What Happened to those "Scientific" Polls in Nevada?

Could be that there seems to be a new republican leader of the moment with every passing day.

Guiliani up

McCain down

Guiliani down

McCain up

Romney down

McCain down

Guiliani out

Huckabee up

Romney up

Huckabee down

McCain up
McCain down

Huckabee up
Huckabee down

Romney up
Romney down

Who knows?
gulianni has never been up, only stupid people thought that. Huckabee was overrated as well.

Only stupid people vote for republicans .. so let's get that out of the way.

Guiliani started this campaign as the odds-on favorite and even called himself "the presumptive nominee."

Romney has been up and down and up and down as he attempts to buy his way into the White House. He's spent more than 80 million dollars, including 18 million of his own money .. and he's put about 100 local conservative leaders on his payroll.

Huckabeee overrated?

All of them are overrated and every republican candidate that gets the spotlight in the lead gets their warts and "overratededness" exposed .. thus you have a revolving door of republicans in the lead.

By the time this is over, 5 of them may have claimed somekind of "victory" .. while the rest of the country picks a president from the other side.
guilianni was all hype. He scored well in national polls but he was hardly ever ahead of where it counted. he can call himself whatever he wants that doesn't mean it's true.. lol.

Romney has been on the up and up the entire time. When people were saying guliani was a factor, Romney was ahead in key states. When everyone was saying he was dead, he was in fact leading in delegates.

Huckabee has won 1 caucus and that's it.
blackas, what pissant junior college did you go to???
Only stupid people vote republincans, demacrats don't need enemies with friends like you ya moron.:readit:
blackas, what pissant junior college did you go to???
Only stupid people vote republincans, demacrats don't need enemies with friends like you ya moron.:readit:

Topper, you know, I know of a woman who got 4 years of high-quality university education. Passed all of her tests. She then applied to be a nurse. Couldn't pass the entrance exam no matter how many times she took it. So then she went for another 4 years to get an education degree. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pass the entrance exam to become a teacher.

Let me guess, they don't have entrance exams at the place you work, do they?
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Nevada Republicans had no idea what a caucus was like. I'm very happy about our placement in Nevada, and the general disorder in the race for the GOP nomination. We have many, many more opportunities to rack up a lot of delegates.

But we could have easily lost this contest to other candidates if the turnout had been more significant.

We've never been trying to win these contests by majority anyway. That is an impossibility. We've been trying to use the crowded field and our dedicated grassroots to push the campaign forward and persevere past the other candidates since there is no consensus.

We have a lot of money left, we'll get some more tomorrow, and there are many, many states left to go. If this is a four man race after Florida, we will have a lot of delegates in our column, and we won't even need to win many States to get them.

A McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Paul race is a great matchup, because many McCain voters and some Huckabee voters are actually second choice Ron Paul voters. And the further we get from South Carolina, the less important Mike Huckabee will be. He has no organized national following.
ron paul will never win the nomination adam. This is the sad thing about diehard ron paul supporters, how absolutely, freaking delusional they are. He has NO CHANCE IN HELL of EVER getting this nomination. NONE.
ron paul will never win the nomination adam. This is the sad thing about diehard ron paul supporters, how absolutely, freaking delusional they are. He has NO CHANCE IN HELL of EVER getting this nomination. NONE.

Go slobber over Romney some more.
Beefy I want ron paul to win, and I'll be voting for him. I will not be voting for romney nor do I support romney, i just know he's going to win the nom on an intellectual level and I like slamming it down people's throats. (just like I know clinton is going to win and I liked slamming it down peoples throats that she won in new hampshire... doesn't mean I support clinton)...

That said, Ron Paul wont win... it's really sad because I see a lot of smart intelligent people under the delusion that he has a chance when he there is NO WAY he's going to take it down. NONE.
Beefy I want ron paul to win, and I'll be voting for him. I will not be voting for romney nor do I support romney, i just know he's going to win the nom on an intellectual level and I like slamming it down people's throats. (just like I know clinton is going to win and I liked slamming it down peoples throats that she won in new hampshire... doesn't mean I support clinton)...

That said, Ron Paul wont win... it's really sad because I see a lot of smart intelligent people under the delusion that he has a chance when he there is NO WAY he's going to take it down. NONE.

Dr. Paul will win. You just watch.

I don't know how you can root for Romney and sleep at night.