What is the Likeliest Cause of Human Doom?

Total doom ? Probably an impact from something floating around out there.
Partial/mostly doom? The result of our actions. war, bioweapons, Polloution, etc.
Total doom ? Probably an impact from something floating around out there.
Partial/mostly doom? The result of our actions. war, bioweapons, Polloution, etc.

I would agree with this statement. If a meteor doesn't get us, then we will find a way of annihilate ourselves. Mission accomplished!:nuke::blowup:
I would agree with this statement. If a meteor doesn't get us, then we will find a way of annihilate ourselves. Mission accomplished!:nuke::blowup:

There are also great radiation bursts from dying stars and such that could wipe us out before we knew we had a problem.

Or then we could just be in the way of an intersteller freeway and be blasted out of the way.
LMAO.... which one of us is ignoring the data and creating strawmen Lorax?

You have yet to answer my question.... is it because you are an idiot or that you think you know more than Goddards data?

I'll disagree with your conclusions - yet again - but it won't matter, because you're the energizer blockhead, and you'll just keep posting, and posting, and posting, and claiming that I'm not answering your questions.

Globally, the top 10 warmest years have all occurred over the last 12 years. 2006 was particularly high. Them's just the facts. I hate having this argument, because it's a colossal waste of my time; it's like trying to debate the topic with Mike Savage.

Keep at it; keep the perception of "vigorous debate" going. It won't matter. As my other thread stated, we're not going to stop anything. Rejoice.
I think we will colonize space before something hits our planet and kills us all. I also think that the more places we colonize the more likely humans will survive even our own stupid actions.
I think we will colonize space before something hits our planet and kills us all. I also think that the more places we colonize the more likely humans will survive even our own stupid actions.

Seriously, how long will that take? First we have to find a planet that is hospitable to humans and isn't already occupied by a species that would mightily object to our colonizing it.

Then we have to develop and build vessels capable of journeying to that planet and the facilities to keep the passengers alive in one form or another during the journey, which likely will take periods of time that vastly exceed the normal lifespans of the occupants.

Of course, there will be limitations on the number of people will be able to make the journey. Who will decide who will go? What will the criteria be? Will survivability and contributions to potential survivability predominate, or will it be, like so much else, determined by wealth and politics?

Sorry to sound so cynical, but I've read most of the stuff that you have, probably. I know you're a big Sci-Fi fan as I am.
I think we will colonize space before something hits our planet and kills us all. I also think that the more places we colonize the more likely humans will survive even our own stupid actions.

I don't think we will this time around Damo.
I think we will put ourselves back in somewhat of dark ages before we get that far.
Seriously, how long will that take? First we have to find a planet that is hospitable to humans and isn't already occupied by a species that would mightily object to our colonizing it.

Then we have to develop and build vessels capable of journeying to that planet and the facilities to keep the passengers alive in one form or another during the journey, which likely will take periods of time that vastly exceed the normal lifespans of the occupants.

Of course, there will be limitations on the number of people will be able to make the journey. Who will decide who will go? What will the criteria be? Will survivability and contributions to potential survivability predominate, or will it be, like so much else, determined by wealth and politics?

Sorry to sound so cynical, but I've read most of the stuff that you have, probably. I know you're a big Sci-Fi fan as I am.
We don't, the bio-domes are our best shot at testing the creation of our own artificial environments.

Most of your questions must be resolved at the moment not so far in the past, but the likelihood of the next colony being at least para-military is high.
I'll disagree with your conclusions - yet again - but it won't matter, because you're the energizer blockhead, and you'll just keep posting, and posting, and posting, and claiming that I'm not answering your questions.

Globally, the top 10 warmest years have all occurred over the last 12 years. 2006 was particularly high. Them's just the facts. I hate having this argument, because it's a colossal waste of my time; it's like trying to debate the topic with Mike Savage.

Keep at it; keep the perception of "vigorous debate" going. It won't matter. As my other thread stated, we're not going to stop anything. Rejoice.

Yes you moron... as I have said repeatedly.... the past 10 years have been some of the warmest on record. What part of my agreeing with that don't you seem to understand. THAT does not however change the fact that while they are some of the warmest on record that over the past ten years the net change has been zero.

You are a moron. You see that you are wrong and refuse to admit it. Which is why you refuse to answer the simple question that is PROVEN by the data from Goddard.

Is the average global temperature from 2007 the same as it was a decade earlier?

The answer.... since you seem incapable of uttering the words.... is YES, it is the same.

Again this doesn't mean temperatures haven't gone up and down during those ten years. What it does mean is that over the past decade, the globe today is on average the same temperature it was ten years ago.

Which means that in the past ten years it has not increased.

Again, to avoid your obvious strawman... yes... over the past twenty years it HAS increased.

But please, continue to bury your head in the sand. You are a denialist and a hypocrit. You claim to rely on science, yet ignore the data that doesn't fit your preconceived notions.

You quite simply are a fool. Dispute one thing above.... oh thats right... you cannot do so. All you can do is run around proclaiming your intelligence on the matter.

I don't think we will this time around Damo.
I think we will put ourselves back in somewhat of dark ages before we get that far.
Even if we do, we will rebuild. Much like the Renaissance...

The reality is that humans are built to survive. Whether it is "us" currently, or a future group we will get there.
"Yes you moron... as I have said repeatedly.... the past 10 years have been some of the warmest on record. What part of my agreeing with that don't you seem to understand. THAT does not however change the fact that while they are some of the warmest on record that over the past ten years the net change has been zero.

You are a moron. You see that you are wrong and refuse to admit it. Which is why you refuse to answer the simple question that is PROVEN by the data from Goddard."

Goddamned, are you FUCKING STUPID. I can't believe I continue to bang my head against the wall with you.

Whenever I tell you that you are saying exactly what you said above, you call me an idiot, and say that you NEVER say that it's about the line between 1998 and 2007; it's about the temperatures over the course of the decade.

When I say 10 of those 12 years have been the hottest on record, you go back to saying what you said above - it's about 1998 & 2007, and drawing a line between those 2, and ignoring the rest.

God damn, are you a fucking idiot....