What Life will look like under Democrat or Uni-Party Governance


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Feel free to share the following with WOKE family and friends.

Do you like the dark, i.e. living in the dark and carrying flashlights and candles after the sun goes down? You'd better because there will be lots of opportunity once Uniparty-induced brownouts and blackouts take hold because of our power grid's inability to supply dependable power as the war on fossil fuels takes hold. Exaggerated? Read about California in the last 20 years.

Do you like extreme heat in your house in the summer? See above. Beware living in the Southeast. This is how the Uniparty will play nasty against its most geographically identifiable opposition. Get screens for your windows. NOW.

Do you like extreme cold in your house in the winter? See above. By the way, don't depend on firewood. They'll ban it. CO2, you know.

Do you like to save money for your future and your family's? Do you realize how stupid that is? Do you have a preferred bank or stock market in mind that may not be subject to the Winds of Wokism, and its ensuant incompetence? Will your rate of savings ever exceed the future rate of inflation/money printing?

Do you like to eat? Do you like your kids to eat, and not have malnutrition? Guess what our country has depended on for over a century to bring its crops to market? (Hint: CO2)

Do you like to see your kids maimed or killed in endless wars? It' no use saying that won't happen when the whole world is united by the current blend of fascism/socialism. Read the novel 1984. It's the best expose ever of endless, revolving war.

Do you like living in a house with a backyard for your kids to play in? Did you ever read about the Obama administration's plans for future American housing? It's already being put in place in California.

Do you like being involved in your kids' lives and help them navigate life's key issues? Sorry, the state will take over now. Think that's a stretch? Ever hear of LGBTQ? Read about school districts across America hiding children's "gender status" from parents.

Do you like the option of defending yourself if someone is trying to kill you or your family? Read about what happened to a certain parking garage attendant in Manhattan.

The future of America is bright, not white

That's sounds a bit racist to me. Oh well. And going by what and how the Demorats/Uni-Party are governing the land, it doesn't look much like
the future of America is bright if you dems get it your way. If fact, there will be no future.
That's sounds a bit racist to me. Oh well. And going by what and how the Demorats/Uni-Party are governing the land, it doesn't look much like
the future of America is bright if you dems get it your way. If fact, there will be no future.


No one that I know of is suggesting they want an all-white America. But its so satisfying to see a racist such as yourself
suggest that whites in general are seeking an all white America, and that we're going to end up in jail instead. Tell me,
who might the warden be of these all-white prisons--a racist jew such as yourself?
Feel free to share the following with WOKE family and friends.

Do you like the dark, i.e. living in the dark and carrying flashlights and candles after the sun goes down? You'd better because there will be lots of opportunity once Uniparty-induced brownouts and blackouts take hold because of our power grid's inability to supply dependable power as the war on fossil fuels takes hold. Exaggerated? Read about California in the last 20 years.

Do you like extreme heat in your house in the summer? See above. Beware living in the Southeast. This is how the Uniparty will play nasty against its most geographically identifiable opposition. Get screens for your windows. NOW.

Do you like extreme cold in your house in the winter? See above. By the way, don't depend on firewood. They'll ban it. CO2, you know.

Do you like to save money for your future and your family's? Do you realize how stupid that is? Do you have a preferred bank or stock market in mind that may not be subject to the Winds of Wokism, and its ensuant incompetence? Will your rate of savings ever exceed the future rate of inflation/money printing?

Do you like to eat? Do you like your kids to eat, and not have malnutrition? Guess what our country has depended on for over a century to bring its crops to market? (Hint: CO2)

Do you like to see your kids maimed or killed in endless wars? It' no use saying that won't happen when the whole world is united by the current blend of fascism/socialism. Read the novel 1984. It's the best expose ever of endless, revolving war.

Do you like living in a house with a backyard for your kids to play in? Did you ever read about the Obama administration's plans for future American housing? It's already being put in place in California.

Do you like being involved in your kids' lives and help them navigate life's key issues? Sorry, the state will take over now. Think that's a stretch? Ever hear of LGBTQ? Read about school districts across America hiding children's "gender status" from parents.

Do you like the option of defending yourself if someone is trying to kill you or your family? Read about what happened to a certain parking garage attendant in Manhattan.


Have we all, thanks to the wisdom of libhater, finally seen the light?

Who could have guessed that a simple post on an internet forum would change our lives
with a new enlightenment, a leap forward in thought never heretofore experienced in the history of humanity?
I'll tell ya what life will look like under Democratic leadership...


And I am not even a Democrat.

I am a registered Independent.
And a die hard liberal.

Not a liberal...I would never use that word to describe myself.

But I am a very left-wing progressive. On some issues, I am further left than Bernie Sanders or Amy Klobuchar.

That is where I think most reasonable people should be. I realize that you adamantly disagree, EE.
Not a liberal...I would never use that word to describe myself.

But I am a very left-wing progressive. On some issues, I am further left than Bernie Sanders or Amy Klobuchar.

That is where I think most reasonable people should be. I realize that you adamantly disagree, EE.

socialism is not reasonable. you are anti american. you are anti freedom. you are anti constitution. you do not belong in this country.
Feel free to share the following with WOKE family and friends.

Do you like the dark, i.e. living in the dark and carrying flashlights and candles after the sun goes down? You'd better because there will be lots of opportunity once Uniparty-induced brownouts and blackouts take hold because of our power grid's inability to supply dependable power as the war on fossil fuels takes hold. Exaggerated? Read about California in the last 20 years.

Do you like extreme heat in your house in the summer? See above. Beware living in the Southeast. This is how the Uniparty will play nasty against its most geographically identifiable opposition. Get screens for your windows. NOW.

Do you like extreme cold in your house in the winter? See above. By the way, don't depend on firewood. They'll ban it. CO2, you know.

Do you like to save money for your future and your family's? Do you realize how stupid that is? Do you have a preferred bank or stock market in mind that may not be subject to the Winds of Wokism, and its ensuant incompetence? Will your rate of savings ever exceed the future rate of inflation/money printing?

Do you like to eat? Do you like your kids to eat, and not have malnutrition? Guess what our country has depended on for over a century to bring its crops to market? (Hint: CO2)

Do you like to see your kids maimed or killed in endless wars? It' no use saying that won't happen when the whole world is united by the current blend of fascism/socialism. Read the novel 1984. It's the best expose ever of endless, revolving war.

Do you like living in a house with a backyard for your kids to play in? Did you ever read about the Obama administration's plans for future American housing? It's already being put in place in California.

Do you like being involved in your kids' lives and help them navigate life's key issues? Sorry, the state will take over now. Think that's a stretch? Ever hear of LGBTQ? Read about school districts across America hiding children's "gender status" from parents.

Do you like the option of defending yourself if someone is trying to kill you or your family? Read about what happened to a certain parking garage attendant in Manhattan.


Do you enjoy life with your head up your ass?

Not a liberal...I would never use that word to describe myself.

But I am a very left-wing progressive. On some issues, I am further left than Bernie Sanders or Amy Klobuchar.

That is where I think most reasonable people should be. I realize that you adamantly disagree, EE.

Not a liberal...I would never use that word to describe myself.

You wouldn't but most others would agree with me. I must admit on some issues we agree. But I just like pulling your chain. Have a great Sunday Frank.
socialism is not reasonable. you are anti american. you are anti freedom. you are anti constitution. you do not belong in this country.

Fuck you very much for you "advice"...no matter how wrong you got things.

Actually, socialism is as reasonable as capitalism...and perhaps more "reasonable."

I am not anti-American. People who are anti-American often do not capitalize America...like you.

I am not anti-freedom. I am very a freedom advocate.

I am not anti-Constitution. I do not want that document perverted like the American Right attempts to do.

I belong right here is the USA.
Not a liberal...I would never use that word to describe myself.

You wouldn't but most others would agree with me. I must admit on some issues we agree. But I just like pulling your chain. Have a great Sunday Frank.

Thanks, EE. You have a great week. My golf game is about as good as it has ever been...so I intend to have a great one myself.
Fuck you very much for you "advice"...no matter how wrong you got things.

Actually, socialism is as reasonable as capitalism...and perhaps more "reasonable."

I am not anti-American. People who are anti-American often do not capitalize America...like you.

I am not anti-freedom. I am very a freedom advocate.

I am not anti-Constitution. I do not want that document perverted like the American Right attempts to do.

I belong right here is the USA.

your left bias shows that it's clearly obvious that you do NOT like any of those things and are trying to pervert it every bit as much as the right is trying to do. you might be a registered independent, but we all know you're a leftist traitor
I'll tell ya what life will look like under Democratic leadership...


And I am not even a Democrat.

I am a registered Independent.

Yeah, how's life going for the average American these days? We have a demented dem president that seeks to divide Americans in every way imaginable, while at the same time getting orders from his radical administration to destroy anyone who has an opposing opinion, or has a moral/Christian background. While Trump was potus we had an amazing economy, all minorities plus women had the lowest unemployment record in history, he kept our border secure and not a welcoming site for any terrorist etc. that wants to roam free throughout the land and push deadly Fentanyl on our youth, as is happening under biden and the useless/feckless dem administration. Lets not forget rising inflation by these
dem policies as well. And you go on to say that there would be or there is better leadership under a dem potus? Wow, what are you smoking. Biden's current approval rating is around 37%, and I believe that the ratings by democrats that don't want joe to run again was well over 60%--perhaps 70%.
Fuck you very much for you "advice"...no matter how wrong you got things.

Actually, socialism is as reasonable as capitalism...and perhaps more "reasonable."

That statement right there tells us that you zero clue as to just how destructive socialism is and has been throughout the history
of the world. Tell us oh brilliant one, would you consider socialism or capitalism to be the driving force behind the economic and military
greatness of America? Would you consider people that helped shape our country like Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan,
Elon Musk, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt et al to be Capitalists or Socialists? Perhaps you could outdo yourself by
listing socialists that have had any kind of positive affect on America, and on our economy like the capitalists I just mentioned.

And, I keep asking you why any of that is a good thing and how will it improve the US, but you never answer. I guess it simply won't and as America browns--per your claims and nonresponse to why it is good--America will decline and become a far less desirable place to live...
Can you say, "Bread lines?"


And "supply chain issues" that are just perpetual shortages of, well, EVERYTHING!


Maybe you can get your box of government food that's supposed to last you the month too...

That's sounds a bit racist to me.
That's because guno is as racist as his party of slavery and of racism. guno hates everybody that isn't Jewish, but he can really only virtue-signal his HATE for "white" people. guno is one of the most cowardly people on the internet. His posts are nothing but HATRED. His life must suck.