What Trump Looks Like to Historians


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The nation, she added, has

never experienced a president (or ex-president) who has been this disrespectful of the Constitution, the rule of law, the norms of the office or just basic decency. So yes, I would say that he has shifted the common understanding of what is good and sensible and that he has gravely damaged principles and values within the Republican Party on issues such as foreign policy and immigration, transforming it into something unrecognizable to where the party stood during the Reagan years.

Question: How many times during Trump's time in office did he openly and repeatedly defy the Supreme Court over a ruling and even brag about doing it? Be specific to cite the cases of that.
The highest ranked included no surprises: on a scale of 0 to 100, Abraham Lincoln (95.03), Franklin Roosevelt (90.83), George Washington (90.32), Teddy Roosevelt (78.58) and Thomas Jefferson (77.53).

Dead last: Donald Trump (10.92), substantially below James Buchanan (16.71), Andrew Johnson (21.56), Franklin Pierce (24.6) and William Henry Harrison (26.01).
The highest ranked included no surprises: on a scale of 0 to 100, Abraham Lincoln (95.03), Franklin Roosevelt (90.83), George Washington (90.32), Teddy Roosevelt (78.58) and Thomas Jefferson (77.53).

Dead last: Donald Trump (10.92), substantially below James Buchanan (16.71), Andrew Johnson (21.56), Franklin Pierce (24.6) and William Henry Harrison (26.01).
Be nice if you'd provide a link to the study those numbers came from that isn't behind a paywall.
Question: How many times during Trump's time in office did he openly and repeatedly defy the Supreme Court over a ruling and even brag about doing it? Be specific to cite the cases of that.

Why would someone answer your made up question with no relevance?

Trump defies the Constitution. He has no need to defy his Maga SC as they are in on it with him.
Why would someone answer your made up question with no relevance?

Trump defies the Constitution. He has no need to defy his Maga SC as they are in on it with him.
So, it isn't relevant that Hume put up numbers associated with various presidents and didn't give a linkable source hum? Are those numbers just a SWAGPOOYA he made then? My question is highly relevant.

As far as defying the constitution...

So, it isn't relevant that Hume put up numbers associated with various presidents and didn't give a linkable source hum? Are those numbers just a SWAGPOOYA he made then? My question is highly relevant.
No it is irrelevant.

If you think someone should provide a link and source explain to me, in the way you think, that posting a question asking 'when did Trump defy the SC' answer it?

I do want to link those two things.

The first point being you want a link or citation and how answering 'did Trump defy the SC' can answer that issue?
Trump broke down the walls of separation between the branches of government. Anyone should be able to see how badly damaged the Supremes are. Trump also made the Atty Generals into lap dogs who did his bidding. Trump Jr said his plan for the new admin would have been to dominate the FBI.
Historians will write about the peril to the nation that Trump was unless he wins this election. Then they will not be allowed to.
Trump broke down the walls of separation between the branches of government. Anyone should be able to see how badly damaged the Supremes are. Trump also made the Atty Generals into lap dogs who did his bidding. Trump Jr said his plan for the new admin would have been to dominate the FBI.
Historians will write about the peril to the nation that Trump was unless he wins this election. Then they will not be allowed to.
I think Trump is the worst person to exist in American history.
There are very few historians anymore who both know what they are talking about and are willing to tell the truth, and the Pravda of the Revolution spews Revolution propaganda and almost nothing but.
Question: How many times during Trump's time in office did he openly and repeatedly defy the Supreme Court over a ruling and even brag about doing it? Be specific to cite the cases of that.
Did the OP mention the Supreme Court? Nope.

He abused his office. Period. He misappropriated fund for the military to build his wall. Only Congress can do that.

He weaponized, or attempted to do so, the Justice Department.

He tried to coerce a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his opponent.

He used his office for financial gain.

He used his office to try to coerce state officials to commit election fraud.

That’s just a start.
Did the OP mention the Supreme Court? Nope.

He abused his office. Period. He misappropriated fund for the military to build his wall. Only Congress can do that.

He weaponized, or attempted to do so, the Justice Department.

He tried to coerce a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his opponent.

He used his office for financial gain.

He used his office to try to coerce state officials to commit election fraud.

That’s just a start.
Laws are objective. Authoritarians try to turn objectivity into subjectivity. Trump: My will be done.
So, it isn't relevant that Hume put up numbers associated with various presidents and didn't give a linkable source hum? Are those numbers just a SWAGPOOYA he made then? My question is highly relevant.

As far as defying the constitution...

You can easiky Google ranking of US presidents and you’ll find pretty much the same thing wherever you look. Trump may not always be dead last, but damn close. Every. Fucking. Time.
Did the OP mention the Supreme Court? Nope.

He abused his office. Period. He misappropriated fund for the military to build his wall. Only Congress can do that.

He weaponized, or attempted to do so, the Justice Department.

He tried to coerce a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his opponent.

He used his office for financial gain.

He used his office to try to coerce state officials to commit election fraud.

That’s just a start.
That's all Joke Bribem again, and more.

As for your wall claim, that one is pure bullshit. Unused funding can be transferred to other uses. It's clear you know NOTHING about how FAR works and have never dealt with that.
You can easiky Google ranking of US presidents and you’ll find pretty much the same thing wherever you look. Trump may not always be dead last, but damn close. Every. Fucking. Time.
It's not incumbent on me to find the source of someone else's post. Hume made a specific claim and gave nothing to back it up. You can claim Trump comes close to last, but without providing sources for that, you claim is meaningless.