What If the Dollar Falls?

fascism in practice: A tutorial for human garbage.
Redefinition fallacy (communism<->fascism).
Having made you pact with satan, it is now necessary to lie nearly all the time.
Inversion fallacy.
most of your time will be spent redefining words in an attempt to destroy understanding,
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
however, this practice never works completely, as the mind is not a word matrix, such as a.i. But you must keep doing it anyway.
Inversion fallacy.
This insane fog emission of intentional dissembly shall be your lifes work, as now you are quite insane, and now fooling yourself, but not god, or your dark master whom you have chosen.
Inversion fallacy.
or be free in jesus (or the moral saviour of your choice, see usher for preapproved list).
Christ is not the author of your hate.
No one is stopping you from accepting, and offering gold in barter for any goods or services.

Depends on your business. If you are bank, the government is stopping you. If you are any part of government, it is stopping you. If you are a publicly traded corporation in the States, the government is stopping you.

Gold is not barter.
WRONG. The setup for the crash started under Pres Wilson, a DEMOCRAT.

Sometimes there can be a delay between political actions and economic reactions, but eight years seems a little long. Wilson left office in March of 1921, and the stock market crash happened in October of 1929.

It is both, but DEMOCRATS set it up and DEMOCRATS kept it going for 25 YEARS.

The Great Depression of 1929 to 1954? Somehow I think your dates are off.
If you are bank, the government is stopping you.

Banks accept foreign currencies, and even gold. They also offer foreign currencies and gold. They are not forced to offer gold, but the government certainly highly encourages them to offer gold. The reason why is that the government makes money off selling gold coins.

If you are any part of government, it is stopping you.

The government stops the government from accepting anything but Dollars? Yes, but they are well within their rights to do so.

If you are a publicly traded corporation in the States, the government is stopping you.

Now that is just untrue.

Gold is not barter.

If you offer a metal for a good or service, that is called barter. It is legally covered under barter, and is completely legal to do in the USA.
Sometimes there can be a delay between political actions and economic reactions, but eight years seems a little long. Wilson left office in March of 1921, and the stock market crash happened in October of 1929.
Not long at all.
The Great Depression of 1929 to 1954? Somehow I think your dates are off.
Nope. The nation was locked in depression for 25 years...mostly due to the actions of FDR and WW2.
Not long at all.

Nope. The nation was locked in depression for 25 years...mostly due to the actions of FDR and WW2.

Life on Sybil's World is depressing.

When Japan attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, the United States found itself in the war it had sought to avoid for more than two years. Mobilizing the economy for world war finally cured the depression. Millions of men and women joined the armed forces, and even larger numbers went to work in well-paying defense jobs. World War Two affected the world and the United States profoundly; it continues to influence us even today.

Wars are expensive, and the U.S. government was willing to spend whatever it took to win World War II. The federal budget grew from less than $9 billion in 1939 to over $95 billion in 1945. A total of $290 billion was spent on the war effort. The United States raised half of the money through general taxes and the rest by selling war bonds and obtaining loans. The Revenue Act of 1942 established a national tax system that would continue into the twenty-first century. The gross national product (total value of all goods and services produced by a nation's workers) jumped from $90 billion in 1939 to $212 billion in 1945. The total amount of war materials produced by 1945 was staggering. U.S. factories had made almost 300,000 warplanes, 86,000 tanks, 64,000 landing ships, 6,000 navy vessels, millions of guns, billions of bullets, and hundreds of thousands of trucks and jeeps. By itself, the United States produced more war materials than the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) did as a group....

...After more than ten years of economic depression, war mobilization dramatically revived the U.S. economy. The rate of production of goods and services in the United States more than doubled during the war years, with employment eventually reaching 98 percent of the workforce. Nine million workers had been jobless in 1939, as the nation struggled to make its way out of the Great Depression. By 1945, just six years later, that figure dropped to one million. Many new jobs had been created in private business and industry, and the federal government had grown substantially larger during the war. Already on the rise during the Depression, the number of federal civilian employees grew by 400 percent between 1941 and 1945. In all, seventeen million new jobs were created in private business and government sectors.
Redefinition fallacy (communism<->fascism).

Inversion fallacy.

Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.

Inversion fallacy.

Inversion fallacy.

Christ is not the author of your hate.

Sooner or later you'll have to admit to yourself that people are commenting on your behavior.
Back to the original point of this thread, how does the Dollar become useless?

I suppose if there was a nuclear war or something. It would take a lot to make the Dollar useless. Certainly not anything that we are looking at now.
No such thing. Buzzword fallacy.

Day to day purchases can be handled by silver. That is silver's role originally. Large purchases were made with gold (such as payroll).

It is not barter, technically or otherwise. Gold is just a medium of exchange when used as a currency. It is the same with silver. It is the same with any fiat currency.

Some do.

A dollar is a unit of weight in gold, as well as a unit in a fiat currency.

Non-sequitur fallacy. There is nothing inherently deflationary about gold, silver, or any other currency.

Blatant lie. It is easy to test the purity of weight of gold.


I will call this argument 1.


I will call this argument 2. You are now locked in paradox. You are also ignoring banking laws.

Silver is, though. So are fiat dollars.

Fiat money is not fake money.
Some real estate sellers DO demand payment in gold.

More common, but usually they just buy land again.

listen faggot, fiat currency is a fascist con on all of humanity.