? What would happen if we withdrew from Iraq?

One of the biggest failures of the Bush administration, was allowing the argument for war in Iraq to be based on WMD's. In my opinion, this was Bush's way of justifying the war without a public admission of the real justifications. It is extremely difficult, as president of the United States, to declare war against a religious-based ideology. It tends to spark unrest around the globe, and develop into mass chaos quickly, if such a statement is made. So, Bush couldn't come out on 9/12 and say that we are now in a war with Islamic Fundamentalists. Subsequently, he couldn't state we had to overthrow Saddam in order to prevent alQaeda from setting up shop in Iraq, and forming a base of operations to attack Israel, but that was pretty much the case.

From the start, I said that Bush should have asked Congress for a formal Declaration of War against Terrorism. It would have been a precedent, for sure, but it would have given the administration the authority to take unilateral action in any way they needed to against the enemy. This would have trumped any need to go to the UN for permission. Saddam's ties to our declared enemy would have been all the reason needed to go into Iraq and overthrow him.

So... no, we didn't find the WMD's... I never expected us to. It was a huge blunder on Bush's part to even allow this possibility to be considered. WMD's have a short shelf-life, so anything we would find 2 years after announcing to the world he had WMD's, would have already been useless and depleted. It was not the WMD's themselves which was our concern, it was the technology and means, the capacity to make them in large quantity, and the risk of alQaeda getting their hands on this technology and capacity.

LOL @ "I never expected us to."
"I believe we only have two choices when it comes to dealing with radical Islamic terrorism"

And your contention is that Iraq was a "Radical Islamic Terrorist state?"

You've created a total clusterf**k, that by your own admission, is volatile, unpredictable & will require our presence for much, much longer than anyone who supported this war was willing to admit in 2003, when "6 months" was one of the figures lobbed out there by the admin (who also fired a guy for daring to suggest the budget might end up at more than $60 billion). Oh, and if you've read an NIE in the past few years, it's a war that has actually made us LESS SAFE.

Good luck washing that blood off your hands...

The Iraqi republican guard was defeated in much less than 6 months. We are not at war with Iraq. Saddam was sponsoring radical Islamic terrorism, and we have evidence of his connection to alQaeda itself. Saddam claimed to have a "secular" regime, and for the most part, this was true. However, he was more than willing to provide safe haven for radical Islamic terrorists, and would have gladly traded training facilities and WMD's for his continued power. If you want to argue otherwise, you are obviously not thinking as a megalomaniac would.

The NIE is an estimate, an evaluation of things, nothing is ever stated matter of factly, as you have misconstrued the data to mean. We will not be "safe" until radical Islamic fundamentalists are defeated. Giving them a victory in Iraq, seems extremely counterproductive to that objective. We certainly will NOT be safer by sticking our heads in the sand and abandoning Iraq, and I think the NIE was pretty clear on that as well.
Guys, you are totally looking at this wrong. Dixie is the entertainment, nothing more. Damo brings him in, for a fee. You know, like a dancing monkey.
I know you liberals must have missed him.

It's much easier to argue with someone like this than a libertarian.
LOL @ "I never expected us to."

What is so funny? Only a complete ignorant moron would have expected us to find a warehouse full of fresh and potent WMD's... just sitting there waiting with a big yellow bow, for us to find! Saddam was a lot of things, stupid wasn't one of them. He knew early on, there would be no way to avoid the inevitable opening of the facilities to inspection, at some point in time. He could stall for a while, he could move things here and there, but inevitably, he knew he would have to come clean. So, knowing this, why in Allah's name would he continue to keep stockpiles of these WMD's? Especially since they have a limited shelf-life, and it was obvious he couldn't use them anytime soon.

Saddam was intelligent enogh to realize, if UN inspectors or invading US forces, found ANY viable stockpiles of WMD's, his gig was up. The whole world would then know he lied about them, and Bush was completely justified in his actions. So, why would he keep the aging WMD's? Just so Bush's army could come in and find them and justify the war?

United Nations records show, he had 80,000 liters of Sarin and VX gas in 1995. What happened to it? We still don't know! Saddam claimed it was destroyed, but wouldn't give a location. If we had the location, we could test the soil and confirm his claim, but he refused to give this information to the UN inspectors. These 80k liters of WMD's were not a figment of someone's imagination, they did exist, the UN put little blue seals on them and documented their existence. No Iraqi's have come forward to say they destroyed them, and Saddam is dead, so we may never know what happened to these 80k liters of WMD's, but one thing is certain, they did indeed exist.
Did he really call one of the most secular states in the entire middle east a "religious based society?" Saddam actually used his iron hand in part to oppress the fundamentalist islamists. By eliminating him, we took out one of the few leaders that had rejected Islam as the foundation of his government. Turkey was probably the ONLY other predominately moslem populated nation that still embraced a secular government, and that has even been pushed back a abit in Turkey. Al Qaeda in Iraq was formed AFTER our invasion not before. Oh and lord how I have missed the pinhead putdown. /sarcasm
Did he really call one of the most secular states in the entire middle east a "religious based society?" Saddam actually used his iron hand in part to oppress the fundamentalist islamists. By eliminating him, we took out one of the few leaders that had rejected Islam as the foundation of his government. Turkey was probably the ONLY other predominately moslem populated nation that still embraced a secular government, and that has even been pushed back a abit in Turkey. Al Qaeda in Iraq was formed AFTER our invasion not before. Oh and lord how I have missed the pinhead putdown. /sarcasm

alQaeda agents were in Iraq in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, and 2002. One of them was being paid by the Saddam regime, he was one of the terrorists responsible for the first WTC bombing. alQaeda members trained at Salman Pak, using an old airplane fuselage to practice hijacking. This is in the nation of Iraq, which Saddam Hussein was the President of, so don't give me this "out of his control" shit. It happened, under Saddam, wayyyy before we ever went to the UN or fingered him as part of the Axis of Evil.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the regime of Saddam Hussein, because it sounds a lot like you thought he was the best thing for the people of Iraq, and I know of many Iraqi's who completely disagree with that view. He was ruthlessly torturing innocent Iraqi women and children, and feeding the men into wood chippers for shits and giggles! At the same time, he was telling the United Nations to fuck off, and the rest of the civilized world, to kiss his ass! And you have the audacity to come here and espouse some sort of fake-intellectualism about how great he was? What kind of monster are you?
"Only a complete ignorant moron would have expected us to find a warehouse full of fresh and potent WMD's"

Wow...we agree:

"Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly . . . all this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it takes. "

Ari Fleisher
Press Briefing
March 21, 2003

"I have no doubt we're going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction."

Defense Policy Board member Kenneth Adelman
Washington Post, p. A27
March 23, 2003

"One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.

Pentagon Spokeswoman Victoria Clark
Press Briefing
March 22, 2003

"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."

Donald Rumsfeld
ABC Interview
March 30, 2003

"Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find -- and there will be plenty. "

Neocon scholar Robert Kagan
Washington Post op-ed
April 9, 2003

"I think you have always heard, and you continue to hear from officials, a measure of high confidence that, indeed, the weapons of mass destruction will be found. "

Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
April 10, 2003

"There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country. "

Donald Rumsfeld
Press Briefing
April 25, 2003

"We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so. "

George Bush
Remarks to Reporters
May 3, 2003

"You remember when [Secretary of State] Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons ...They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two...And we'll find more weapons as time goes on And we'll find more weapons as time goes on"

--George W. Bush
Press Briefing
Dixie has been so repeatedly skewerd he whistles whenever a breeze blows.
Does not seem to faze the idjit though. He is a faith based creature, facts be damned.
Wondering what you all think would happen in Iraq if obama became president and he immediately withdrew.

Wingnuts will be saying for the next 30 years that Liberals "lost" iraq, and that if we had stayed only 6 months longer, we would have "won".

That's the only certainty.

Everything else is uncertain. It will take skillful diplomacy to resolve this. And I doubt the fighting will entirely stop, though I know for a fact al qaeda isn't going to "take over" Iraq, as McFossil likes to claim.
What is so funny? Only a complete ignorant moron would have expected us to find a warehouse full of fresh and potent WMD's... just sitting there waiting with a big yellow bow, for us to find! Saddam was a lot of things, stupid wasn't one of them. He knew early on, there would be no way to avoid the inevitable opening of the facilities to inspection, at some point in time. He could stall for a while, he could move things here and there, but inevitably, he knew he would have to come clean. So, knowing this, why in Allah's name would he continue to keep stockpiles of these WMD's? Especially since they have a limited shelf-life, and it was obvious he couldn't use them anytime soon.

Saddam was intelligent enogh to realize, if UN inspectors or invading US forces, found ANY viable stockpiles of WMD's, his gig was up. The whole world would then know he lied about them, and Bush was completely justified in his actions. So, why would he keep the aging WMD's? Just so Bush's army could come in and find them and justify the war?

United Nations records show, he had 80,000 liters of Sarin and VX gas in 1995. What happened to it? We still don't know! Saddam claimed it was destroyed, but wouldn't give a location. If we had the location, we could test the soil and confirm his claim, but he refused to give this information to the UN inspectors. These 80k liters of WMD's were not a figment of someone's imagination, they did exist, the UN put little blue seals on them and documented their existence. No Iraqi's have come forward to say they destroyed them, and Saddam is dead, so we may never know what happened to these 80k liters of WMD's, but one thing is certain, they did indeed exist.

Are you abandoning your claim that they found WMD in Iraq?
Wingnuts will be saying for the next 30 years that Liberals "lost" iraq, and that if we had stayed only 6 months longer, we would have "won".

That's the only certainty.

Everything else is uncertain. It will take skillful diplomacy to resolve this. And I doubt the fighting will entirely stop, though I know for a fact al qaeda isn't going to "take over" Iraq, as McFossil likes to claim.

They still say that about Vietnam.
"Only a complete ignorant moron would have expected us to find a warehouse full of fresh and potent WMD's"

Wow...we agree:

"Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly . . . all this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it takes. "

Ari Fleisher
Press Briefing
March 21, 2003

"I have no doubt we're going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction."

Defense Policy Board member Kenneth Adelman
Washington Post, p. A27
March 23, 2003

"One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.

Pentagon Spokeswoman Victoria Clark
Press Briefing
March 22, 2003

"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."

Donald Rumsfeld
ABC Interview
March 30, 2003

"Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find -- and there will be plenty. "

Neocon scholar Robert Kagan
Washington Post op-ed
April 9, 2003

"I think you have always heard, and you continue to hear from officials, a measure of high confidence that, indeed, the weapons of mass destruction will be found. "

Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
April 10, 2003

"There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country. "

Donald Rumsfeld
Press Briefing
April 25, 2003

"We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so. "

George Bush
Remarks to Reporters
May 3, 2003

"You remember when [Secretary of State] Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons ...They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two...And we'll find more weapons as time goes on And we'll find more weapons as time goes on"

--George W. Bush
Press Briefing

Ouch, now will Dixie go away again for another 6 months.