What Happened to the Joe Biden I Knew?

America has been locked into a deep deal with Israel for over half a century. There has been little protest to our providing them with trillions in weapons. I did not expect Biden to stem the weapons and money to Israel. But he criticized Netanyahu for his relentless slaughter of Palestinians. Who else did that? I heard he spoke strongly to Bibi about his revenge on the people in Palestine. We have always been aware of the enormous political power and lobbying power of Israel. Biden is standing up to it.
We were happy to spend trillions in Israel because we always needed military bases in the middle of 'our' Mid East oil.
We have 750 military bases across the globe. We cut 50 in the last few years.
'Around the globe' is one thing. The ones in the Mid East are the ones that our foreign policy heads feel are important. Can't let that oil go unprotected.

When Bin Laden kicked our ass, it was in large part due to our military bases on Holy Lands. We were warned for years.

That base is no longer there.
Biden on foreign policy...
