back here so fast it would break the sound barrier! That's because like all good little neocon toadies, Bravo just belches forth any talking point to thwart "those libtards" so long as his flabby ass is content. But as soon as folk like Bravo become victims of their own hubris (or that of their elected officials), you'll hear him squeal like a pig and point that finger at ANYONE but himself and his "leadership".


Back to the barstool with you, my eager little wage slaving Bravo!
Does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer.

A question that I can answer that's coming from Taichiliberal.

The first thing I'd like to say is, Taichiliberal loves Bush far more than me.

But let's save that for another moment in the future.

Secondly, Boehner is a pussy. You should love him.

He's done more for your cause than you give him credit for.

Thirdly, I'm not a republican, or a democrat, and I don't stand with either. I view them as the same. Unlike you.

Fourthly, My social security money is gone. I'll never see it when I get to that age. Which means it's broke! The reps, & the dems spent it. it's gone. If you want to keep it, you pay the cost. Don't look for sympathy from me. The people recieving it at this time should be told the truth, and that is that they were ripped off. their money is gone. If you want to keep taking it from younger tax payers, which is making them pay for another persons loss, at the expense of thier future, then so be it. But don't make it sound like SS is anything but a total rip off. Like it has credibility. It's the biggest Ponzi scheme ever.

King was for opportunity, not welfare. Taking from one to give to another was wrong to him.

I know that these aren't straight enough answers for you,,,, but I tried.
Dear Lord, does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer, and tries to bluff with sarcasm. Liberty fails as usual.

You don't work and pay income taxes, do you?

Can you answer that simple question? And can you give a straight answer? Or will you fail as usual.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer.

A question that I can answer that's coming from Taichiliberal.

The first thing I'd like to say is, Taichiliberal loves Bush far more than me.
But let's save that for another moment in the future.Note that when neocon toadies like Liberty don't like acknowledging the flaws in their neocon ideology or leadership, they tend to stall, act silly and blather on.

Secondly, Boehner is a pussy. You should love him.
He's done more for your cause than you give him credit for. Notice that Liberty STILL does not answer the question....does Liberty agree or disagree with what Boehner states in the video I posted?

Thirdly, I'm not a republican, or a democrat, and I don't stand with either. I view them as the same. Unlike you. Notice that Liberty STILL does not answer the question....does Liberty agree or disagree with what Boehner states in the video I posted?

Fourthly, My social security money is gone. I'll never see it when I get to that age. Which means it's broke! The reps, & the dems spent it. it's gone.

A complete lie on Liberty's part, as what he repeats here is the neocon mantras that spew from the lips of jokers lie Ryan. Only an ignorant teenager would spew that nonsense in light of the facts that have been around for over a decade

Social Security Board Of Trustees Announce Social Security Solvent Until 2032

If you want to keep it, you pay the cost. Don't look for sympathy from me. The people recieving it at this time should be told the truth, and that is that they were ripped off. their money is gone. If you want to keep taking it from younger tax payers, which is making them pay for another persons loss, at the expense of thier future, then so be it. But don't make it sound like SS is anything but a total rip off. Like it has credibility. It's the biggest Ponzi scheme ever.

King was for opportunity, not welfare. Taking from one to give to another was wrong to him. Another lie from Liberty, as King's "opportunity" is based on reducing human beings who work for a living to a "commodity" that can be traded at the altar of the almighty Wall St. And again, Notice that Liberty STILL does not answer the question....does Liberty agree or disagree with what Boehner states in the video I posted?
I know that these aren't straight enough answers for you,,,, but I tried.

Liberty knows he's an intellectual coward. That's why he tries the libertarian shuffle here...and fails. Note how Liberty tries to give justification to King and Boehner, but NEVER states in no uncertain terms that he agrees with what they said in the presented videos. Clowns like Liberty never want to be held accountable for their beliefs, and avoid being proven wrong at any cost. As the old saying goes, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything...as Liberty aptly demonstrates in the Libertarian mindset here.
You don't work and pay income taxes, do you?

Can you answer that simple question? And can you give a straight answer? Or will you fail as usual.

And once again, the Liberty proves what a joke libertarians are. Liberty is too much of an intellectual coward to answer a simple question, as it would me revealing his simpatico mindset with King and Boehner. Does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer, and tries to bluff with sarcasm and smokescreen, generalized side step questions. Liberty fails as usual.
Notice folks, that our willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn Bravo just can't acknowledge a simple fact of life and reality....THERE IS NO "LABOR" WITHOUT A HUMAN "LABORER" PERFORMING THE ACT. So Bravo does what he does best....ignore the facts and logic of previous responses and parrot the same old neocon BS with larger and bold font.

The sheer schizoid "logic" that Bravo prattles in order to justify the callous blatherings of his neocon gods Boehner and King would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

As I said before, if Bravo likes being "something" and not "someone", if Bravo likes being a wage slave, he toddle on down to the Sudan or some South American country where there are NO protections for workers rights, and they are indeed treated like a commodity to be discarded for any reason without a care. Bravo's ass would be back here so fast it would break the sound barrier! That's because like all good little neocon toadies, Bravo just belches forth any talking point to thwart "those libtards" so long as his flabby ass is content. But as soon as folk like Bravo become victims of their own hubris (or that of their elected officials), you'll hear him squeal like a pig and point that finger at ANYONE but himself and his "leadership".


Back to the barstool with you, my eager little wage slaving Bravo!

Your convoluted bullshit is almost entertaining to read over.....your inability to understand this simple premise of economics is breathtaking....you're actually not intelligent enough to seperate the work from the worker / the labor from the laborer.........you're stupid enough to pay a lawyer $250 and hour to paint your wagon because thats what lawyers are paid.....
Sorry fool.... but I pay for the labor done, not for the laborer doing that labor....I pay for the value of the commodity purchased, not for the value of the seller .....simple logic.

Obama gets no more for cleaning my toilet than Joe the plumber.:fu:

Happy hour is 5 to 7.....enjoy.:good4u:
And once again, the Liberty proves what a joke libertarians are. Liberty is too much of an intellectual coward to answer a simple question, as it would me revealing his simpatico mindset with King and Boehner. Does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer, and tries to bluff with sarcasm and smokescreen, generalized side step questions. Liberty fails as usual.

I made sure to answer all your questions.

You prove again to be an eyediot.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Notice folks, that our willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn Bravo just can't acknowledge a simple fact of life and reality....THERE IS NO "LABOR" WITHOUT A HUMAN "LABORER" PERFORMING THE ACT. So Bravo does what he does best....ignore the facts and logic of previous responses and parrot the same old neocon BS with larger and bold font.

The sheer schizoid "logic" that Bravo prattles in order to justify the callous blatherings of his neocon gods Boehner and King would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

As I said before, if Bravo likes being "something" and not "someone", if Bravo likes being a wage slave, he toddle on down to the Sudan or some South American country where there are NO protections for workers rights, and they are indeed treated like a commodity to be discarded for any reason without a care. Bravo's ass would be back here so fast it would break the sound barrier! That's because like all good little neocon toadies, Bravo just belches forth any talking point to thwart "those libtards" so long as his flabby ass is content. But as soon as folk like Bravo become victims of their own hubris (or that of their elected officials), you'll hear him squeal like a pig and point that finger at ANYONE but himself and his "leadership".


Back to the barstool with you, my eager little wage slaving Bravo!

Your convoluted bullshit is almost entertaining to read over.....your inability to understand this simple premise of economics is breathtaking....you're actually not intelligent enough to seperate the work from the worker / the labor from the laborer.........you're stupid enough to pay a lawyer $250 and hour to paint your wagon because thats what lawyers are paid.....
Sorry fool.... but I pay for the labor done, not for the laborer doing that labor....I pay for the value of the commodity purchased, not for the value of the seller .....simple logic.

Obama gets no more for cleaning my toilet than Joe the plumber.:fu:

Happy hour is 5 to 7.....enjoy.:good4u:

And right here we see the ramblings of a willfully ignorant neocon toadie that's had too much to drink. Only Bravo would be stupid (and/or drunk enough) to STILL try to separate the labor from the laborer. Here's the height of Bravo's insipidly stubborn stupidity, ".... I pay for the labor done, not for the laborer doing that labor". And exactly how DID the labor get done, my intellectually impotent Bravo? By the LABORER....who gets PAID FOR HIS LABOR.

Here's another Bravo gem, ".... I pay for the value of the commodity purchased, not for the value of the seller". Obviously, Bravo has NEVER heard of or received an itemized bill/invoice that states PARTS AND LABOR. The parts are the commodity, my amazingly ignorant Bravo, the labor is what is done by the painter. Once again, Bravo confuses going down to a hardware store and buying paint supplies (commodities) to hiring a painter to actually perform the job (labor).

As I said, only a FOOL would try to separate the laborer from the labor performed, and subsequently try to treat a human being like a lump of coal. But hey, Bravo's doesn't his neocon god's think HE IS nothing more than a mule or a shovel or a lump of metal ore to be traded on Wall St. How much you want to bet Bravo would squeal like a pig if he found himself being treated like a worker in the Sudan or Guatemala?

And so, our little neocon lush happily lurches back to his barstool, confident his stupidity has been repeated enough to supplant logic and facts.....so much more to pity Bravo.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And once again, the Liberty proves what a joke libertarians are. Liberty is too much of an intellectual coward to answer a simple question, as it would me revealing his simpatico mindset with King and Boehner. Does Liberty agree with Boehner that any federal jobs created in the Obama administration have to be tossed for the GOP policy of keeping the Bush tax cuts and privatizing social security and medicare? Does Liberty agree with King that workers are not human beings with rights but "commodities" to be treated and traded like live stock or oil or gold?

Seems Liberty just doesn't have the guts to give a straight answer, and tries to bluff with sarcasm and smokescreen, generalized side step questions. Liberty fails as usual.

I made sure to answer all your questions.

You prove again to be an eyediot.

Like I said, Liberty's got nothing but bluff and smokescreen. I'm done kicking his Liberty dumbass here.
OH...You're done alright.....post 35 certainly proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt........you're done....
.....and ......

Post 35 demonstrates what a braying ass YOU are, my intellectually impotent Bravo. Posts 31, 32 and 36 puts the kibosh on Liberty.

Poor Bravo's obviously been too long on the bar stool, folks. As the chronology of the posts shows, neither Bravo or Liberty can stand up to consistent, logical and fact based analysis/critique of their neocon gods and beliefs...All Bravo and Liberty have are cartoons and catch phrases in the end....so much more to pity them.
Like I said, Liberty's got nothing but bluff and smokescreen. I'm done kicking his Liberty dumbass here.

Piss off you communist pig.

I'll ask again.

"You don't work and pay income taxes, do you?

Can you answer that simple question? And can you give a straight answer? Or will you fail as usual".

Notice everyone,,,,,,,, Taichiliberal will not just answer a simple question.

But I'm waiting just the same.
TC pinhead gets a washing machine.....he insists the machine itself is the commodity but the the actual work done by the machine in a laborer.....

Pinhead logic.....