where, as a society, are we headed and how bad will it be?

I have to apologize.

I accidentally read STY's response before logging in so I was able to see it.

STY, I don't give a fat flying fuck what your constitution says, whether you interpret it correctly or not.
I told you what the logical purpose of government is. Whether or not you're smart enough to see that I'm right
isn't my problem.
are you adjusting for inflation?


but the point is a trend - not a single year comparison. the arrow is pointing up

The entitlements and military budgets increase every year, and the discretionary spending regarding the three Administrations is accurate
I have to apologize.

I accidentally read STY's response before logging in so I was able to see it.

STY, I don't give a fat flying fuck what your constitution says, whether you interpret it correctly or not.
I told you what the logical purpose of government is. Whether or not you're smart enough to see that I'm right
isn't my problem.

He doesn’t interpret it properly, in fact, his interpretations are all over the place and largely taken from NRA talking points and survivalist militia bullshit
The entitlements and military budgets increase every year, and the discretionary spending regarding the three Administrations is accurate

"where as a society are we headed is the discussion"

again - the spending per person on a graph is an arrow shooting almost vertically. the trend is not sustainable - (your pathetic partisan douchery aside of course where you blame one side for it)
I have to apologize.

I accidentally read STY's response before logging in so I was able to see it.

STY, I don't give a fat flying fuck what your constitution says, whether you interpret it correctly or not.
I told you what the logical purpose of government is. Whether or not you're smart enough to see that I'm right
isn't my problem.
a lie.

you chose to read incognito because your ignore skills are weak

and your mind is so weak you can't not reply to someone you claim to be ignoring. :laugh:
The goal is to just have america be another governed region in the internationalist fascist banker/corporate/military control grid, the oligarchs of which control the intelligence agencies of all nations to covertly sculpt policy to their corporate ends.

with a.i. ,full surveillance, mandatory digital currency, and remote controlled chips in your body they will finally feel safe enough.....maybe.
I have to apologize.

I accidentally read STY's response before logging in so I was able to see it.

STY, I don't give a fat flying fuck what your constitution says, whether you interpret it correctly or not.
I told you what the logical purpose of government is. Whether or not you're smart enough to see that I'm right
isn't my problem.

now you're only problem is to prove it, which you cannot. your feelings are not facts
He doesn’t interpret it properly, in fact, his interpretations are all over the place and largely taken from NRA talking points and survivalist militia bullshit

i've proven everything i've ever pointed out about the Constitution is true and that you're interpretation is always incorrect. your feelings are not facts
it's not sustainable because people being dependent on government is not sustainable. the sustainable relationship is government being dependent on people.

you are too dumb to waste time with though.

So you are one of those people who believe what the wealthy tell them. Our wealth gap is at an all-time high. Profits are at all-time highs. The wealthy, like Trump, keep pointing you in the direction of people who have almost no impact on their lives. While you look that way, they pick your pockets. https://www.inequalitymedia.org/how...z9R62m4M6jsY3amObZCe83FXZsLD_CVRoCzCUQAvD_BwE