? What would happen if we withdrew from Iraq?


Abreast of the situations
Wondering what you all think would happen in Iraq if obama became president and he immediately withdrew.
I don't think he will immediately withdraw, but I don't think it would be as devastating as we are told, for us or the Iraqis.
A year or so of turmoil in Iraq before a faction took control. But whether we stay or go there will be unrest there for years to come.
Hopefully UN troops would be deployed to contain the turmoil within Iraq.
The world would be forced to deal with the problem instead of the Bush mentality of you are either for us or against us. We would of course need to join in a UN led effort.
honestly I think that internally, the shia would begin a massive assault on the Sunni, and later on the Kurds to consolidate power in the Shia alone, Iran would become a much bigger player in Iraqi politics and the region would become a homogenized Shia Islamic Republic. Which is going to happen one way or another eventually, it would just be faster if we left now.
I think that we would see heavy Iranian influence in our absence. In the long term 10-20 years that would be a bad thing, but in the short term I think Iran would prop up one faction and Iraq would stabilize.

All I want in Iraq is another half-decent dictator to keep the gas flowing.
Our soldiers will stop dying in combat over there
We could start investing billions into our infrastructure and educational system and services
They could focus on the Afghan war and who knows maybe they will remember that we're still allegedly hunting Osama
And most importantly, I'll eventually be paying less for gas
I must confess im a little nervous about the future of the middle east if the American strong hand is lifted from the region.

Assaults on Israel
oil spiking to 300
breading ground for American hating animal terrorists.
The best thing we could have done was to not invade Iraq.

But that ship has sailed, so we will just have to work around it.
It will take an international force to help police it until it can stand on its own. If it made up of mostly muslims then it would help.

Us being there is only postponing the pain. If we had done this years ago before all the mioderate people had to bail out of the country then it would have gone much better. Mistakes at every turn is a Bush trait I guess.
I guess I'm the only one feels this way so I'll say it:

We've irrevocably changed Iraq for the worst. The Shi'ites majority will undoutedly gain more and more political power in the 'democracy' and will eventually institute a government based islamic law which will a lot less secular than Saddam's rule, effectively throwing them back into the stone ages. We already see this happening with a lot of the violence being inflicted on women over there and this trend is increasing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's just the facts. This struggle has been ensuing for centuries and will probably continue for years to come.
Having said that, we need to cut our losses and accept the fact that we screwed up. If we can't tangibly and effectively stabilize the region our military should not be used as a band-aid. It was terrible that we went in there but there's nothing we can do to fix the root problems.

I say we high tail it.
I guess I'm the only one feels this way so I'll say it:

We've irrevocably changed Iraq for the worst. The Shi'ites majority will undoutedly gain more and more political power in the 'democracy' and will eventually institute a government based islamic law which will a lot less secular than Saddam's rule, effectively throwing them back into the stone ages. We already see this happening with a lot of the violence being inflicted on women over there and this trend is increasing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's just the facts. This struggle has been ensuing for centuries and will probably continue for years to come.
Having said that, we need to cut our losses and accept the fact that we screwed up. If we can't tangibly and effectively stabilize the region our military should not be used as a band-aid. It was terrible that we went in there but there's nothing we can do to fix the root problems.

I say we high tail it.

That's what I said.
One thing for sure that would happen is that the bushies would be praying for Iraq to fully go to hell.

Oh yeah they figured it out years ago. They screwed the pooch and have stalled us there to lay the blame on the next admin knowing that they had fucked the R party so bad it would no doubt be a dem admin.

Thousands of our people are dead and maimed for life so Bush could blame someone else.
The responsable thing to do is to anounce we are leaving. Help facilitate an international force to take our place, perferably something like what the UN did in Bosnia under the leadership of Wes Clark.

Hopefully then Iraq will have a chance to develop a nation or nations.
Oh yeah they figured it out years ago. They screwed the pooch and have stalled us there to lay the blame on the next admin knowing that they had fucked the R party so bad it would no doubt be a dem admin.

Thousands of our people are dead and maimed for life so Bush could blame someone else.

Yep the one certain thing that would happen if Obama withdrew from Iraq is that the bushies would go from praying for a quiet Iraq to praying for a turbulent one.
calm down.

I've obviously touched a nerve.

LoL. I just mean that just because I point out the obvious disadvantages of our leaving doesn't mean I don't support withdrawal. I think we have fucked this up as much as we possibly could and our continued presence will do nothing to help the situation.
The responsable thing to do is to anounce we are leaving. Help facilitate an international force to take our place, perferably something like what the UN did in Bosnia under the leadership of Wes Clark.

Hopefully then Iraq will have a chance to develop a nation or nations.

yep I think at least 2 nations.
The responsable thing to do is to anounce we are leaving. Help facilitate an international force to take our place, perferably something like what the UN did in Bosnia under the leadership of Wes Clark.

Hopefully then Iraq will have a chance to develop a nation or nations.

Bascially what John Kerry said four years ago.