What is meant by the Phony media and lying leftists when they say "extreme right"?

Good question. Unfortunately, I doubt that any leftist will be able to define it for you, ergo why that term is included in my 'Lispy Leftist List of Linguistic Lunacy'. As far as I can gather, anyone who isn't a part of their leftist hive mind is a part of the "extreme right", whatever THAT means.

Since I am a supporter of the MAGA movement (currently spearheaded by Donald J. Trump), I have been referred to as various things, including but most certainly not limited to:

** Deplorable (Hillary Clinton)
** Listless Vessel (Ron DeSantis)
** Ultra MAGA (Joe Biden and/or his handlers)
** Cult member needing "deprogramming" (Hillary Clinton)
** Far-right extremist (leftists in general)
** Conspiracy theorist (leftists in general)
** Bible thumper (leftists in general)
** Threat to "democracy" (leftists in general)
** Racist, Bigot, Homophobe, Xenophobe, Misogynist, et al. (leftists in general)
** Domestic terrorist (Intelligence Branch of the SODC)

Own any mirrors in your house?

Do you? When you look at one, you'll see what the definition of moron looks like.

“extreme right” would be those that extend further right beyond conventional conservative principles, those with little regard for the institutions and traditions that uphold the democracy the Founders established. Coupled with the often narcissistic ambitions and motives, they represent a threat to America

You just defined the progressive left you brain dead dumbass.
Extreme right is the extremist version of the right, duh.

I guess you're too stupid to know that is a meaningless statement. :palm:

What term should you use for extremists that take an ideology to the extreme fringes bordering on insanity or even criminality?

More gibberish. What are the ideological extreme fringes?

There are extreme leftists too.

Indeed. They are called Democrats these days.

Just as I expected, the loony leftists on the forum cannot define what is extreme right. Just their usual loony gibberish.
Did you know that defining a term with itself is completely and utterly meaningless??

Did you know that adding the word 'duh' at the end of your meaningless statement doesn't add even a single ounce of meaning to it?

If that brain dead dunce knew that, it wouldn't post such useless drivel all the time.
Yeah the Proud Boys, bugaboo boys, and Oath Keepers are big supporters of the Constitution, so much they even wanted to hang the VP cause they support the Constitution

What a laughable pile of MSNBC bile. Apparently, you know nothing about what is meant by "extreme" right wing or even "right wing".

As was posted earlier, anyone who disagrees with the progressive leftist loons is probably what they mean.
The terms "far right," "extreme right," and "QAnon" represent fictitious common enemies against whom we must rally. It's a way to appeal to conservatives in such a way as to say "if you agree with this far right [insert rational, conservative idea or person] then you are WACKY lunatic fringe." The terms serve as dog whistles to leftists who are trained to immediately and mindlessly respond with growling anger like an attack dog. Conservatives are supposed to feel shame for holding their rational solutions to, and points of view concerning, personal liberties and freedoms and independent thinking that deviates from the thought collective. It's all pretty straightforward.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Spot on :thumbsup:

However, notice the leftist morons who use such terms can't seem to define it for fear of illuminating their glaring ignorance and stupidity.
Truth deflector is not familiar with "poisoning the well". When he starts by calling it phony media and calls us lying leftists, his premise is destroyed. He has exposed himself in the opening. It is a fallacy.

Translation: leftist halfwit can't define what he means by the term and therefore, immediately bloviates strawmen and gibberish. :palm:
What does this mean? No one ever asks that when some airhead media leftist bloviates that stupid term.

Perhaps the brain-dead leftists on this forum can help explain or define it.

This is a softball question. The "extreme right" is anyone who won't just sit down and shut the fuck up while leftist do whatever the hell they please.
This is a softball question. The "extreme right" is anyone who won't just sit down and shut the fuck up while leftist do whatever the hell they please.

That too is a possible explanation. What I am noticing from the forums leftist morons is that they cannot define it. Perhaps it's knowing that if they do, they will look like the dumb Fascistic partisan hacks we know them to be.