What Would Milton Friedman Say -

Milton Friedman was one of those economists that consistently errored and got rewarded for it.... Sounds kind of like Bush if you ask me!

Yeah, Classical Economics and quanity of money theory have been thouroghly discredited. It's like Marxism it's been so discredited. Adam who?
Obfuscate still living in the past....The past has been proven wrong on many occasions....

And Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan belong together in the Hall of Shame....


Yes, they do and We not only paid for it, but South America did, too, but in a lot of blood. They both should have been in jail!!!! before they died.
You guys are morons. Any comment on the actual article, I'm sure not since you don't understand the content.
Just an article by Freidman worshippers.

Theorizing that Freidman would have seen this coming. An opinion piece only.
You guys are morons. Any comment on the actual article, I'm sure not since you don't understand the content.

Milton Friedman would have loved the Bush Administration....

With the relaxing of all the government regulations and rules.... Let the free market reign!

The deregulation and privatization of the American economy under Bush is the 2nd biggest debacle of his administration after the Iraq War....

But go ahead and support Milton and Bush...

It said he'd see it coming when the bubble popped, he would have seen that it would cut down the money supply {as it has}. Also in 05 he talked about the negatives of Greenspans 1% rates..

In USCs logic anyone who believes in Keynesian economics is a keynes worsipper IE Obama and all the Dems..

As far as Bush, Friedman was oppossed to the Patriot act and Iraq, he's a Classical Liberal. He also oppossed Bushs reckless spending.
Milton Friedman would have loved the Bush Administration....

With the relaxing of all the government regulations and rules.... Let the free market reign!

The deregulation and privatization of the American economy under Bush is the 2nd biggest debacle of his administration after the Iraq War....

But go ahead and support Milton and Bush...


What would you consider Bush's largest deregulation?
Also, the only deregulation people talk about is the repeal of Glass Stegall which was one CLINTON signed into law and NOBODY wants to re enact.

Some guy who worships Milton writes an opinion column, which I couldn't read past the part that blamed the subprime meltdown on fanniemae/freddiemac, factually wrong assertation, and also a racist one. that second part is opinion, the first is fact.

that's as far as I got, because that's when I knew I wasn't dealing with a serious person.
I don't know about Freidman he is dead, but I saw this coming better than most on here. Esp the freidman worshippers.
So if Freidman would have seen it coming all you guys did not learn Freidman very well.
The Energy industry....

Skyrocketing oil prices and the rolling blackouts in California are awesome!


I live in California. I was here during the blackouts. The partial attempt at deregulation was from the mid-'90's.

How about an example of deregulation while Bush was President.
Some guy who worships Milton writes an opinion column, which I couldn't read past the part that blamed the subprime meltdown on fanniemae/freddiemac, factually wrong assertation, and also a racist one. that second part is opinion, the first is fact.

that's as far as I got, because that's when I knew I wasn't dealing with a serious person.

You are bad at reading, it states it was caused by a speculative bubble which have happened since the beginning of time from the turnip bubble to the dotcom bubble, it says Freddie and Fannie made it worse, which it obviously has. Try a reading comprehension course..
I live in California. I was here during the blackouts. The partial attempt at deregulation was from the mid-'90's.

How about an example of deregulation while Bush was President.

It's stump speech rehashing. I've been asking Libs this question for a year and the only answer I've got was Clinton legislation.