whats it mean when the chinese start quoting ben franklin

this is the object of the dems to help create a crisis. if inflation starts going up, watch the blame be put on things like not being able to pass healthcare.

Not being able to pass healthcare in this day in age .. when healthcare is the most prominent cause of personal bankruptcy .. among those WITH healthcare insurance .. defines an idiot population.

Democrats / Republicans .. that all bullshit. The real problem is that we are an idiot population.
Not being able to pass healthcare in this day in age .. when healthcare is the most prominent cause of personal bankruptcy .. among those WITH healthcare insurance .. defines an idiot population.

Democrats / Republicans .. that all bullshit. The real problem is that we are an idiot population.

the refreshing point to all of this is it's waking more people up to see reality and they aren't very happy with the way of things on either side.
They still do not realize that both sides are wrong.

You are still limiting yourself to binary thinking.