What's up with the influx of racists on this board?

I think it is not only tolerated, to some extent it is welcomed here.

Don't take my word for it....some of these degenerate racists receive "thanks" notifications from their fellow right wingers.... and it is a cold day in hell when a right winger actually gets in the face of one of these subhumans and tells them to fuck off. JPP.com conservatives spend far more time complaining about Desh and Jarod, then they do about any of the truly vile, degenerate racists that are allowed here.

Republicans will always tolerate a racist, as long as he votes with the GOP.
Nope. it is blatant racism and lies that are their stock. The racists and whitepower posters should be shunned by reasonable rightys. But they never say a word. Must mean you guys are the same.

USFREEDOM, for example, will never ever identify any racist, even when directly confronted.
He, like so many supposedly "Christian" republicans, is what I like to call, a tacit racist.
Racist has been overused to a point that it is simply a lefty synonym for righty or conservative, so all you are really seeing is more righties.

It's sadly gotten so bad in this country, that anyone who differs in their opinions, even slightly, from the militant left, is deemed a racist.

When I was growing up, in the 90s, at least the democrat party pretended to care about Americans. Now they have veered so far off the deep end, that it would make Leon Trotsky blush.