What is an alternative to welfare?

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:

-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle

I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?

I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....
First, get over the pity party and realize you chose poorly regarding education and accept that the economy did not single you out for shafting. Then be thankful that Bush was so helpful to the economy that your choices in education did not hurt you. And then ask yourself why BO has been incapable of producing a normal recovery such as we would have had were BO done nothing at all.
First, get over the pity party and realize you chose poorly regarding education and accept that the economy did not single you out for shafting. Then be thankful that Bush was so helpful to the economy that your choices in education did not hurt you. And then ask yourself why BO has been incapable of producing a normal recovery such as we would have had were BO done nothing at all.

You've got hella nerve telling him he chose poorly re: education. You're probably one of those cons who criticizes the American education system, too.
Bush was a war criminal who screwed the pooch on everything he touched. To suggest he did anything positive for the American economy is to engage in an act of delusional intellectual dishonesty to both yourself and society at large.
Bush was a war criminal who screwed the pooch on everything he touched. To suggest he did anything positive for the American economy is to engage in an act of delusional intellectual dishonesty to both yourself and society at large.

You pegged the BS meter with this one dunce.

God you lefttards are incredibly stupid and retarded. Why don't you all just put a bullet in your heads and do the works a favor.

I'm so tired of this moronic canard uttered by pure idiots who have the intelligence of an earthworm.
You pegged the BS meter with this one dunce.

God you lefttards are incredibly stupid and retarded. Why don't you all just put a bullet in your heads and do the works a favor.

I'm so tired of this moronic canard uttered by pure idiots who have the intelligence of an earthworm.

And yet it is so touching that his fan base sticks by him....
In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:

-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle

I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?

I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....

To answer the threads question; promoting private enterprise efforts to create good jobs is the alternative to welfare.

As to your whine, I have no idea what your problem is; you're a big Government Liberal and probably voted for Obana. Welcome to the REAL world of dealing with the Government.

Don't forget to have some cheese for that whine.

Nothing more amusing than watching lefttards rant about the Government they voted for.
And yet it is so touching that his fan base sticks by him....

Dear dullard; I'm a fan of the truth and the facts, something you apparently do not comprehend when you parrot moronic talking points like a trained circus monkey.

Your glaring ignorance pisses me off; Bush could care less what small minded cretins like you think of him.
Bush should be tried in front of an international war crimes tribunal and put to death by firing squad. The only thing that needs to go through that mans mind is a bullet.
You've got hella nerve telling him he chose poorly re: education. You're probably one of those cons who criticizes the American education system, too.
Lots of problems with Amaerican education but the bigger issue as pointed out by Bill Cosby among others is the parent(s). Throwing money has done nothing because no one dares to address the problem of failures in parenting. Education is not cheap so its onlycommon sense to carefully consider what you spend that money on. If someone has multiple degrees and cannot find employment related to them is that a sign that good evaluation was done ? By the way, throwing a tangent instead of making a point is just admitting you had no point to make other than you disagree.
Lots of problems with Amaerican education but the bigger issue as pointed out by Bill Cosby among others is the parent(s). Throwing money has done nothing because no one dares to address the problem of failures in parenting. Education is not cheap so its onlycommon sense to carefully consider what you spend that money on. If someone has multiple degrees and cannot find employment related to them is that a sign that good evaluation was done ? By the way, throwing a tangent instead of making a point is just admitting you had no point to make other than you disagree.

It's refreshing to see people who know what they are talking about and have intelligence. You've been thanked.
Lots of problems with Amaerican education but the bigger issue as pointed out by Bill Cosby among others is the parent(s). Throwing money has done nothing because no one dares to address the problem of failures in parenting. Education is not cheap so its onlycommon sense to carefully consider what you spend that money on. If someone has multiple degrees and cannot find employment related to them is that a sign that good evaluation was done ? By the way, throwing a tangent instead of making a point is just admitting you had no point to make other than you disagree.

You introduce Bill Cosby of all people into this topic and then claim I threw a tangent? Hilarity ensues.

What on god's green earth does Cosby have to do with anything, and who made him a spokesman about education, parenting or anything except show biz? He's just another has-been with an opinion. I don't know what that opinion is, you haven't cited it and frankly, I don't care what he or any celeb has to say unless it's related to their careers.

Many, many people lost jobs in their fields due to the economic downturn. And the top ten jobs of 2013 aren't necessarily the same as the top ten of 2003. So it's pretty silly to pretend anyone can predict the future, which is what you implied about SD's career choice.

And if all you had was insult, maybe you should have passed on replying. I don't see anything enlightening or relevant about your tangential comments re: bush and obama, either.
First, get over the pity party and realize you chose poorly regarding education and accept that the economy did not single you out for shafting. Then be thankful that Bush was so helpful to the economy that your choices in education did not hurt you. And then ask yourself why BO has been incapable of producing a normal recovery such as we would have had were BO done nothing at all.

In other words what you are saying is that it's too bad the Republicans in Congress couldn't have done less than they already did to make sure that the government did absolutely nothing to put people back to work, is that what you are suggesting? Really? Please clarify! And while you're at, please explain how doing more of nothing would have been better for the economy, if you can! I can't wait to read that!
You introduce Bill Cosby of all people into this topic and then claim I threw a tangent? Hilarity ensues.

What on god's green earth does Cosby have to do with anything, and who made him a spokesman about education, parenting or anything except show biz? He's just another has-been with an opinion. I don't know what that opinion is, you haven't cited it and frankly, I don't care what he or any celeb has to say unless it's related to their careers.

Many, many people lost jobs in their fields due to the economic downturn. And the top ten jobs of 2013 aren't necessarily the same as the top ten of 2003. So it's pretty silly to pretend anyone can predict the future, which is what you implied about SD's career choice.

And if all you had was insult, maybe you should have passed on replying. I don't see anything enlightening or relevant about your tangential comments re: bush and obama, either.

That's because you can't think like a Republican and that's a good thing, because Republican thought is no thought at all!

Yes, there is nothing that is more enterprising than putting a welfare recipient to work while they wind up paying the person who takes care of their children more than they make. That sure teaches them how great it is to work! And then we have to make up the difference because they have to have something for their efforts. It's the answer we've all been seeking! That elusive magic bullet as it were!