What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

"the Democratic National Committee secretly bought and paid for this dossier that by their own accounting was sourced to government officials in Russia."

No, quotes without a source are useless, want an example, "Trump secretly promised little Rocket Man that if he helped him get dirt on the Democrat nominees in 2020 he'd lift the sanctions and he could also coninue with his nuclear programs"
Who is "Hemingway," why should anyone care what he says, and ultimately, Hillary, whatever you think she did, has zero relevance to Trump last Wednesday openly inviting foreign nations to get involved in our elections

Evidently you didn't read the link.
I can have it anyway it relates to this topic. Abortion is not the topic dear sir.

But the standard you are using to determine the right or wrong of Trump's behavior does relate to both, it can't be correct in one instance and incorrect in the other
But the standard you are using to determine the right or wrong of Trump's behavior does relate to both, it can't be correct in one instance and incorrect in the other

Archive. Technically whale shit is whale feces and in some cases it actually floats and does not go bottom. By that standard abortion and the square root of the hypotenuse of pregnant water buffalo directly relate to a politician hearing information about a rival. They cannot be correct in one instance and incorrect in the others.
Archive. Technically whale shit is whale feces and in some cases it actually floats and does not go bottom. By that standard abortion and the square root of the hypotenuse of pregnant water buffalo directly relate to a politician hearing information about a rival. They cannot be correct in one instance and incorrect in the others.

:laugh: Go for it!
Hillary already said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
She did a lot more than simply listen to a caller to see if it sounded legitimate before contacting the authorities.

Did you really type something that stupid? An American party, the Dems took over an operation an Ameican Party, the Repubs, started for oppo research on Trump. It was designed to help an American candidate Hillary. Fusion who was doing i, paid Steele an unaffiliated guy to check on Russian /Trumpian deals. Steele was an ex Brit agent. It had nothing to do with foreign involvement. When he found shocking activities by Trump in Russia, Steele informed the American FBI. WEhat the fuck foreign info you talking about?

Trump asked Russia, not an American friend, but a foe, to check for Hillary's emails.Putin was pleased to do it and he turned loose an enormous operation of hackers to tear into American politicians, What info he got and what he made up, he used to target specific type American voters. He used fake news and lies to interfere in the American elections. He did it for mother Russia who wanted to sow discord in American politics and help elect someone Putin could control. The Russians even helped fund and run some demonstrations in America.
Those are absolutely not the same fucking thing.
Did you really type something that stupid? An American party, the Dems took over an operation an Ameican Party, the Repubs, started for oppo research on Trump. It was designed to help an American candidate Hillary. Fusion who was doing i, paid Steele an unaffiliated guy to check on Russian /Trumpian deals. Steele was an ex Brit agent. It had nothing to do with foreign involvement. When he found shocking activities by Trump in Russia, Steele informed the American FBI. WEhat the fuck foreign info you talking about?

Trump asked Russia, not an American friend, but a foe, to check for Hillary's emails.Putin was pleased to do it and he turned loose an enormous operation of hackers to tear into American politicians, What info he got and what he made up, he used to target specific type American voters. He used fake news and lies to interfere in the American elections. He did it for mother Russia who wanted to sow discord in American politics and help elect someone Putin could control. The Russians even helped fund and run some demonstrations in America.
Those are absolutely not the same fucking thing.

What a crock lol.
I never even actually imagined it was ever possible that the Republican Party would beg the KGB, the Kremlin, and Russian state security services to aid them, to collude with them, and to collaborate in winning an American election.

It would have never dawned on me that it was even remotely possible.

Same here. Our "real" enemies are Muslims, illegal immigrants, Iran, and anyone else we can convince ppl are bad so that the military-industrial complex will get billions more in contracts for weapons and walls.
Did you really type something that stupid? An American party, the Dems took over an operation an Ameican Party, the Repubs, started for oppo research on Trump. It was designed to help an American candidate Hillary. Fusion who was doing i, paid Steele an unaffiliated guy to check on Russian /Trumpian deals. Steele was an ex Brit agent. It had nothing to do with foreign involvement. When he found shocking activities by Trump in Russia, Steele informed the American FBI. WEhat the fuck foreign info you talking about?

Trump asked Russia, not an American friend, but a foe, to check for Hillary's emails.Putin was pleased to do it and he turned loose an enormous operation of hackers to tear into American politicians, What info he got and what he made up, he used to target specific type American voters. He used fake news and lies to interfere in the American elections. He did it for mother Russia who wanted to sow discord in American politics and help elect someone Putin could control. The Russians even helped fund and run some demonstrations in America.
Those are absolutely not the same fucking thing.

Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The facts have been out there for a long while. This is all about RUSSIANS, not an American Party.
She herself said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.
Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The facts have been out there for a long while. This is all about RUSSIANS, not an American Party.
She herself said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.

Sure. And you'll back that up with a credible source or two, right?
yeah. dems were actively seeking the dirt from foreigners. they're worse.

How many times do you idiots have to be told this?

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Legal, dumbshit.

Loser :rofl2:
Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The facts have been out there for a long while. This is all about RUSSIANS, not an American Party.
She herself said that she and her lawyers and the DNC paid for foreign info.

Right: the only difference is the firewalls.

If they want to argue that makes it legal, fine. But you’re either against foreign influence in our political system or you’re not. IOW, in accepting Hillary’s shenanigans with Fusion/Steele/Russians/Dossier, democrats and their Media minions are unable to make a *principled* objection to what the Trump campaign WAS FALSELY ACCUSED OF.

But they are shameless hypocrites, so they do it anyway.
Giggle giggle. England is a friendly country. Russia is our long time foe. Steele was English by nationality but was not working for them. He was not working for a foreign nation nor trying to harm America, The Russian hackers worked with and for Trump. They did it to throw America into turmoil and to harm it. That was for Russia's benefit. Russia was hacking and interfering in our election, to further Russian plans.
Are you really that stupid? You really cannot see the difference?

Yeah, all these Trumptards are really that stupid.
Right: the only difference is the firewalls.

If they want to argue that makes it legal, fine. But you’re either against foreign influence in our political system or you’re not. IOW, in accepting Hillary’s shenanigans with Fusion/Steele/Russians/Dossier, democrats and their Media minions are unable to make a *principled* objection to what the Trump campaign WAS FALSELY ACCUSED OF.

But they are shameless hypocrites, so they do it anyway.

lol love watching y'all goobers scramble
You're blind. You said it with your own words. "The Clinton campaign hires an American firm previously working for Republicans who go out and hire an attorney who hires another person who turns to Russian contacts for information." = Proactive; solicited it; sought it out; used a lie to create hoax.

Trump was contacted = Reactive; listened to to the woman; she lied about what she originally offered; Trump team dismissed her.

One more time, halfwit.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”

One more time, halfwit.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


So, colluding with Russians is ok so long as it’s transactional lol?

Who knew lol.
"George Stephanopoulos' good friend Hillary Clinton took information from a foreign government," Hemingway said. "If it is such a huge problem to take information from a foreign government, he should be asking her and Democrats, and the Democratic National Committee secretly bought and paid for this dossier that by their own accounting was sourced to government officials in Russia."

"If this is a huge problem and many people have been telling us for years that it is, why aren't the media doing more to find out exactly what happened there? Why they created this hoax conspiracy theory? How they got it into the highest levels of the government, I would like to see some people ask some tough questions of those people," Hemingway said Thursday on FNC's 'Special Report.'

Mollie Hemingway.

“Politico described Hemingway as "a reliably pro-Trump commentator",while Salon called her The Federalist's "most reliable Trump defender".

Just another RW hack Trumpanzee. :rofl2: