When McCain-Palin lose, who gets the blame?


New member
Ok, so when McCain and Palin lose, who will Republicans blame most?
(B.) The Media (covered McCain unfairly)
(C.) The Obama Campaign (so dishonest)

I'm going to go with B, just for old times sake.
missing a few choices here

d) the anyone but bush crowd (this is actually 'progressives' who vote liberal simply because they don't like conservative)
e) the republican party in general, they betrayed their entire constituency by supporting bush.
f) the under 30 population who vote obama because they wish to make history, despite the fact that they are going to worsen america because they have no clue about politics, economy, or freedom.
I remember 1992 when the republicans said that Clinton was going to worsen america. Rush harkened back to Carter and double digit inflation and high unemployment, how the welfare state was going take over etc. And just incase you plane to credit the Republican COngress with that remember that Clinton vetoed their budgets and then moved towards him. Welfare reform is really the only thing the "republican revolution" can take credit for, that and deregulating the mortgage industry which clinton signed into law. Anyway, the jist of this is it was no where NEAR as bad as the republican tried to SCARE us into believing it would be.
Ok, so when McCain and Palin lose, who will Republicans blame most?
(B.) The Media (covered McCain unfairly)
(C.) The Obama Campaign (so dishonest)

I'm going to go with B, just for old times sake.

They'll probably find a way to blame it on:

D. Ron Paul
I remember 1992 when the republicans said that Clinton was going to worsen america. Rush harkened back to Carter and double digit inflation and high unemployment, how the welfare state was going take over etc. And just incase you plane to credit the Republican COngress with that remember that Clinton vetoed their budgets and then moved towards him. Welfare reform is really the only thing the "republican revolution" can take credit for, that and deregulating the mortgage industry which clinton signed into law. Anyway, the jist of this is it was no where NEAR as bad as the republican tried to SCARE us into believing it would be.

palin is now warning of a "communist nightmare state" under Obama. are these people insane? mccain looked like a goddamned fool on meet the press this morning. calling obama a socialist, and then they played two tapes of mccain calling the bush tax cuts immoral, and way too weighted towards the rich, and saying that the middle class should get the tax cuts. i mean, how can he even show his face after that? what a fucking fool. he had no answer for this, he just stuttered and then started rambling on. absolutely shameless.

and i saw on a differnet site that Palin has taken to calling barney frank uncle barney frank now. TPM asked, what does she mean by this? my guess - during wwii, when it was convienent for us to ignore stalin's murderous record, we called him "uncle joe". that was U.S. poopaganda. not that she would know this, but whoever is writing her speeches might.
Ok, so when McCain and Palin lose, who will Republicans blame most?
(B.) The Media (covered McCain unfairly)
(C.) The Obama Campaign (so dishonest)

I'm going to go with B, just for old times sake.
The economy will get the blame. Even if he ran a perfect campaign (far from it) he'd be down because of the economy.

I've already heard some of the pundits saying it.
The economy will get the blame. Even if he ran a perfect campaign (far from it) he'd be down because of the economy.

I've already heard some of the pundits saying it.

Once again...

You do realize you are going to be tarred and feathered, right behind me?
Ok, so when McCain and Palin lose, who will Republicans blame most?
(B.) The Media (covered McCain unfairly)
(C.) The Obama Campaign (so dishonest)

I'm going to go with B, just for old times sake.

actually, the media had negative attacks against mccain 2:1, versus obama have a majority number of positive stories.

I'll find the study later.
I think you have to blame the republican party for its narrow minded right wing swing. Since the diehard single issue people placed them in power they failed then to realize that along with single issues they needed some substance. As they kowtowed to cultural issues, politics was cast by the wayside and the power they possessed went to naught. Consider if the party were inclusive, Romney would be the candidate, not an old battered vet and a silly witch from the north. Sad really that after years of power they proven again why civilizations fail, a lesson in history firsthand.
I think you have to blame the republican party for its narrow minded right wing swing. Since the diehard single issue people placed them in power they failed then to realize that along with single issues they needed some substance. As they kowtowed to cultural issues, politics was cast by the wayside and the power they possessed went to naught. Consider if the party were inclusive, Romney would be the candidate, not an old battered vet and a silly witch from the north. Sad really that after years of power they proven again why civilizations fail, a lesson in history firsthand.

This is ridiculous. You are living in your own left wing wishful world. Silly witch from the North? The lady really did come up from a middle class background... made her own way all the way up to becoming Governor of her state. She did this on her own...not because she had an influential husband or father.
She may not be polished, or Ivy League Schooled the way the "All Inclusive Party" to the left likes 'em... she is normal and representative of her people...the way Public Office should be.... the way the founding fathers envisioned representative Government.

If Romney were the candidate.. I could see the left following their hero Bill Mahr by tar and feathering his religion.

As far as going to far to the right? Wow... after everything that has happened in past couple of Months.... who the hell is going to far to the right? Our Government... led by Mr. Neo Politics himself... is in position to become part of the Euro/Asian Union....

We have never been further left than we are now... and the results speak for themselves.

And this is coming from someone who is probably going to vote for Obama
Anyway.. to respond to the topic of the thread ...

Who to blame? McCain... I think once he won the primary he said...ooops! Im to darn old for this shit and look at the mess the White House Jester is going to leave behind. I do not believe his heart is totally into it. Thats why I wont vote for him.
There you have it , ite the liberals fault.

Ding ,Ding , Ding we have a winner!

They will say the Bush admin they backed blindly at every turn of the lie was,........ wait for it............. The liberal guy.

He was all ours and its our fault.

They talked of his handsome imagine in jeans, of how he was going to go down as the greatest President ever. They backed him when he sat like a frightened child and did nothing. They backed when the rest of the world was saying he was lying. They backed him all through a war that drained every thing of value from our country. They backed him in the delusion that the economy was just fine living off of sub primes and home refis with money out. They backed the congress who backed his every insane increase of the deficit. Now when they have to find a new god they realise hes shit so now hes all our fault.

What the hell is in the water in those small towns Palin likes so much.....Idiot juice?
This is ridiculous. You are living in your own left wing wishful world. Silly witch from the North? The lady really did come up from a middle class background... made her own way all the way up to becoming Governor of her state. She did this on her own...not because she had an influential husband or father.
She may not be polished, or Ivy League Schooled the way the "All Inclusive Party" to the left likes 'em... she is normal and representative of her people...the way Public Office should be.... the way the founding fathers envisioned representative Government.

K, naive response as always, the woman is bizarre to say the least, I think it is you who are living in a childish fog. Tell me why such fools lead the republican party today? Not your assumptions about Romney or Mahr. I spent over a year in Alaska and got to know it well. being governor there is equivalent to running a hot dog stand in a small city, actually the hot dog operator probably requires more smarts.

'That Sarah Palin Is One Unreal Alaskan' by Seth Kantner

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E"]YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits[/ame]
Did anyone see the footage over the weekend of the Palin look alike behind McCain while he was giving a speech. When he praised Palin she acknowledged the crowd and said thank you and winked. It was great.
Did anyone see the footage over the weekend of the Palin look alike behind McCain while he was giving a speech. When he praised Palin she acknowledged the crowd and said thank you and winked. It was great.

Rachel Maddow ran the clips last night. It was hilarious!

I've been musing as to what effect, if any, the multiple convictions of Ted Stevens yesterday might have on the perception of Palin's ethics. Is it possible that some might see her apparent abuse of power as "business as usual" in Alaska?
K, naive response as always, the woman is bizarre to say the least, I think it is you who are living in a childish fog. Tell me why such fools lead the republican party today? Not your assumptions about Romney or Mahr. I spent over a year in Alaska and got to know it well. being governor there is equivalent to running a hot dog stand in a small city, actually the hot dog operator probably requires more smarts.

'That Sarah Palin Is One Unreal Alaskan' by Seth Kantner


Why are you trying to trivialize the office of Governor in Alaska? You call Palin the which from the North. .... why because she is a Republican? And you are calling me childish?

By the way... that is one large state and a hell of lotta people that Biden represents ... over there in Deleware..hmm? And Community organizer in a Chicago neighborhood... thats a bigger Job than Gov of Alaska..aint it midican?