Prove it. :D

Time to break out a needle and a lighter to lance a lesion. ;)

:nono: That's not proof of your claim.

Troll says "I just hope the evil leftie marxists people of no integrity and no moral fibre..."

Hasty Generalisation Fallacy Explanation

A hasty generalisation draws a general rule from a single, perhaps atypical, case. It is the reverse of a sweeping generalisation.

(1) My Christian / atheist neighbour is a real grouch.
(2) Christians / atheists are grouches.
This argument takes an individual case of a Christian or atheist, and draws a general rule from it, assuming that all Christians or atheists are like the neighbour.
The conclusion that it reaches hasn’t been demonstrated, because it may well be that the neighbour is not a typical Christian or atheist, and that the conclusion drawn is false.

We all have opinions and all opinions are biased. We all try our best to be rational, applying reason from our own perspective and experience.
However, it used to be there was a common thread amongst people. The law always cites - "the reasonable person" - what a reasonable person would or should do. The meaning of reasonable seemed vague and difficult to comprehend but it simply means - what the majority of right thinking people would or should do. "right thinking" ? well of course criminals and known nefarious types are not "right thinking people" because it would be insane to respect and admire criminals. (bad people) people who are destructive and not productive. We base things on Christian ethics and ethics akin to Christian ethics.
So what has happened whereby people, now very common and almost mainstream, do not care if a person rapes or kills or destroys property or lies sufficient to damage others even send them to suicide and not care about it? Why is that?

Except for self defence I despise violence or any action which will harm a person, including lying. Fatty Arbuckles life was destroyed based on a lie. He was in fact a very good man of the highest calibre. He was destroyed by lies. (Hollywood is still the same). I grew up in the knowledge that integrity is everything, to thine own self be true < I always stick to that no matter how hard life gets. But we have people who do not care. They literally do not give a damn who suffers or who goers down the shitter. They will actually smile as they feed this destructive approach to life.

This has become more prevalent with the growth in socialistic, marxist ideology taking hold in Western World society. For example: I can show a video of the BLM inciting and carrying out serious violence and destruction resulting in deaths of people - black people - who would have lived were it not for the BLM destructive actions. Millions of people have seen the video of the BLM marching down streets shouting - "PIGS IN A BLANKET DEATH TO POLICE"!! this is indisputable, absolute fact. Yet, leftie neo marxist democrtas and others will see this and act as id it never happened. Why??
What happened to truth and integrity. I do not support or bolster violence or threats of violence by people on the political right or Trump supporters or any person. I believe in the rule of law. A white slime ball is a slime ball. A black slime ball is no better because he is a slime ball not because he is black.
The USA Uk and other countries are heading for serious dark times - evil is gripping and needs feeding. I just hope the evil leftie marxists people of no integrity and no moral fibre are dealt with and dealt with fast because if not it will be the end.

The left raped it.