What is more Patirotic.. Fear or Hope?


Well-known member
Senator Obama is being attacked for not being patirotic...

This from those who use fear to manipulate people.

What is more Patirotic, using hope to Motivate Americans or Using Fear to manipulate them?
Explain how fear is patirotic?
Explain how "hope" is patriotic.

Neither are specifically patriotic. Somebody who has no patriotism whatsoever can speak of hope, while a patriot may fear for the future of the US.

Unless all the "wrong-track" people who "fear that we are creating more enemies" were "unpatriotic".
Global warming alarmism is patriotic to the believers who spread the AGW gospel. Well, patriotism is a subset of the greater good they feel they're doing.
Explain how "hope" is patriotic.

Neither are specifically patriotic. Somebody who has no patriotism whatsoever can speak of hope, while a patriot may fear for the future of the US.

I belive hope for a better future is what American was founded on, its what the patroits were working for. In order to form "a more perfect union", not a more secure union.
Explain how fear is patirotic?

Well, if you're afraid your freedoms are being reduced, or corporate interests are hijacking the nation, this fear may prompt you to raise your concerns and take action to amend what you perceive is wrong.
Well, if you're afraid your freedoms are being reduced, or corporate interests are hijacking the nation, this fear may prompt you to raise your concerns and take action to amend what you perceive is wrong.

Okay, good point. But I guess I was talking about fear for personal safety. Stock up on Duct Tape and vote for GWB or you may face a terrorist attack kinda fear.
I belive hope for a better future is what American was founded on, its what the patroits were working for. In order to form "a more perfect union", not a more secure union.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense...


I can speak of "hope" and not be a patriot, and I can "fear" and be a patriot. Vice versa could also be true. Neither are specifically patriotic. They are simply a way to express rhetoric.

I can hope that people in the US see that saying "change and hope" does not necessarily mean that what is promoted is right.

I can hope that people in the US see that we are losing freedoms to the "Patriot Act".

I can hope that people will see through and vote for somebody other than the two major parties and fear that it won't happen at the same time. I can be a complex human and a patriot at the same time.
Explain how "hope" is patriotic.

Neither are specifically patriotic. Somebody who has no patriotism whatsoever can speak of hope, while a patriot may fear for the future of the US.

Unless all the "wrong-track" people who "fear that we are creating more enemies" were "unpatriotic".

Hope can also be patriotic. Some cynics will say the sovereignty of the nation WILL BE eroded and folded into a NEW WORLD ORDER type scenario and that fighting it is hopeless. Hope it is possible gives us the courage to advocate fighting the insanity.

But we agree mostly, neither are specifically patriotic or not patriotic.

HOPE the sovereignty of that nation will be destroyed is not patriotic.
FEAR that the sovereignty will be maintained is also not patriotic.


I can speak of "hope" and not be a patriot, and I can "fear" and be a patriot. Vice versa could also be true. Neither are specifically patriotic. They are simply a way to express rhetoric.

I can hope that people in the US see that saying "change and hope" does not necessarily mean that what is promoted is right.

I can hope that people in the US see that we are losing freedoms to the "Patriot Act".

I can hope that people will see through and vote for somebody other than the two major parties and fear that it won't happen at the same time. I can be a complex human and a patriot at the same time.

Maybe I was not obvious enough on my sarcasm. I thought, especally you, knew me well enough to know I am being toung in cheek about this. I belive a term Patroitism is so amorphus it can be manipulated to mean just about anyting. I was just trying to poke fun of those who use it as a political issue. I guess I did not make my point, as I was taken seriously.
Lately we can't tell. Your attempt to become the lefty Jollie has been largely successful.

;) <-note, this means this is a joke for BAC and others who cannot tell.
Okay, good point. But I guess I was talking about fear for personal safety. Stock up on Duct Tape and vote for GWB or you may face a terrorist attack kinda fear.

Well if you don't fear a radical religious movement vowed to destroy you, that may just indicate stupidity.

Is stupidity patriotic?
Senator Obama is being attacked for not being patirotic...

This from those who use fear to manipulate people.

What is more Patirotic, using hope to Motivate Americans or Using Fear to manipulate them?

I do of course understand your question, and in my opinion, using fear to motivatre Americans as opposed to using hope and appealing to the best in all of us, is far more superior, sane, and yes, patriotic than using fear.

The last 8 years are a glaring example of the difference.
Fearing people who vow to kill you is not unpatriotic. That is what he said.

It is foolish to ignore their vow to destroy us because you want to seem more "Patriotic"...

Really all that matters in todays modern campaign's for president is that you are more able to capture the image of being more patirotic than the other guy.

I am all for joining that bandwagen, it worked for Bush twice.