What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information


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on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

And why not, Trump cares little for respecting historical institutions, he knows his GOP lackeys don't have the backbone to say anything, he's assured billy Barr ain't going to care, and he has a whole media network that will not only defend him but will quickly portray any effort to expose say North Korea's involvement as a witch hunt

The Democrats ought to immediately pass legislation making it illegal to accept any kind of assistence from any foreign nation in our elections and quickly forward it to Mitch, put the Senate invertebrates on the spot
I never even actually imagined it was ever possible that the Republican Party would beg the KGB, the Kremlin, and Russian state security services to aid them, to collude with them, and to collaborate in winning an American election.

It would have never dawned on me that it was even remotely possible.
I never even actually imagined it was ever possible that the Republican Party would beg the KGB, the Kremlin, and Russian state security services to aid them, to collude with them, and to collaborate in winning an American election.

It would have never dawned on me that it was even remotely possible.

Not a lot of "profiles of courage" there, they saw what happens to anyone who steps out of line, or the way McCain was treated even after he died, not quite the party of Roosevelt, Ike, or even Reagan.
Hillary already said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
She did a lot more than simply listen to a caller to see if it sounded legitimate before contacting the authorities.
on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

And why not, Trump cares little for respecting historical institutions, he knows his GOP lackeys don't have the backbone to say anything, he's assured billy Barr ain't going to care, and he has a whole media network that will not only defend him but will quickly portray any effort to expose say North Korea's involvement as a witch hunt

The Democrats ought to immediately pass legislation making it illegal to accept any kind of assistence from any foreign nation in our elections and quickly forward it to Mitch, put the Senate invertebrates on the spot

Here’s the difference:

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Plus, Steele turned over his documents to the FBI. And the Clinton campaign didn’t hire Steele. Fusion did. The campaign was not even aware he had been hired.
Hillary already said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
She did a lot more than simply listen to a caller to see if it sounded legitimate before contacting the authorities.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”

Hillary already said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
She did a lot more than simply listen to a caller to see if it sounded legitimate before contacting the authorities.

Wrong of course, The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals. What he found shocked him and he told the FBI what he found. That is above board and honorable, And Steele was not representing any nation.
There is no benefit to a foreign nation in the Dems oppo research. In Trump's case, the Russians worked with him for mother Russia benefit. While the Russian hacking industry was helpful to Trump. its real purpose was to interfere in our elections calling the whole system into question. It was also to get a president elected who Putin could control.
Those are not the same things, not even close.
Hillary already said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
She did a lot more than simply listen to a caller to see if it sounded legitimate before contacting the authorities.

Stupid liar.
Wrong of course, The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals.The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals. What he found shocked him and he told the FBI what he found. That is above board and honorable, And Steele was not representing any nation.

"The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Priceless! Thank-you for that admission. :palm:
Wrong of course, The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals. What he found shocked him and he told the FBI what he found. That is above board and honorable, And Steele was not representing any nation.
There is no benefit to a foreign nation in the Dems oppo research. In Trump's case, the Russians worked with him for mother Russia benefit. While the Russian hacking industry was helpful to Trump. its real purpose was to interfere in our elections calling the whole system into question. It was also to get a president elected who Putin could control.
Those are not the same things, not even close.

yeah. dems were actively seeking the dirt from foreigners. they're worse.
on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

Yeah, publicly gave a shout-out for all the world to see. Same tired old sarcastic cartoon about Trump.
Hey!!! Russia!!!!!!!! Could you please find all those 35,000 Hillary emails please????????? :laugh:
Yeah, publicly gave a shout-out for all the world to see. Same tired old sarcastic cartoon about Trump.
Hey!!! Russia!!!!!!!! Could you please find all those 35,000 Hillary emails please????????? :laugh:

And five hours after he said that extremely irresponsible "joke," Russia actually hacked Hillary's server.
Now Trump is saying to Russia, if you want to help me win again, I will work with you.
After all this time screaming about how there was "no collusion," Trump is now saying he will collude. Imagine if it was Obama doing this.
And five hours after he said that extremely irresponsible "joke," Russia actually hacked Hillary's server.
Now Trump is saying to Russia, if you want to help me win again, I will work with you.
After all this time screaming about how there was "no collusion," Trump is now saying he will collude. Imagine if it was Obama doing this.

he said he'd take a call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Russia did not "hack into" any physical server!
It was the Obama WH, FBI, CIA, DOJ and Dem candidate who were dealing with foreign agents, including Russia!

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy does the left go so crazy with fear of a socialist Russia yet at the same time crave their system for the U.S.?
And, they love having friendly relations with communist Cuba as well.
They love a guy like Bernie Sanders whose speeches come straight out of the Marxist Constitution from the 1930's!
What a pile of hypocrites. :palm:
"The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Priceless! Thank-you for that admission. :palm:

Fusion hired Steele. He turned in his info to the FBI.

Unlike Donnie, all legal, turdlicker.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”

he said he'd take a call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Russia did not "hack into" any physical server!
It was the Obama WH, FBI, CIA, DOJ and Dem candidate who were dealing with foreign agents, including Russia!

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy does the left go so crazy with fear of a socialist Russia yet at the same time crave their system for the U.S.?
And, they love having friendly relations with communist Cuba as well.
They love a guy like Bernie Sanders whose speeches come straight out of the Marxist Constitution from the 1930's!
What a pile of hypocrites. :palm:

Fucking fool. :rofl2:
"The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Priceless! Thank-you for that admission. :palm:

Giggle giggle. England is a friendly country. Russia is our long time foe. Steele was English by nationality but was not working for them. He was not working for a foreign nation nor trying to harm America, The Russian hackers worked with and for Trump. They did it to throw America into turmoil and to harm it. That was for Russia's benefit. Russia was hacking and interfering in our election, to further Russian plans.
Are you really that stupid? You really cannot see the difference?
Hillary already said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
She did a lot more than simply listen to a caller to see if it sounded legitimate before contacting the authorities.

What's a good Trumpkin without their Hillary/Obama "whataboutism," and it doesn't even relate

Let's review the facts, the Clinton campaign hires an American firm previously working for Republicans who go out and hire an attorney who hires another person who turns to Russian contacts for information. At the same time we have the Trump campaign meeting directly with Russians to get information. And you are telling us those are even remotely similar?

Now having done away with that deflection, do you have anything to say about your man Trump openly inviting foreign nations to take a role in deciding who Americans select to be their leaders?
Yeah, publicly gave a shout-out for all the world to see. Same tired old sarcastic cartoon about Trump.
Hey!!! Russia!!!!!!!! Could you please find all those 35,000 Hillary emails please????????? :laugh:

Did he not? He didn't announce how he would treat any information a foreign nation provided him regarding a political rival?