What You Do To The Least of These


...you do to me.

America does Jesus Christ proud on the eve of his so-called birthday.

JUAN GONZALEZ: We turn now to New Orleans, where protests have been occurring for weeks to block the demolition of 4,500 units of public housing.

Jacquie Soohen and Rick Rowley of Big Noise Films are in New Orleans and filed this report. Rick was among those arrested at a march on Saturday.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: Since Hurricane Katrina emptied New Orleans of its residents, a battle has been waged over the future of the city. The struggle over what the new New Orleans will look like and who will return to live here largely depends on the future of the city’s public housing developments. And this week is a crucial showdown in that fight.

The city began demolitions last Wednesday, which, if completed, will destroy 4,500 units of public housing, making way for mixed-income neighborhoods with only 800 units of public housing, an 82% reduction in size. 41,000 affordable rental units were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, and the city is facing an acute housing shortage. Rents have almost doubled since before the storm. But HUD, the federal housing authority, is pressing ahead with the demolition.

50% of families who want to but are unable to return to New Orleans make less than $20,000 a year. Watching the demolition of part of their housing development from across the street, residents of B.W. Cooper believe that the city does not want them back.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 1: They want us out. I think they want the land right out from here. They want this land right here. If you don’t have the money, because the housing’s going up, everything’s going up, so if you’re poor, you’ve got to get out of here, man. There’s no place for you here. None! So that’s going to be the new New Orleans.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 2: They want to get rid of all these poor black people, get them completely out. They don’t want the projects.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 3: They’re going to make—


B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 3: No, they want it to be a rich city. That’s what they want. Forget us.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 2: People we haven’t seen after the hurricane, still haven’t saw, because they can’t come back. They don’t have nowhere to stay.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 3: The people don’t have nowhere to go. People still homeless out of town. Underneath that bridge, they got thousands of people under that bridge, homeless. It brings tears to your eyes when you go on to the food stamp hall.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: The homeless population of New Orleans has doubled since the storm. Every night, over 12,000 New Orleanians sleep under bridges and crowd into the city’s parks. Hundreds pitch their tents and blankets in this plaza in front of City Hall within sight of the mayor’s office. According to UNITY, a charity that is working with the city to relocate the plaza’s homeless, at least a third of the homeless here work steady jobs.

HOMELESS WORKER 1: I make $8 an hour right now, which is not hitting on nothing. You need a job at least starting you off twenty-one bucks an hour. Then you’re OK. $8 an hour after taxes is nothing; it’s kid wages.

During the hurricane, I was sitting on my porch. I heard him crying over a little transistor radio he had, ran by batteries. You know, talk to the government, talk about the President. I need to get some help down here. I heard this man crying. I said, “Alright,” you know. But you know what, when all is said and done, he’s just like them. So, Mr. Mayor, why don’t you give us some help down here? That’s all I can say.

HOMELESS WORKER 2: It’s not because people are vagrants and drunks and bums. Like myself and my husband don’t do drugs. We work every day, but we can’t afford the housing. They want first month’s rent, last month’s rent, damage deposit. What used to be $450 a month is now $950 a month.

There’s a lot of intelligent people here. I have a college degree. I was turned down three jobs last week, because I have no address. I had no idea. And I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. My family worked hard. We were middle class. But I never expected this. I didn’t realize how hard this is. And along with the homelessness comes hopelessness. It’s hard to look at this every day and to live this. You don’t know until you live it.

And I don’t want people to judge us, because we’re not vagrants and drunks and drug addicts. We’re a victim of circumstance. And we’re trying. We need some help. Blankets are fine, food’s fine. God bless them for it. But it’s a temporary solution to a big, big long-term problem.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: The city announced that this Friday it will fence off Duncan Plaza and evict those camped out on the site. After Friday, they will no longer be visible from the mayor’s office window, but the homeless population may surge again as FEMA begins closing their trailer parks, which house more than 50,000 families across the region. In the next six months, all of FEMA’s trailer parks will be emptied.

PROTESTERS: Stop the bulldozers now! Stop the bulldozers now! Stop the bulldozers now! Stop the bulldozers now!

JACQUIE SOOHEN: Activists from across the country came to New Orleans this week to join local residents in actions to save New Orleans public housing.

PROTESTERS: Stop the demolition now! Stop the demolition now! Stop the demolition now! Stop the demolition now!

JACQUIE SOOHEN: Demolitions in the four largest housing developments were slated to begin on December 15th, but a combination of political pressure and legal action won a temporary reprieve.

Now, the fate of New Orleans public housing lies in the hands of the city council. They’re scheduled to make their decision this Thursday.

PROTESTERS: Stop demolition! Stop demolition! Stop demolition! Stop demolition!

JACQUIE SOOHEN: The coalition to defend New Orleans public housing is celebrating their temporary victory and mobilizing for the next phase of their fight. They say that more is at stake than the future of their city. They warn that the new New Orleans is a testing ground for national policies and are calling for support from across the country.

PROTESTERS: No demolitions! No demolitions! No demolitions! No demolitions!
Professional protester is what your next career move should be. Your like desh with a little more intelligence and a lot more drive.
The city council mostly dems voted unanimously to tear them down. The city had 400,000 people pre Katrina, the overwhelming majority of the remaining will be exstatic that they are gone. Please tell me you don't think that this would be the first public housing torn down in the country!!! DHULA the dumma
Professional protester is what your next career move should be. Your like desh with a little more intelligence and a lot more drive.
The city council mostly dems voted unanimously to tear them down. The city had 400,000 people pre Katrina, the overwhelming majority of the remaining will be exstatic that they are gone. Please tell me you don't think that this would be the first public housing torn down in the country!!! DHULA the dumma

Well, as long as the "overwhelming majority" will be "exstatic" that the undesirables will be gone Top, then that makes it ok. Then who cares that they are homeless in the richest country in the world. Maybe we can do away with the jews after we get rid of the darkies?
your beyond stupid, they are still going to give them the free be they will just try and get them to assimilate. Why do the limosine liberals want to keep the brothers down. Do you not want them living next to you?:pke:
You are also clueless about Nawlins moron.
We will be better, just like they bounced back in North Carolina we too will bounce back.
No country bumbkin I think it was Hugo
They are used as the model for how a devastated city can come back.
With the idiots (dems) we have it'll take us longer but we'll be back.
...you do to me.

America does Jesus Christ proud on the eve of his so-called birthday.

JUAN GONZALEZ: We turn now to New Orleans, where protests have been occurring for weeks to block the demolition of 4,500 units of public housing.

Jacquie Soohen and Rick Rowley of Big Noise Films are in New Orleans and filed this report. Rick was among those arrested at a march on Saturday.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: Since Hurricane Katrina emptied New Orleans of its residents, a battle has been waged over the future of the city. The struggle over what the new New Orleans will look like and who will return to live here largely depends on the future of the city’s public housing developments. And this week is a crucial showdown in that fight.

The city began demolitions last Wednesday, which, if completed, will destroy 4,500 units of public housing, making way for mixed-income neighborhoods with only 800 units of public housing, an 82% reduction in size. 41,000 affordable rental units were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, and the city is facing an acute housing shortage. Rents have almost doubled since before the storm. But HUD, the federal housing authority, is pressing ahead with the demolition.

50% of families who want to but are unable to return to New Orleans make less than $20,000 a year. Watching the demolition of part of their housing development from across the street, residents of B.W. Cooper believe that the city does not want them back.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 1: They want us out. I think they want the land right out from here. They want this land right here. If you don’t have the money, because the housing’s going up, everything’s going up, so if you’re poor, you’ve got to get out of here, man. There’s no place for you here. None! So that’s going to be the new New Orleans.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 2: They want to get rid of all these poor black people, get them completely out. They don’t want the projects.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 3: They’re going to make—


B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 3: No, they want it to be a rich city. That’s what they want. Forget us.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 2: People we haven’t seen after the hurricane, still haven’t saw, because they can’t come back. They don’t have nowhere to stay.

B.W. COOPER RESIDENT 3: The people don’t have nowhere to go. People still homeless out of town. Underneath that bridge, they got thousands of people under that bridge, homeless. It brings tears to your eyes when you go on to the food stamp hall.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: The homeless population of New Orleans has doubled since the storm. Every night, over 12,000 New Orleanians sleep under bridges and crowd into the city’s parks. Hundreds pitch their tents and blankets in this plaza in front of City Hall within sight of the mayor’s office. According to UNITY, a charity that is working with the city to relocate the plaza’s homeless, at least a third of the homeless here work steady jobs.

HOMELESS WORKER 1: I make $8 an hour right now, which is not hitting on nothing. You need a job at least starting you off twenty-one bucks an hour. Then you’re OK. $8 an hour after taxes is nothing; it’s kid wages.

During the hurricane, I was sitting on my porch. I heard him crying over a little transistor radio he had, ran by batteries. You know, talk to the government, talk about the President. I need to get some help down here. I heard this man crying. I said, “Alright,” you know. But you know what, when all is said and done, he’s just like them. So, Mr. Mayor, why don’t you give us some help down here? That’s all I can say.

HOMELESS WORKER 2: It’s not because people are vagrants and drunks and bums. Like myself and my husband don’t do drugs. We work every day, but we can’t afford the housing. They want first month’s rent, last month’s rent, damage deposit. What used to be $450 a month is now $950 a month.

There’s a lot of intelligent people here. I have a college degree. I was turned down three jobs last week, because I have no address. I had no idea. And I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. My family worked hard. We were middle class. But I never expected this. I didn’t realize how hard this is. And along with the homelessness comes hopelessness. It’s hard to look at this every day and to live this. You don’t know until you live it.

And I don’t want people to judge us, because we’re not vagrants and drunks and drug addicts. We’re a victim of circumstance. And we’re trying. We need some help. Blankets are fine, food’s fine. God bless them for it. But it’s a temporary solution to a big, big long-term problem.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: The city announced that this Friday it will fence off Duncan Plaza and evict those camped out on the site. After Friday, they will no longer be visible from the mayor’s office window, but the homeless population may surge again as FEMA begins closing their trailer parks, which house more than 50,000 families across the region. In the next six months, all of FEMA’s trailer parks will be emptied.

PROTESTERS: Stop the bulldozers now! Stop the bulldozers now! Stop the bulldozers now! Stop the bulldozers now!

JACQUIE SOOHEN: Activists from across the country came to New Orleans this week to join local residents in actions to save New Orleans public housing.

PROTESTERS: Stop the demolition now! Stop the demolition now! Stop the demolition now! Stop the demolition now!

JACQUIE SOOHEN: Demolitions in the four largest housing developments were slated to begin on December 15th, but a combination of political pressure and legal action won a temporary reprieve.

Now, the fate of New Orleans public housing lies in the hands of the city council. They’re scheduled to make their decision this Thursday.

PROTESTERS: Stop demolition! Stop demolition! Stop demolition! Stop demolition!

JACQUIE SOOHEN: The coalition to defend New Orleans public housing is celebrating their temporary victory and mobilizing for the next phase of their fight. They say that more is at stake than the future of their city. They warn that the new New Orleans is a testing ground for national policies and are calling for support from across the country.

PROTESTERS: No demolitions! No demolitions! No demolitions! No demolitions!

A lot of the people who lived there moved to different states, there isn't as much demand for it.

This is stupid anyway, I resented the hell out of having to pay taxes while living in an apartment for people to live better in social welfare public housing. It makes no sense, I mean what is the incentive to go out and start with a lower-end job if you will live better than many who do not?

Abolish public welfare housing NOW!
Also, Jesus Christ did not petition the Roman governor to do charity, he encouraged people of their own free will to be more charitable.
Bad comparison.
A lot of the people who lived there moved to different states, there isn't as much demand for it.

This is stupid anyway, I resented the hell out of having to pay taxes while living in an apartment for people to live better in social welfare public housing. It makes no sense, I mean what is the incentive to go out and start with a lower-end job if you will live better than many who do not?

Abolish public welfare housing NOW!

They didn’t move to other states. They were taken in by other states, in what was billed as a temporary situation, and then they weren’t allowed back into their homes, you fucking idiot.
Nobody except the most wealthy have moved back you dumb broad.
IT's entirely not limited to the poor, your completley clueless.
I could see the 25 paid protestors form my office window. Your in way over your head on this one as usual.
They didn’t move to other states. They were taken in by other states, in what was billed as a temporary situation, and then they weren’t allowed back into their homes, you fucking idiot.

MANY did move to other states on their own, don't lie.
They are not going back to their homes because the homes are damaged.
And you never addressed my far stronger point. What do you say to Joe and Jane American who is out there busting their ass working their way up starting out in an apartment and being forced to pay taxes for lazier people who get social welfare townhomes and housing?
It's so wrong Darla, it's a big reason I became more Conservative.
Nobody except the most wealthy have moved back you dumb broad.
IT's entirely not limited to the poor, your completley clueless.
I could see the 25 paid protestors form my office window. Your in way over your head on this one as usual.

Umm I think that is the whole point of her thread Spinner. Thanks for helping her to make her point :)
And how are you sure they are PAID protesters ? Do they have signs saying such or something ?
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I'm yanking ya'lls turbo-lib chains
there were only a couple dozen, but their were a few rich white kids dhula and cypress would put on a pedistal.
I think they were the ones on the tapes you'll see being smart enough to duck and back off the industrial sized pepper sparyer.
I'd just like to point out for the record that there are about 12,000 homeless in New Orleans right now, doubled from before Katrina, so the idea that there is no need for housing is bullshit.
MANY did move to other states on their own, don't lie.
They are not going back to their homes because the homes are damaged.
And you never addressed my far stronger point. What do you say to Joe and Jane American who is out there busting their ass working their way up starting out in an apartment and being forced to pay taxes for lazier people who get social welfare townhomes and housing?
It's so wrong Darla, it's a big reason I became more Conservative.

No, you became more conservative because you're a jaded fuck who got shit on while growing up and think that because you got shit one everyone else should too. It's fairly transparent from your rantings and your false generalizations about people who receive government assistance. I won't even begin to address the anger you directed towards children living in poverty due to no fault of their own.

More on topic though, for some reason you seem to be not OK with providing low income people with housing but you seem completely fine with providing cash and tax breaks to builders and developers to created "mixed income" developments in place of low-income housing? What do you say to Joe and Jane American . . . ?