What happened to Yurt?

Well, not AS hilarious. But I made light of IEDs quite often while on patrol.

I guess I can find humor in everything. Like this:

I use to make jokes about my cancer, it was a coping mechanism, much like your patrol humor. I realized it made others uncomfortable, so I quit.
I use to make jokes about my cancer, it was a coping mechanism, much like your patrol humor. I realized it made others uncomfortable, so I quit.

I care little if people are uncomfortable. There are a lot of things people are afraid of, that they want to push away and never deal with and just ignore. Humor is a great way get people to deal with things.

Also I like being a dick sometimes.
I care little if people are uncomfortable. There are a lot of things people are afraid of, that they want to push away and never deal with and just ignore. Humor is a great way get people to deal with things.

Also I like being a dick sometimes.

Humor s also an avoidance mechanism.
monkeys laugh then they get nervous. We also have nervous laughter. Laughter and humor have strong ties to worry, to alieving stress, fear, and danger. Think of all those sucky times you've been in where a joke, even dark and morbid, pulls you out of that place and cheers you up for a brief moment. We don't need to joke about things that are traditionally happy. I think joking about the dark side of human existence is what is most necessary, helps us deal with those tough times.
monkeys laugh then they get nervous. We also have nervous laughter. Laughter and humor have strong ties to worry, to alieving stress, fear, and danger. Think of all those sucky times you've been in where a joke, even dark and morbid, pulls you out of that place and cheers you up for a brief moment. We don't need to joke about things that are traditionally happy. I think joking about the dark side of human existence is what is most necessary, helps us deal with those tough times.

EXCEPT nailing babies to boards. Babies getting nailed to boards is a horrifying thing and it should never be joked about. If you joke about nailing babies to boards, you probably ACTUALLY WANT to nail babies to boards, or at least support real life baby crucifixion. There is simply no other excuse. It probably means if you actually saw a real live baby nailed to a board and it was screaming and dying, you would actually approve of it. You cannot joke about something without supporting it somewhat.
I don't want to be misinterpreted though. Some baby crucifixion jokes might be ok, but they should always be from the perspective of the baby, never the baby oppressors.

What's black and white and red all over? A crucified decomposing baby being eaten by maggots! - NOT OK

But if it were instead something like...

You know what sucks about being a baby? Those baby crucifiers always trying to crucify me! My twin brother got off easy a few months back, he got his brains scrambled before his central nervous system was formed! Sucks to be me!

Much more tasteful ^