What Makes People Believe Slavery was the Reason for the US Civil War?

My favorite desert - if done right. Most restaurants in Alaska pour sauce over a bread roll and call it *bread pudding ".
It's worth it to make my own.

It has been decades since I have lived in the Mississippi Gulf Coast so I don't know if things are still the same, but back when the casinos began every casino and many restaurants contracted with local chefs to be the sole vendor (i.e. monopoly) of their particular "secret-for-generations" recipe bread pudding as a selling point for their buffets. Every casino had someone's awesome bread pudding and they were all in competition with each other over it.

I remember being able to talk to the woman supplying her bread pudding to the Imperial Palace ... she just baked it in her home and was well-paid for it.

For a while it was the bane of my existence because I would go back for seconds and sometimes thirds ... and bread pudding really helps pack on the weight.

It has been decades since I have lived in the Mississippi Gulf Coast so I don't know if things are still the same, but back when the casinos began every casino and many restaurants contracted with local chefs to be the sole vendor (i.e. monopoly) of their particular "secret-for-generations" recipe bread pudding as a selling point for their buffets. Every casino had someone's awesome bread pudding and they were all in competition with each other over it.

I remember being able to talk to the woman supplying her bread pudding to the Imperial Palace ... she just baked it in her home and was well-paid for it.

For a while it was the bane of my existence because I would go back for seconds and sometimes thirds ... and bread pudding really helps pack on the weight.


If you made it yourself and saw all the butter, sugar and heavy cream you definitely wouldn't go back for seconds.
Here's the insurmountable problem with your argument. You are claiming that anything can be declared the direct cause of the US Civil War if it can be linked by some chain of cause->effect, no matter how far removed.

You claim that the Civil War caused by the North's invasion caused by the South secession caused by the Federal government violating southern State sovereignty caused by the formation of the Republican Party to end slavery caused by the existence of slavery in the southern States ... somehow makes "slavery" the direct cause of the Civil War. Absurd.

Taking your illogic one step further, now everything involving the Revolutionary War is the direct cause of the Civil War. So is the Protestant Reformation. Ultimately, your argument registers the Big Bang as the direct cause of the Civil War.

Your logic is absurd. "Slavery" is not the answer to all questions.


The reason for the Civil War...was slavery. The south wanted it to continue.

For people who want to think slavery was not the reason...anything will do.


We are seeing denial on a galactic scale right now in America...and your denial is like a spoonful of water in an ocean.
The reason for the Civil War...was slavery.
You were told to believe that by your slavemasters and you OBEYED. No amount of truth to the contrary can break the iron grip your self-imposed delusion has over you.

You probably believe in Global Warming as well, and that looting is justified and peaceful. You are beyond help.

You were told to believe that by your slavemasters and you OBEYED. No amount of truth to the contrary can break the iron grip your self-imposed delusion has over you.

You probably believe in Global Warming as well, and that looting is justified and peaceful. You are beyond help.


You've got some serious problems kid. You go on IGNORE immediately after I post this. Anyone else arguing with this guy should do the same.
There's no trolling involved. It was an sincere and honest question. You can tell because the question was clear, easy and straightforward ... and leftists refuse to answer.

That's how you know.

Anyway, the obvious answer returns us to how leftists let their slavemasters do their thinking for them and how they don't have permission to address questions like mine on their own.

... but if you want to answer, I promise I won't tell anyone, i.e. it'll be just between you and me. Cross my heart, hope to die.

[I'll give you a little help - your official response must deny something important and fundamental]



GASP! We have a Captain Obvious here!

Anyway, Democratic Party is not the same party of today. You know better than that.

And know what else? Lincoln was racist as hell.
You've got some serious problems kid. You go on IGNORE immediately after I post this. Anyone else arguing with this guy should do the same.
Yep, like I said, you are beyond help. You are a typical history-revising self-loathing uneducated loser who was so desperate to be accepted that he agreed to be the pet dog for the ruling DNC establishment in exchange for reassurances that he "belongs." Too funny. Now that someone else is doing your thinking for you, you have forgotten how to do it for yourself.

I understand your perdicament. You need to silence all who cause reality to seep into your safe-space.

L - O - S - E - R - - S - N - O - W - F - L - A - K - E ... melts at the first sign of heat.

Allow me to thank you for ignoring me. Now I don't have to read your whining, sniveling 2nd-grade drivel. I can just snipe you in peace.

I'm not going away. I'll se you around.

Anyway, Democratic Party is not the same party of today.
Yeah, today's DNC is more of a Führerbunker issuing commands to the ANTIFA brownshirts and the SturmaBLMteilung.

And know what else? Lincoln was racist as hell.
Are you trying to tell me that you knew Lincoln personally? I have a sneaking suspicion that you actually never did.

By the way, I think you mean to say that you believe Lincoln was a bigot. I'm betting that you can't specify anything racist that he did. Don't worry, you get a pass. Most leftists never learned the correct meanings of "bigotry" and "racism" and just follow the lead of the closest mistaken leftist who is using the two words interchangeably to mean "someone I don't like."

"That central idea in our political system at the beginning was, and until recently continued to be, the equality of men. And although it was always submitted patiently to, whatever inequality there seemed to be, as a matter of actual necessity, its constant working has been a steady progress toward the practical equality of all men. In what I have done I cannot claim to have acted from any peculiar consideration of the colored people as a separate and distinct class in the community, but from the simple conviction that all the individuals of that class are members of the community, and in virtue of their manhood entitled to every original right enjoyed by any other member. We feel, therefore, that all legal distinction between individuals of the same community, founded in any such circumstances as color, origin and the like, are hostile to the genius of our institutions, and incompatible with the true history of American liberty. Slavery and oppression must cease, or American liberty must perish. - Abraham Lincoln, September 1858

Yeah, today's DNC is more of a Führerbunker issuing commands to the ANTIFA brownshirts and the SturmaBLMteilung.

You have just lost all credibility. Grats.

Are you trying to tell me that you knew Lincoln personally? I have a sneaking suspicion that you actually never did.

By the way, I think you mean to say that you believe Lincoln was a bigot. I'm betting that you can't specify anything racist that he did. Don't worry, you get a pass. Most leftists never learned the correct meanings of "bigotry" and "racism" and just follow the lead of the closest mistaken leftist who is using the two words interchangeably to mean "someone I don't like."

“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” - Lincoln

And you said you took AP classes. :laugh: