
What in the world happened while I wasn't posting?

Howey, Darla, Yurt, Steel, Jarod, Watermark, and BAC are gone
Zappa and USF went off their rockers
Desh's posts seem to have gotten shorter and more off-topic
Nearly all the new political threads are by the ILA / Classic Liberal types
Christie has all but stopped arguing with them completely
3d and Grind are just sitting back lauging
Pisskop has one foot out the door
And Billy and Cawacko are about the only people left trying to discuss politics rationally

:good4u: Wonderful, people

Well several weeks ago, Billy and Grind both had this enormous hissy fit and decided that since I wouldn't agree with them, that I must be a troll and to arbitrarily censor what I can and cannot read, so I am living down to their expectations.

Once they start treating me like they treat all the other posters here, I can go back to discussing politics.
Well several weeks ago, Billy and Grind both had this enormous hissy fit and decided that since I wouldn't agree with them, that I must be a troll and to arbitrarily censor what I can and cannot read, so I am living down to their expectations.

Once they start treating me like they treat all the other posters here, I can go back to discussing politics.

Broken fuckin record
Well several weeks ago, Billy and Grind both had this enormous hissy fit and decided that since I wouldn't agree with them, that I must be a troll and to arbitrarily censor what I can and cannot read, so I am living down to their expectations.

Once they start treating me like they treat all the other posters here, I can go back to discussing politics.

So your plan is to live down to the mods' expectations until they raise them?
So your plan is to live down to the mods' expectations until they raise them?

They spent weeks unfairly branding me as a troll for the high crime of daring to report some of the most hateful, sickeningly vulgar posts attacking other posters.

Whenever I attempted to discuss this with them, they accused me of whining and began censoring what I can and cannot read.

I asked how long their forced censorship would last and was told by Billy that they would NEVER left the censorship, so I decided if a troll is what they think I am, then a troll is what I will be.
They spent weeks unfairly branding me as a troll for the high crime of daring to report some of the most hateful, sickeningly vulgar posts attacking other posters.

Whenever I attempted to discuss this with them, they accused me of whining and began censoring what I can and cannot read.

I asked how long their forced censorship would last and was told by Billy that they would NEVER left the censorship, so I decided if a troll is what they think I am, then a troll is what I will be.


You are sure showing them
They spent weeks unfairly branding me as a troll for the high crime of daring to report some of the most hateful, sickeningly vulgar posts attacking other posters.

Whenever I attempted to discuss this with them, they accused me of whining and began censoring what I can and cannot read.

I asked how long their forced censorship would last and was told by Billy that they would NEVER left the censorship, so I decided if a troll is what they think I am, then a troll is what I will be.

Stop taking yourself so seriously. This is an internet forum. The people running it put some restrictions on your usage - nothing life changing, it's not the end of the world. So you're acting like an angry child, throwing a fit on the internet, to spite them?

Is everything okay on your end?
So your plan is to live down to the mods' expectations until they raise them?
Zap is lying, as per usual. He is on forced ignore with ILA, after bitching and pissing and moaning hour after hour, day after day, for weeks, about how we must BAN ILA and Legion, for breaking no rules. So we did what we've done for years with several other poster (I.E. put him on forced ignore) and he is the FIRST poster to bitch so much. He's been told by Grind and Damo what to do to get off forced ignore, but nope, he will have none of it.
I would personally like to see IHA and Legion go down in one of Billy's graphic endings. Of course, Zap would probably feel cheated by this and blame the mods! :D
I would personally like to see IHA and Legion go down in one of Billy's graphic endings. Of course, Zap would probably feel cheated by this and blame the mods! :D

I know for a fact I've wished both AIDS and cancer on ILA, so there's that. And legion....I don't think I've been as explicit in my hatred. Of course he doesn't bring out such rage as zap. I guess because even though he rage quits every few months, he's still not as big of a whiny little shit as Zap is.
So your plan is to live down to the mods' expectations until they raise them?

omigorsh, omigorsh, omigorsh.....I have never before seen anyone come up with a better understanding of human behavior in such a short time.....Rose is genius!......
Stop taking yourself so seriously. This is an internet forum. The people running it put some restrictions on your usage - nothing life changing, it's not the end of the world. So you're acting like an angry child, throwing a fit on the internet, to spite them?

Is everything okay on your end?

lick that ass baby
Stop taking yourself so seriously. This is an internet forum. The people running it put some restrictions on your usage - nothing life changing, it's not the end of the world. So you're acting like an angry child, throwing a fit on the internet, to spite them?

Is everything okay on your end?

Oh hell yeah, everything is great on this end.

Had a wonderful holidays with my family and friends and since business was so good this year the boss gave us all from Christmas Eve until the 2nd off and is paying us to boot!

WEEK OF PAID VACATION to end the year! Whooooooo Hooooooooo!

But the two-faced Mods put restrictions on me for doing nothing more than any other poster here had done in the past.

I merely reported some posts I thought were in violation of the rules and asked Grind to determine whether they were violations or not.

For that high crime I got censored while ILA and BM were allowed to spam the board with DOZENS of threads, each hurling the most vile, repugnant attacks at some of the women here.