When did Palin join the NRA ?

I am not a Bush supporter. He spent our money like a radical liberial, and he supports irresponsible world trade (that both parties support). He supported the patriot act, and I bet money my phone calls are listened to because I have customers in the Middle east that I ocassionally talk to, and he forced democracy on a nation by gun point.
Your engulfed in the party system like a Chevy vrs Ford fight.--or may be a Putin (which you libs named "Man of the year" a few months ago) Palin fight. I am not a McCain supporter either, because he also goes with the flow of irresponsible world trade (which I think needs to be fixed first), supports the patriot act and illegal immergration. He is agaist ear marks and big spending, and pick judges that did not drink the commie kool-aid. That part is good about him, with lower taxes. But--we will need lower taxes when he pushes a green agenda with a base of true scientific knowledge that does not exist with the greens.

Palin--is the gal I support--because she is not a party girl. I can't wait to hear her speak tonight. Watch her common sense steam roll over socialism.

A tense issue ?
Perhaps I should have said bush enabler ? Are you saying you did not vote for or support Bush ?
just curious, does anyone know ? Does it coincide with her move into politics ?
Or was she a member long before that ?

In short is her membership a political tool or not ?

I actually had no idea. I just assumed it meant that she had been one for a very long time.
I actually had no idea. I just assumed it meant that she had been one for a very long time.

yeah that seems to be the general assumption, but you could become a lifetime NRA member tomorrow if you wanted to.

that is my entire point of this thread to dispel assumptions and try to get the truth.
Yep most do not understand what "lifetime membership" in the NRA really means. I could become a lifetime member tomorrow if I wanted to.

1K is buying some cheap votes :)

They probably made her a member for free when they saw the photo, great promotion for them!