What is the worst part of Clinton's sniper story?

its not 20 years ago.. it was the other day when she lied and said she was under snipper fire and had to dash to a car.. so she 'misspoke' or mixed the story up... when exactly did that snipper dash for the car occur then? All i know is that if you cant remember something that vivid you have no business being president of the united states.

truth is shes lied to glamorize herself and got caught.. who knows what else shes bullshitted on in regards to her role in Bill's administration. Look at the records that came out couple weeks ago.. her schedule was empty most of the time.

she likes to take 8 years as first lady as proof she has more experience then obama. well now we know here 'experience' is made up stories.
Getting shot at isn't the kind of thing you have a "fuzzy memory" on. Oh, yeah...I wasn't really shot at; there were no snipers. I must have been thinking of that bad Steven Segall movie I saw around the same time...
The untold story is that she probably did have a legit positive effect on a Bosnia Diplomatic Mission (from the moment she embraced a young Bosnia child). If she deliberately mistold the story or simply remembers it wrong, it is a negative that could have been a positive. But up against Obama in 20 years not remembering any anti-american words from his pastor, I'd say it is a much smaller story.

She wasn't embracing the bosnian child. She was asking the child if she was a sniper.
Getting shot at isn't the kind of thing you have a "fuzzy memory" on. Oh, yeah...I wasn't really shot at; there were no snipers. I must have been thinking of that bad Steven Segall movie I saw around the same time...

i swear they think we are idiots or something. lol wtf.

at least with obamas anti American minister we were able to listen to longer snips of his sermon and see hes not always that pointed and compaire and contrast to the fact that most religions speak of hate. my catholic church hates gays.

dont try to tell us you forgot about being under open fire and having to run for you lives. LOL
She wasn't embracing the bosnian child. She was asking the child if she was a sniper.

She was using the kid as a human shield.

If her story IS true, then it shows a SERIOUS lapse in judgment on her part. She took Chelsea on this trip; she put her child in danger unnecessarily. THAT would be the worst part of the story.

Hillary's story is as fake as William Shatner's hair.
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The worst thing about Clinton's lie is that people actually thought she wouldn't lie in the first place. I already knew she was a die-hard politician, willing to make up shit to try and convince people to vote for her. Why would anyone think she wouldn't? Obama makes shit up too, but I don't necessarily think he's worse than Clinton, or McCain.
Yep Dave. Anyone who thinks a politician won't lie.....

I too think Obama is the least bad of the lot though.
The most vivid memory she has from the incident is probably a military aircraft bouncing up and down just above the trees and rooftops to avoid being targeted and a "over-done" briefing from a General that "Snipers" are a constant concern. Her mind laced with fear probably filled in the rest. For a 1st Lady, it was probably very intense. It is too bad that she didn't remember the Dog-&-Pony show performed just for her. But if I would chat with my old Army comrades about one of our deployments to Bosnia (went twice), our imaginations would probably fill in some gaps of our memories, and the stories might be a little larger than life. Then again, we aren't campaigning for President. Anyway, as a joe that's been there, I'm not sure there's much of a story here. Give her the traditional cyber-lashing and move on!

She knew full well she was making up a story. She has repeted this one a few times and there is one thing you dont want a president to due and that is to be so scared they cant remember what happened. If she was so terrified by a bumpy plane ride that she forgot that she talked to dozens of people on the tarmack and smiled and shook hands then she is not of the right temperment to be president.

We all know she was lying. she is toast.