What is the Significance Red and Green Color Bar and What Does it Designate?


New member
Anybody have a clue? Please refrain from excess stupidity in answering this question, however poorly worded, if you can!
it is the heads of easter island

a pillar of an ancient time in jpp

now they stand as a monument, yet with very little purpose.
They are a remnant of the reputation system. Instead of a reputation system we now use thanks and groans. Thanks give green dots, groans give red. If somebody has more groans than thanks their bar will be red.
They are a remnant of the reputation system. Instead of a reputation system we now use thanks and groans. Thanks give green dots, groans give red. If somebody has more groans than thanks their bar will be red.

Thanks! This is what I was looking for: a rational and helpful explanation! The rest of these responses are what I was hoping to avoid!
They are a remnant of the reputation system. Instead of a reputation system we now use thanks and groans. Thanks give green dots, groans give red. If somebody has more groans than thanks their bar will be red.

I might want to revise my earlier comment. Here's an example I just noticed. Zappa has been thanked 4,776 times, and has only been groaned 1,115 times, yet he has a red bar! So there must be a percentage thing a work as well or something.
I might want to revise my earlier comment. Here's an example I just noticed. Zappa has been thanked 4,776 times, and has only been groaned 1,115 times, yet he has a red bar! So there must be a percentage thing a work as well or something.
Previously we used a reputation system, the rep points earned or lost during that period remain for users who were here then. Those with negative reputation from that period will have to overcome the weight of that negative reputation with still more thanks than groans.
I'm going to see if I can simply reset the whole thing, we'll start from scratch. But I haven't had the time to research it.
I'm going to see if I can simply reset the whole thing, we'll start from scratch. But I haven't had the time to research it.
That didn't work. Bummer.

I'll figure out a way. I don't want everybody to lose their Thanks/Groans, but I want to reset the count to zero and start it over.
I might want to revise my earlier comment. Here's an example I just noticed. Zappa has been thanked 4,776 times, and has only been groaned 1,115 times, yet he has a red bar! So there must be a percentage thing a work as well or something.

Nah, they just outright hate me and are doing everything they can to try to get me to leave.
Zap should really stop being the biggest cry baby ever on the board.

You clowns created the problem when you decided to censor what I can and cannot read.

I did NOTHING different, yet I am the only one being punished.

Stop censoring what I can and cannot read and we can go back to normal once more.
He's not banned.

Tell you what...I'll even go one better.

You get Billy to PUBLICLY apologize to me for wishing for my death and for his SCREAMING assertion that I will NEVER have the Forced Ignore removed and I will do everything you and Grind asked me to do to get things back to normal.

It must be an honest, sincere apology and not prefaced with any snarky caveats either.
That didn't work. Bummer.

I'll figure out a way. I don't want everybody to lose their Thanks/Groans, but I want to reset the count to zero and start it over.

i know how to manually reset all the rep points if you want me to do that.

we probably won't be able to do everyone but we can do like the 100 most active posters (which should cover the vast majority of this site) and then from there we can do it on a case by case basis when requested.
yet I am the only one being punished.

1) not punishment. You would have celebrated if we banned ILA from JPP where you could never have to read him again. But when we provide the same effect, well.. you know how it goes

2) you are not the only person made to force ignore someone. this has been told to you many times. So you are clearly intentionally lying and trying to sow confusion. It's one of the many reasons why you aren't taken very seriously. You are not honest.
Tell you what...I'll even go one better.

You get Billy to PUBLICLY apologize to me for wishing for my death and for his SCREAMING assertion that I will NEVER have the Forced Ignore removed and I will do everything you and Grind asked me to do to get things back to normal.

It must be an honest, sincere apology and not prefaced with any snarky caveats either.

If I remember correctly in the past you said what I asked of you was completely ridiculous.

Seems now you are just trying to save face.

Billy doesn't have to apologize for anything. Create your own experience. I am cornelius.