When does the Crow Eating Start?

Over half of angry Republican's voted for Ron "Grand Dragon" Paul. On the flip side most of the people satisfied with W voted for Huckabee or Mitt.
Over half of angry Republican's voted for Ron "Grand Dragon" Paul. On the flip side most of the people satisfied with W voted for Huckabee or Mitt.

Yet YOU promote racial disrimination. Not ron paul. Do you think you'll ever be able to evaluate yourself honestly?
Isn't he pro fence?

Everyone's pro fence. The question is what does he want done to people who sneak over it? What does he want policy to be? If you build a fence, but just allow EVERYONE in legally, that's still detrimental to the american worker, and dilutes the value of citizenship.
Over half of angry Republican's voted for Ron "Grand Dragon" Paul. On the flip side most of the people satisfied with W voted for Huckabee or Mitt.


RS, congratulations. Ron Paul raise, what, 35 million dollars total, and got 11% of the vote
I don't think BAC really believes the stuff he says about Paul on here. He loves his diggs at people on this site more than he actually cares about Paul.

I speculated that he would never get out of high single digits in Iowa. I was horribly, horribly wrong, now that he got 10%....I'm eating my crow! :)

Yet another examples of liberals tend to be honest and man up when they are wrong. If you were a republican you'd be trying to convince us that 10% is actually more like 1% and that you were right along.
Well cypress knows it still doesn't make a difference and he'll be able to throw it back when ron paul fizzles soon enough.

RS, congratulations. Ron Paul raise, what, 35 million dollars total, and got 11% of the vote

BACkpedal... The arguments were first that he would never go above 2 then 5 and no way he'd ever get 10. In Iowa, I did not expect he would do well there anyway. I think he has an honest chance to compete in NH.
Yet another examples of liberals tend to be honest and man up when they are wrong. If you were a republican you'd be trying to convince us that 10% is actually more like 1% and that you were right along.

LOL, stop patting him on the back, there was no defense and he had to admit he was wrong.
Yet another examples of liberals tend to be honest and man up when they are wrong. If you were a republican you'd be trying to convince us that 10% is actually more like 1% and that you were right along.

Mind if I steal your "Grand Dragon" Ron idea? :)

LOL, stop patting him on the back, there was no defense and he had to admit he was wrong.

Rarely do cons admit when they're wrong. See how it was no big deal, he didn't make a big fuss about it. He made a speculation, it turned out to be wrong, he explicitely admitted and moved on. Liberals have ethics is all I'm saying.
ib1 and bac claimed Paul would not sniff 10%. I think he is likely to do better in NH. He won in Iowa among independents and they are expected to turn out large in GOP primaries. MSM is claiming this will help McCain and ignoring Paul's strength among independents.


I said he would never get 10% nationally and he hasn't .. and if I remember you correctly, you said he could win in Iowa .. but he wasn't close.

If you think crow should be eaten for a 10% showing .. please feel free to think that.