‘What Has My Town Become?’: Springfield Residents Say It’s Falling Apart Amid Haitian Influx

Seek help

You're totally full of the "brown stuff", Phantitssmall.

You're going to vote for Kamala Harris in November. Right? (that's what it says on your avatar)

But Kamala Harris FLEW 100s of thousands of Haitians into the USA who were - for all reasonable intents and purposes - illegal immigrants.

You obviously don't have a problem with this? Even though Haiti is a failed-state and the average IQ of the country is 67, and 90% of the population are devout practitioners of VooDoo - which is a very creepy, ugly, amoral, primitive "religion."

But there's no way on God's green earth you ever think about putting your own precious little ass in a shit-hole like Haiti, is there. Nor would you ever consider, in your wildest dreams, visiting the Democratic Republic of South Africa - (another horrific, Black shit-hole/failed-state).

Which goes to show what an ignorant hypocrite you are,;because I'd bet money that you're African - American (?)

I'd love to see your reaction if whatever American town oe city you live in was suddenly flooded with Haitians or South Africans or Palastinian Muslims under the immigration policies of a Harris-Waltz administration. You be the very first one to scream BLUE FUCKING MURDER - "DEPORT THE BASTARD NOW" !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
Kammy is flooding america with these Illiterate unskilled white-hating racists with IQs around 50. All they can do is crime and welfare. China pays the DNC to destroy america.

I suppose Mexicans, Venezuelans, Guatemalans, etc. can thank cons for giving them a break from the bigotry and hatred, while you demonize the next group of brown people.
Most of the Saudi drivers can afford to be bad drivers, Illegal immigrants, not so much
The usual suspects only hear what they want to hear.... They need to start listening to everything...https://www.foxnews.com/media/vivek-ramaswamy-why-he-hosted-springfield-town-hall-wont-turn-my-back-place
EXCLUSIVE: The Biden administration has put a controversial program that allows tens of thousands of migrants from four nations to fly or travel directly into the U.S. on hold, after a report circulated internally showing significant amounts of fraud in the program.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed to Fox News Digital that "out of an abundance of caution," it has temporarily paused the issuing of advance travel authorizations for the program — which allows up to 30,000 nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV) to travel into the U.S. each month and enter legally under the administration's use of parole if they meet certain conditions.

A congressional source had told Fox News Digital the pause came in mid-July after an internal report unearthed large amounts of fraud in applications for those sponsoring the applicants. DHS said the pause was occurring as it reviewed sponsor applications. The focus is on issues with supporter filings, and not with the filings from the beneficiaries of the program themselves.

Note the word "temporarily."

A Trump Administration would make it permanent.
No source NEXT

I take it that if a charitable Republican offered you and all expenses paid (including first-class air-fare) two weeK vacation in Haiti in December, you'd be tickled pink. You be on that 747 in a flash and looking forward to sipping some tropical cocktails and soaking up the exotic local culture in Port-au-Prince (not to mention banging a little of that juicy, Haitian Creole beaver). Am I Right ?

Of course I am ! And guess what, Anchovies? Your luck is in. I'm not a Republican, but I'm an Australian Conservative who is a big supporter of the MAGA movement, and I'm willing to stump up the cash to send you for this holiday in Haiti. What do you say?

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Nah, have no interest in visiting Haiti, nor Australia, Springfield, or even Ohio, they all sound boring to me

And little fact you xenophobics overlook is that those Haitian immigrants in Springfield were recruited to move to Springfield by local industry
Non-Detained NonCitizen Convicted Criminals

Convicted of Homicide-13,099

Convicted of Sexual Assault-15,811

Ice Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner

Ice Dir.:13K+ Crossed Border with Murder Convictions.

Not one of these crimes would have happened if the Biden/Harris Administration had secured the border.

The border is a losing issue for the Democrats
Non-Detained NonCitizens Pending Criminal Charges

Pending homicide-1845

Pending sexual assault-4250

Ice Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner

Not one of these crimes would have occurred had the Biden/Harris Administration secured the border.
Ah, the program was started in 2010, and thru Trump’s four years was never halted, but then again, it is an election year
Poor anchovies, while you are stewing, research the number of border crossings during the Trump administration vs, brandon/Harris time in office.
Non-Detained NonCitizen Convicted Criminals

Convicted of Homicide-13,099

Convicted of Sexual Assault-15,811

Ice Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner

Ice Dir.:13K+ Crossed Border with Murder Convictions.

Not one of these crimes would have happened if the Biden/Harris Administration had secured the border.

The border is a losing issue for the Democrats
Those numbers are frightening...