What makes a life good.


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One of the values of philosophy is that it encourages us to think for ourselves, including about the nature of a good life. And for Bertrand Russell in The Problems of Philosophy (1912), there may be no definite philosophical answer to the question of whether, at the end of one’s life, one can say one has led a good life.

Instead, “philosophy is to be studied not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation.”

"Suppose that your last thought before you died was that you had had an excellent life, but when your loved ones sit around and discuss you, they all decide that your life was awful. Is that possible? Could they be right about your life, and you be wrong? "
"Suppose that your last thought before you died was that you had had an excellent life, but when your loved ones sit around and discuss you, they all decide that your life was awful. Is that possible? Could they be right about your life, and you be wrong? "

What kind of life do you think one has if they spend all their time on an internet forum telling people to "kill themselves" just because they disagree with the person?
What kind of life do you think one has if they spend all their time on an internet forum telling people to "kill themselves" just because they disagree with the person?
You truly are mentally ill. With Into the NIght, you both are deranged.
One of the values of philosophy is that it encourages us to think for ourselves, including about the nature of a good life. And for Bertrand Russell in The Problems of Philosophy (1912), there may be no definite philosophical answer to the question of whether, at the end of one’s life, one can say one has led a good life.

Instead, “philosophy is to be studied not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation.”

such elitist white people problems.
One of the values of philosophy is that it encourages us to think for ourselves, including about the nature of a good life. And for Bertrand Russell in The Problems of Philosophy (1912), there may be no definite philosophical answer to the question of whether, at the end of one’s life, one can say one has led a good life.

Instead, “philosophy is to be studied not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation.”

"Suppose that your last thought before you died was that you had had an excellent life, but when your loved ones sit around and discuss you, they all decide that your life was awful. Is that possible? Could they be right about your life, and you be wrong? "

You truly are mentally ill. With Into the NIght, you both are deranged.
Not being a dishonest Leftist Shitbag should be something for you to strive for.
I think what makes a life worthwhile, and what moves humanity forward, big and small, is that you do and leave things that move society forward. Whether it is family and a continuance of your family line, invention that makes the world better, kind acts that help others do such things, creation of art that inspires, or a myriad of other works that leave a legacy for those who follow you, you've made the world a better place.

If on the other hand, you have spent your life tearing down the works of others, demanding others give so you may prosper, creating nothing lasting and consumed in your own self-gratification, you have wasted your life in the service of evil.


The Left is evil for they create nothing, contribute nothing, but expect others to give endlessly to support them.
"Suppose that your last thought before you died was that you had had an excellent life, but when your loved ones sit around and discuss you, they all decide that your life was awful. Is that possible? Could they be right about your life, and you be wrong? "
If your loved ones think you are an asshole and that your passing would be a blessing, then it's likely you fucked up.
"Suppose that your last thought before you died was that you had had an excellent life, but when your loved ones sit around and discuss you, they all decide that your life was awful. Is that possible? Could they be right about your life, and you be wrong? "
The ones that matter in my life have already told me they love me and expressed their gratitude for what I’ve done for them in their lives. No doubt, I have made mistakes, but the sentiment they expressed is good enough for me.
The ones that matter in my life have already told me they love me and expressed their gratitude for what I’ve done for them in their lives. No doubt, I have made mistakes, but the sentiment they expressed is good enough for me.
I think what makes a life worthwhile, and what moves humanity forward, big and small, is that you do and leave things that move society forward. Whether it is family and a continuance of your family line, invention that makes the world better, kind acts that help others do such things, creation of art that inspires, or a myriad of other works that leave a legacy for those who follow you, you've made the world a better place.

If on the other hand, you have spent your life tearing down the works of others, demanding others give so you may prosper, creating nothing last
You residents of Thebes, our native land,
look on this man, this Oedipus, the one
who understood that celebrated riddle.
He was the most powerful of men.
All citizens who witnessed this man’s wealth
were envious. Now what a surging tide 1810
of terrible disaster sweeps around him.
So while we wait to see that final day,
we cannot call a mortal being happy
before he’s passed beyond life free from pain.

Oedipus the King, Sophocles

If your loved ones think you are an asshole and that your passing would be a blessing, then it's likely you fucked up.

The ones that matter in my life have already told me they love me and expressed their gratitude for what I’ve done for them in their lives. No doubt, I have made mistakes, but the sentiment they expressed is good enough for me.

You residents of Thebes, our native land,
look on this man, this Oedipus, the one
who understood that celebrated riddle.
He was the most powerful of men.
All citizens who witnessed this man’s wealth
were envious. Now what a surging tide 1810
of terrible disaster sweeps around him.
So while we wait to see that final day,
we cannot call a mortal being happy
before he’s passed beyond life free from pain.

Oedipus the King, Sophocles

You residents of Thebes, our native land,
look on this man, this Oedipus, the one
who understood that celebrated riddle.
He was the most powerful of men.
All citizens who witnessed this man’s wealth
were envious. Now what a surging tide 1810
of terrible disaster sweeps around him.
So while we wait to see that final day,
we cannot call a mortal being happy
before he’s passed beyond life free from pain.

Oedipus the King, Sophocles

I am a hedonist so for me quality is the consumption of high end consumables and experiences...food/drink/drugs/sex...stuff like that.

And learning.

I have some sympathy for Jordan Petersons take that it is a quality mission and accomplishing that mission.

A lot of people say that it is all about relationships.....TOP! for example just said that like yesterday....if I did not live in a dark age where the people are generally shit quality I might have agreed.
Gardner truly is very stupid.

If I wrote, "Friday is a day of the week," Gardner would respond, "What does that have to do with the days of the week?"