What is an alternative to welfare?

Bush was a war criminal who screwed the pooch on everything he touched. To suggest he did anything positive for the American economy is to engage in an act of delusional intellectual dishonesty to both yourself and society at large.

I don't think you know what that term means.
Well, one of my ideas would be to have a system that rewards and teaches one to get off welfare/government assistence. I mean, giving you money for food is all well and good, but if you don't know how to budget or shop for food, then it's rather meaningless and won't get you off the program. So having a series of classes, resume submissions, workshops, Etc. that require attendence for benefits would be one of my solutions. Helping people through rough times is fine. Keeping them IN hard times, and therefore dependant on the programs for the duration of their life isn't.
Yes, there is nothing that is more enterprising than putting a welfare recipient to work while they wind up paying the person who takes care of their children more than they make. That sure teaches them how great it is to work! And then we have to make up the difference because they have to have something for their efforts. It's the answer we've all been seeking! That elusive magic bullet as it were!
He asked a simple question, he got a simple answer. BTW - not everybody on welfare is a single parent. Those who are capable could benefit us as we benefit them.
Bush was a war criminal who screwed the pooch on everything he touched. To suggest he did anything positive for the American economy is to engage in an act of delusional intellectual dishonesty to both yourself and society at large.

5% unemployment for 2 terms......simply wonderful.....until a Dem takeover of the entire congress caused the shit the hit the fan.....its called history....
In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:

-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle

I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?

I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....

put a bullet in your head
pick you up in a helicopter and drop you in the atlantic ocean
let you die in the streets

there are many options.
so now that we have gotten out of the way the fact that I truly, 100% don't give a shit about what happens to you, we can stop assuming that your concerns are actually an inherent problem needing fixing. Maybe to you it is, but don't just assume you are stumping someone like me.

My more realistic solution would be issuing people a taker card. It would be very visible and noticeable, preferably bright red, so that you could not deny your status as a thief from the public coffers, and it would work to shame those into getting off the publics tit asap. You would use it to purchase food and receive other benefits. Once you get re-employed you pay back all the money you took from the government plus interest out of your wages.
What exactly does the op seed happening, in a perfect government? How would you ensure that people got what help they needed, from the gov?

Why wasnt two months enough? Isnt there help, like employment agencies, websites, even good ole fashioned paper?
I'd love to know what majors!
Get a third that is in demand accounting is always in demand.
Most important, you need a confidence boost.
Get a hot ass gf nothing better for the confidence.
Come on Sun, there are no do overs
So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....

Start by stopping voting for politicians that limit the economy by taxing and regulating businesses offshore and working the bribery scam with their crony Wall Street collaborators that eliminate and or curtail smaller competition. That would of course include 90% of the bastards now in Congress and the fucking fascist/commie bastard in the White House.
You pegged the BS meter with this one dunce.

God you lefttards are incredibly stupid and retarded. Why don't you all just put a bullet in your heads and do the works a favor.

I'm so tired of this moronic canard uttered by pure idiots who have the intelligence of an earthworm.

Oh, well!

The alternatives to welfare are either slavery or revolution, as your masters know. As always, they just want to steal a bit more without provoking you to wake up.
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Lots of problems with Amaerican education but the bigger issue as pointed out by Bill Cosby among others is the parent(s). Throwing money has done nothing because no one dares to address the problem of failures in parenting. Education is not cheap so its onlycommon sense to carefully consider what you spend that money on. If someone has multiple degrees and cannot find employment related to them is that a sign that good evaluation was done ? By the way, throwing a tangent instead of making a point is just admitting you had no point to make other than you disagree.

You blame the economy on parenting, you are an idiot.
Well, one of my ideas would be to have a system that rewards and teaches one to get off welfare/government assistence. I mean, giving you money for food is all well and good, but if you don't know how to budget or shop for food, then it's rather meaningless and won't get you off the program. So having a series of classes, resume submissions, workshops, Etc. that require attendence for benefits would be one of my solutions. Helping people through rough times is fine. Keeping them IN hard times, and therefore dependant on the programs for the duration of their life isn't.

One can be on welfare for life?
In other words what you are saying is that it's too bad the Republicans in Congress couldn't have done less than they already did to make sure that the government did absolutely nothing to put people back to work, is that what you are suggesting? Really? Please clarify! And while you're at, please explain how doing more of nothing would have been better for the economy, if you can! I can't wait to read that!

Republicans,Republicans,Republicans......What about the Senate, Senate, Senate...the President,President,President....

Its amazing that they don't seem to have any responsibility at all.....when Bush was President, with a Dem. Senate and House....everything was HIS fault....

Pinheads didn't blame Congress then....

Wtf is it with you pinheads......do you think hypocrisy is a virtue ?.... you really ARE that stupid and ignorant ?
so now that we have gotten out of the way the fact that I truly, 100% don't give a shit about what happens to you, we can stop assuming that your concerns are actually an inherent problem needing fixing. Maybe to you it is, but don't just assume you are stumping someone like me.

My more realistic solution would be issuing people a taker card. It would be very visible and noticeable, preferably bright red, so that you could not deny your status as a thief from the public coffers, and it would work to shame those into getting off the publics tit asap. You would use it to purchase food and receive other benefits. Once you get re-employed you pay back all the money you took from the government plus interest out of your wages.

says the person who received their training from the government
Your revisionist, which makes me laugh, often!

Well, correct me if you think I'm wrong.....the average was about 5.3% actually......and the entire Congress went Dem. in 2006....

You really ARE that stupid.
so now that we have gotten out of the way the fact that I truly, 100% don't give a shit about what happens to you, we can stop assuming that your concerns are actually an inherent problem needing fixing. Maybe to you it is, but don't just assume you are stumping someone like me.

My more realistic solution would be issuing people a taker card. It would be very visible and noticeable, preferably bright red, so that you could not deny your status as a thief from the public coffers, and it would work to shame those into getting off the publics tit asap. You would use it to purchase food and receive other benefits. Once you get re-employed you pay back all the money you took from the government plus interest out of your wages.

My prediction for such a caring person, you will die all alone, and I also know this will bother you in spite of what you write here.

You really do care, but out of fear of rejection you act like you don't.