

Makes the ganglia twitch.
How is this constitutional? Why would anyone in their right mind make such a law?

A Year in Jail for Not Believing in God? How Kentucky is Persecuting Atheists

In Kentucky, a homeland security law requires the state’s citizens to acknowledge the security provided by the Almighty God--or risk 12 months in prison.

November 21, 2012 |

The law and its sponsor, state representative Tom Riner, have been the subject of controversy since the law first surfaced in 2006, yet the Kentucky state Supreme Court has refused to review its constitutionality, despite clearly violating the First Amendment’s separation of church and state.

"This is one of the most egregiously and breathtakingly unconstitutional actions by a state legislature that I've ever seen," said Edwin Kagin, the legal director of American Atheists', a national organization focused defending the civil rights of atheists. American Atheists’ launched a lawsuit against the law in 2008, which won at the Circuit Court level, but was then overturned by the state Court of Appeals.

The law states, "The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God as set forth in the public speeches and proclamations of American Presidents, including Abraham Lincoln's historic March 30, 1863, presidential proclamation urging Americans to pray and fast during one of the most dangerous hours in American history, and the text of President John F. Kennedy's November 22, 1963, national security speech which concluded: "For as was written long ago: 'Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.'"

The law requires that plaques celebrating the power of the Almighty God be installed outside the state Homeland Security building--and carries a criminal penalty of up to 12 months in jail if one fails to comply. The plaque’s inscription begins with the assertion, “The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God.”


So much for Christians (certain christians) forcing their beliefs on others...with a jail sentence yet.
Nope it is true. It is hell to live in a red bible belter state.
Keep in mind our US senators are Rand and Mitch...

We still have many "dry" counties.

churches can garnish your wages for tithes, etc.
Actually that bill did not pass.
Nope it is true. It is hell to live in a red bible belter state.
Keep in mind our US senators are Rand and Mitch...

We still have many "dry" counties.

churches can garnish your wages for tithes, etc.
Actually that bill did not pass.

I had no idea it could get that bad and still be 2012!! Damn!! Kudo's that you're able to deal! Thanks for the info.
No one in those states are allowed to have guns? I know you're lying...and off topic.

Those rights are most certainly infringed. There is more than just overt banning. Further, it certainly IS on topic because A) you initially responded and B) the infringement of one fundamental right legitimizes infringement on all others. Because you obviously don't support all rights equally, you have no place to complain when the doctrine you tout on one hands bites you on the other.
Those rights are most certainly infringed. There is more than just overt banning. Further, it certainly IS on topic because A) you initially responded and B) the infringement of one fundamental right legitimizes infringement on all others. Because you obviously don't support all rights equally, you have no place to complain when the doctrine you tout on one hands bites you on the other.

Regulation is not infringement. I'm not going to waste any more time on this. The topic isn't the 2nd Amendment...and I don't support your form of anarchy.
Regulation is not infringement. I'm not going to waste any more time on this. The topic isn't the 2nd Amendment...and I don't support your form of anarchy.

Banning things IS infringement. By your standard, the bill in question doesn't infringe on anyone 1A rights because their type of worship is just regulated. And how exactly is believing and adhering to a government principle anarchy exactly? I'd love to see where anarchy is even mentioned anywhere in this thread by me. Or anywhere on this board for that matter.
I am outraged!......who in their fucking right mind would think that a branch of the US government should be permitted, let alone required to put up a plaque including the statement of that right wing evangelical bible-thumpers, Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy!.....fair minded Americans everywhere should be burning their Bibles in protest of this shameless attack on atheists.......
You can always be counted on to totally miss the point when it comes to separation of church and state, and you're so witty....