What is the worst part of Clinton's sniper story?


New member
1) The fact that she lied

2) The idea that she thought "getting shot at" was some sort of valuable "experience" for a President to have

3) After Obama's campaign talked about it, Howard Wolfson said the following: "This is something that the Obama campaign wants to push 'cause they have nothing positive to say about their candidate". This, after a campaign focused on creating doubts about Obama and hyping McCain as a better option.
I was wondering how the Democrats could possibly find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this time. It's been amazing to watch.
I was wondering how the Democrats could possibly find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this time. It's been amazing to watch.

Yeah; must be exciting for the Libertarians. Maybe they'll be able to muster an extra half percent of the vote this year because of it.
Anyone care to distinguish the Clinton lie about something that occurred several years ago and that doesn't matter one whit in this election with McCain's lie about being able to freely walk through an Iraqi marketplace while Iraq is one of the central issues in this campaign?

I'm not excusing Clinton's lie. She lied. She got caught. But to keep pounding on it is pretty stupid to me. Then again, this whole campaign is devolving into a side-show so maybe it's just me.
Anyone care to distinguish the Clinton lie about something that occurred several years ago and that doesn't matter one whit in this election with McCain's lie about being able to freely walk through an Iraqi marketplace while Iraq is one of the central issues in this campaign?

I'm not excusing Clinton's lie. She lied. She got caught. But to keep pounding on it is pretty stupid to me. Then again, this whole campaign is devolving into a side-show so maybe it's just me.
We don't have to distinguish, we are fully capable of talking about both of them.
OK. So we all agree that both are completely full of shit or is Clinton still the biggest liar on the face of the planet while McCain is a straight shooter?
Sure. I think his story about shopping in Baghdad was stupid. I think it is also stupid to lie about something like getting sniped at.
obama camp should push this this. IM sick of clinton throwing the kitchen sink at obama but then when something comes up about her.. they say we need to focus on the issues and obamas camp is being negative.

Take your medicine hillary.
The most vivid memory she has from the incident is probably a military aircraft bouncing up and down just above the trees and rooftops to avoid being targeted and a "over-done" briefing from a General that "Snipers" are a constant concern. Her mind laced with fear probably filled in the rest. For a 1st Lady, it was probably very intense. It is too bad that she didn't remember the Dog-&-Pony show performed just for her. But if I would chat with my old Army comrades about one of our deployments to Bosnia (went twice), our imaginations would probably fill in some gaps of our memories, and the stories might be a little larger than life. Then again, we aren't campaigning for President. Anyway, as a joe that's been there, I'm not sure there's much of a story here. Give her the traditional cyber-lashing and move on!
Sure. I think his story about shopping in Baghdad was stupid. I think it is also stupid to lie about something like getting sniped at.

All you have to do is take a quick trip through Oakland if you want to talk about being sniped at.
Maybe she made an honest mistake? Maybe she really remembers the frightening ordeal exactly as she has related to us? Perhaps? Who knows? But one thing is for sure, it won't affect her job performance.
Maybe she made an honest mistake? Maybe she really remembers the frightening ordeal exactly as she has related to us? Perhaps? Who knows? But one thing is for sure, it won't affect her job performance.

i think it proves that shes full of BS.. And is a testament to her character. I believe allot of moderates and independents will view this as the end game for her.
i think it proves that shes full of BS.. And is a testament to her character. I believe allot of moderates and independents will view this as the end game for her.

This is the type of response I'm talking about. Her lie about something that occurred in the 90's proves that she is full of BS while McCain's lie about something that occurred on the same day that he lied about it does nothing to his image as a straight-talker.

It's nonsense.
This is the type of response I'm talking about. Her lie about something that occurred in the 90's proves that she is full of BS while McCain's lie about something that occurred on the same day that he lied about it does nothing to his image as a straight-talker.

It's nonsense.

im not talking about mccain. talking about hillary. mccains full of shit 2.
im not talking about mccain. talking about hillary. mccains full of shit 2.
It's like he thinks we can't hold two identities of separate people in our heads at the same time or something.

He just doesn't want us talking bad about HillBilly, because we should only talk bad about people with R's next to their names.

As it was, we spoke volumes about McCain's little shopping trip and it is still mentioned. It's HillBilly's turn because it is more recent. This is one for the books though, it is so silly to even mention it as experience for the President, then to find out that it just didn't happen.
Hillary deserves it now.. after all the fucking crap shes been pulling. non stop barrage of attacks from her and her surrogates against obama.. fracturing the dem party in an attempt to seize power..

finally some dirt comes out.. Thank you sinbad.
The untold story is that she probably did have a legit positive effect on a Bosnia Diplomatic Mission (from the moment she embraced a young Bosnia child). If she deliberately mistold the story or simply remembers it wrong, it is a negative that could have been a positive. But up against Obama in 20 years not remembering any anti-american words from his pastor, I'd say it is a much smaller story.