What You Do To The Least of These

I'd just like to point out for the record that there are about 12,000 homeless in New Orleans right now, doubled from before Katrina, so the idea that there is no need for housing is bullshit.

Well you are right, thank you for some facts, nevertheless taxes in the city because of reconstruction and abandonment of many of the middle class are sky-high, so where do you want them to come up with the money from?

There is no city in America that started out as it was building with giant welfare programs and goodies and got bigger. Those things came because the city could afford it from taxes, NOW it can't so you have to make cuts.
Such is life, it's obviously not so bad as some are moving back despite the fact that they could find housing in many other parts of America easily.

And I will say again public housing is wrong and unfair, why should working people in apartments pay taxes for lazier people to live off their sweat in public housing which includes nicer townhomes?
I'd just like to point out for the record that there are about 12,000 homeless in New Orleans right now, doubled from before Katrina, so the idea that there is no need for housing is bullshit.

Yes and the ones lucky enough to finally get FEMA trailers are going to be moved out of them this year.

where are they going?

That homeless number is going to jump again.
so don't let the top 30% rebuild there houses.
Let's have the government screw them over too because the poor haven't been taken care of yet. Wow, no wonder your in copywriting
A lot of the homeless are middle class, dhula has this idea everyone is ok but the welfare project people.
thousands of middle class and near upper middle are still in fema trailors in front of their totally destroyed houses. A huge % of the city looks like a bomb hit.
And who can handle being without a home longer a person with money or a poorer person ?
So who should be first in getting back in housing ?
A lot of the homeless are middle class, dhula has this idea everyone is ok but the welfare project people.
thousands of middle class and near upper middle are still in fema trailors in front of their totally destroyed houses. A huge % of the city looks like a bomb hit.

And you are stupid enough to believe that it’s like that by accident. That it couldn’t be helped. That there is no Dano-ideology driving it. That this is about building better publica housing. That under an FDR New Orleans would look the same today.
That’s the pathetic part.
And who can handle being without a home longer a person with money or a poorer person ?
So who should be first in getting back in housing ?

Apparently topper is of the opinion that since lots of people are homeless, it makes sense to replace 4,500 units of housing with 800. Take that logic.
Actually I do not think we should pay money to rebuild in areas that are below water level.

Just flushing money down the drain, it is only a matter of time before it happens again.
No, you became more conservative because you're a jaded fuck who got shit on while growing up and think that because you got shit one everyone else should too. It's fairly transparent from your rantings and your false generalizations about people who receive government assistance. I won't even begin to address the anger you directed towards children living in poverty due to no fault of their own.
I didn't get shit on, I am proud of working my way up, I didn't resent my lifestyle because it largely came from my own choices.
I'll tell you my story about that and you'll see where I'm coming from.

I moved out as a teen and got a crapola apartment, working fulltime at McDonalds. Down the street and around the corner was a public housing complex with decent (certainly roomier) townhomes and a parking lot full of lower end cars but cars none the less, the parking lot below my apartment building had far less cars (per capita), people paying for their housing obviously can afford less cars.

My first roommate, came from these townhomes, his Mom had got pregnant as a teen and lived there for a long time.
One time his Mom came over with her boyfriend and we asked him you know "what do you do for a living", I don't remember what he answered but she said she had never worked. She felt guilty, I could tell and then went on to say that she would have worked but if she got a job she would no longer qualify for public housing.

It's that kind of experience that makes me know what I am talking about and had I not seen that firsthand and say gone off to college right away and never been familiar with poverty I may have ended up as just another lefty with visions of the poor needing help and needing to do more and not thinking about the actual consequences of that help.

I am not jaded, but I can see clear unfairness when I see it, that's not to say I wanted public housing or that there should be more of it but that it would always be unfair because it is set up to reward those who do less with better/easier housing.

Welfare reform as started by the Repubs in the 90's was great but it needs to be more than just regulating a check, it needs to halt the whole welfare industry from checks to housing to healthcare to food.
People need to be self-responsible and they will be better off by being so.

More on topic though, for some reason you seem to be not OK with providing low income people with housing but you seem completely fine with providing cash and tax breaks to builders and developers to created "mixed income" developments in place of low-income housing? What do you say to Joe and Jane American . . . ?
I am not in favor of that either, I just said that to argue Darla's (false) point that they are not JUST getting rid of that public housing, they are replacing it.
you turbo-libs are morons with your ideally a city could be built bottom up with the poorest served first. LOFL
Ahhh...you guys are the republicans dryest powder the dumbass dems who don't know shit about the economy.
you turbo-libs are morons with your ideally a city could be built bottom up with the poorest served first. LOFL
Ahhh...you guys are the republicans dryest powder the dumbass dems who don't know shit about the economy.

You chastising people for not knowing shit about the economy is like Watermark telling Ron Jeremy that he's doing it wrong.
I didn't get shit on, I am proud of working my way up, I didn't resent my lifestyle because it largely came from my own choices.
I'll tell you my story about that and you'll see where I'm coming from.

I moved out as a teen and got a crapola apartment, working fulltime at McDonalds. Down the street and around the corner was a public housing complex with decent (certainly roomier) townhomes and a parking lot full of lower end cars but cars none the less, the parking lot below my apartment building had far less cars (per capita), people paying for their housing obviously can afford less cars.

My first roommate, came from these townhomes, his Mom had got pregnant as a teen and lived there for a long time.
One time his Mom came over with her boyfriend and we asked him you know "what do you do for a living", I don't remember what he answered but she said she had never worked. She felt guilty, I could tell and then went on to say that she would have worked but if she got a job she would no longer qualify for public housing.

It's that kind of experience that makes me know what I am talking about and had I not seen that firsthand and say gone off to college right away and never been familiar with poverty I may have ended up as just another lefty with visions of the poor needing help and needing to do more and not thinking about the actual consequences of that help.

I am not jaded, but I can see clear unfairness when I see it, that's not to say I wanted public housing or that there should be more of it but that it would always be unfair because it is set up to reward those who do less with better/easier housing.

Welfare reform as started by the Repubs in the 90's was great but it needs to be more than just regulating a check, it needs to halt the whole welfare industry from checks to housing to healthcare to food.
People need to be self-responsible and they will be better off by being so.

I am not in favor of that either, I just said that to argue Darla's (false) point that they are not JUST getting rid of that public housing, they are replacing it.

Listen you fucking liar, don’t you come on here and say that I am a liar, while claiming that “they are going to replace the public housing”

“with only 800 units of public housing, an 82% reduction in size.”

This is what is so sneaky and dishonest, and frankly, outright evil about you bush boyos. You might as well as put in 0 units of public housing, but then you couldn’t make the claim that you are “replacing” the demolished public housing. You still can’t make that claim, but in your rotted, diseased minds, you think that the 800 units enables you to make the claim
lets see Dhula the newly elected democratic city council voted unanimously to destroy them. You know less then nothing about Nawlins. It is and will be a city of majority black with enourmous amounts of housing assitance being paid.
It get you your false outrage fix, don't bother looking up any facts.