When I meet a Trumpper...

Agree. People who choose to lie cannot be reasoned with.
I see no Trumpy saying OAN had to settle with Smartec for the lies they told. What they paid is not public due to the settlement agreement. Fox paid almost a billion to Dominion for lying. Somehow they ignore it all. The gnus sources they listen to have agreed that they are lying to listeners. Lies are now part of their DNA. It is who they have become.
I see no Trumpy saying OAN had to settle with Smartec for the lies they told. What they paid is not public due to the settlement agreement. Fox paid almost a billion to Dominion for lying. Somehow they ignore it all. The gnus sources they listen to have agreed that they are lying to listeners. Lies are now part of their DNA. It is who they have become.
I have to laugh when media have a breaking news story: Cohen told a lie!
No, I haven't seen anything glaringly obvious. What appellate issues do you think exist?
:laugh: then you suck as a lawyer :laugh: Much of Stormy Daniels was much more prejudicial than probative. A clear violation of rule 403. What probative value does Stormy Daniel telling the jury how she supposedly spanked Trump or what color his slick pajamas were . Anything beyond saying "yes I had sexual relations with DJT " was only prejudicial and had no probative value. There was no need for her to be on the stand for 2-3 days other than to slime Trump in the mind of the jury and the public. Clear reverse able error.
Maher was on the view and he destroyed those idiot libtards. They admit to just engaging in propaganda because they hate the idea of convincing anyone to not vote for Biden

if more democrats were like Maher, we would not have the problems we have today - where libtards are the dumbest people on the planet
Maher was on the view and he destroyed those idiot libtards. They admit to just engaging in propaganda because they hate the idea of convincing anyone to not vote for Biden

if more democrats were like Maher, we would not have the problems we have today - where libtards are the dumbest people on the planet
I see some people on the right b*tch about Maher claiming he has TDS and although he complains about wokeness it's what he votes for.

To me that misses the forest for the trees. For starters Maher is in California so how he votes is basically irrelevant. But more importantly, if change is going to come it's not going to happen from people on the right complaining. It will come from people on the left like Maher speaking out. Like you said he's more of an old school free speech type liberal. We need more like Maher.
:laugh: then you suck as a lawyer :laugh: Much of Stormy Daniels was much more prejudicial than probative. A clear violation of rule 403. What probative value does Stormy Daniel telling the jury how she supposedly spanked Trump or what color his slick pajamas were . Anything beyond saying "yes I had sexual relations with DJT " was only prejudicial and had no probative value. There was no need for her to be on the stand for 2-3 days other than to slime Trump in the mind of the jury and the public. Clear reverse able error.
That judgement call is almost always within the trial judges discretion and will not be disturbed on appeal, although it is possible.
I see some people on the right b*tch about Maher claiming he has TDS and although he complains about wokeness it's what he votes for.

To me that misses the forest for the trees. For starters Maher is in California so how he votes is basically irrelevant. But more importantly, if change is going to come it's not going to happen from people on the right complaining. It will come from people on the left like Maher speaking out. Like you said he's more of an old school free speech type liberal. We need more like Maher.
Maher never lies about what he thinks out of fear of helping the opposition

I don't have to agree with everything he thinks to respect his authenticity.
Maher never lies about what he thinks out of fear of helping the opposition

I don't have to agree with everything he thinks to respect his authenticity.
I've never actually sat and watched his show but with social media I've seen plenty of clips. In a political world where many people rarely ever speak off party line or against their tribe, he will. Unfortunately that makes him rather unique these days. And I share your perspective of appreciating that.
Yes you are dimwitted. You leftists actually seem to think normal people believe you idiots give shit about anything you actually claim to care about.
^^Pure idiotic projection.

It is the Magats who pretend they care about law and order and don't give a shit about either, when their Furor is charged.

It is the magats who pretended they cared about Democracy until they realized they would never win elections again fairly.

It is the Magats who pretend to be pro USA when they hate almost everything this country was founded upon.

It is the Magats who proclaim FREEDUM while trying to take over gov't and the courts so they can FORCE everyone to live under the American Taliban.

and so on and so on.
That judgement call is almost always within the trial judges discretion and will not be disturbed on appeal, although it is possible.
The only way for this judge to regain a shred of his reputation is to render a directive verdict of not guilty. The prosecution never showed the underlying felony that these misdemeanors were trying to hide. Without that there is no 31 felony counts. The prosecution never proved it's case.
The only way for this judge to regain a shred of his reputation is to render a directive verdict of not guilty. The prosecution never showed the underlying felony that these misdemeanors were trying to hide. Without that there is no 31 felony counts. The prosecution never proved it's case.
Trump told you to say that.