Where did the hole in the Ozone layer go?


New member
Remember the fears about this from the climate alarmists?

Here's what we know:

Today, the ozone hole still exists, forming every year over Antarctica in the spring. It closes up again over the summer as stratospheric air from lower latitudes is mixed in, patching it up until the following spring when the cycle begins again.

https://www.bbc.com/future/article/... ozone hole still,when the cycle begins again.

So it seems the Earth can take care of itself, we can't actually harm it.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, Tink.

I don't remember ever seeing you helping every [or any] summer
when we volunteers get together
to plaster up the hole in the ozone layer.

I will go down with you to Antarctica to help you fix the hole in the Ozone layer.
Remember the fears about this from the climate alarmists?

Here's what we know
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/... ozone hole still,when the cycle begins again.

So it seems the Earth can take care of itself, we can't actually harm it.

The international community banned chlorofluorocarbons in the late 1980s. CFCs were the culprit in degrading atmospheric ozone. I think CFCs chemically breaks O[SUB]3[/SUB] down to O[SUB]2[/SUB].

So it did take human intervention to mitigate the problem.
Then why does it still open up every year if you fixed it by not using hair spray?

So the earth hasn't completely healed itself. Another lie from the biggest fucking compulsive liar on the forum. Try reading, I'm not here to educate your lazy fucking ass. Do it yourself, Nora.
The international community banned chlorofluorocarbons in the late 1980s. CFCs were the culprit in degrading atmospheric ozone. I think CFCs chemically breaks O[SUB]3[/SUB] down to O[SUB]2[/SUB].

So it did take human intervention to mitigate the problem.

Bingo. Another completely stupid thread by the stupidest and laziest poster here.
Whataya talking about? The hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic is still there, still the same size, but now, the same morons who told us banning CFC's would fix that found a NEW even bigger hole in the ozone layer over the S. Atlantic...

We May Finally Know What Caused That Huge Ozone Hole in The Arctic Last Year

Well, it wasn't CFC's now was it? Seems these "scientists" don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I think it's a good time to bring back public scrouging to teach them a lesson about what happens when you fuck up that badly.
The international community banned chlorofluorocarbons in the late 1980s. CFCs were the culprit in degrading atmospheric ozone. I think CFCs chemically breaks O[SUB]3[/SUB] down to O[SUB]2[/SUB].

So it did take human intervention to mitigate the problem.

So, they claimed, only that didn't fix the problem...
So the earth hasn't completely healed itself. Another lie from the biggest fucking compulsive liar on the forum. Try reading, I'm not here to educate your lazy fucking ass. Do it yourself, Nora.

It heals itself every year when they ozone hole opens then closes.

It has nothing to do with what humans are doing, it's an event of nature.

And you aren't smart enough to educated me on anything.
So, they claimed, only that didn't fix the problem...
unless you are claiming the thread author is lying, he writes that the ozone layer is healthier now than it was.

It is experimentally known that CFCs degrade atmospheric ozone. This is a known fact of chemistry.

Human CFCs are known to have caused human induced degradation of atmospheric ozone, warranting the international ban on CFCs, a treaty signed by none other than conservative hero Ronald Reagan
unless you are claiming the thread author is lying, he writes that the ozone layer is healthier now than it was.

It is experimentally known that CFCs degrade atmospheric ozone. This is a known fact of chemistry.

Human CFCs are known to have caused human induced degradation of atmospheric ozone, warranting the international ban on CFCs, a treaty signed by none other than conservative hero Ronald Reagan

The ozone hole over the South Pole is now bigger than Antarctica

That was less than 2 years ago. The hole is still there, it varies in size, and it isn't fucking CFC's causing it. Now I read that scientists are speculating it might be sulphates instead...

Some scientists were concerned about potential stratospheric impacts from the January 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano. The 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption released substantial amounts of sulfur dioxide that amplified ozone layer depletion.
Remember the fears about this from the climate alarmists?

Here's what we know:

https://www.bbc.com/future/article/... ozone hole still,when the cycle begins again.

So it seems the Earth can take care of itself, we can't actually harm it.

Youre absolutely right. we can do NOTHING to harm the earth we can only destroy ourselves. The earth will continue on long after we kill ourselves off and considering the speed at which the leftists are trying to make that happen, it wont be too long from now.
Youre absolutely right. we can do NOTHING to harm the earth we can only destroy ourselves. The earth will continue on long after we kill ourselves off and considering the speed at which the leftists are trying to make that happen, it wont be too long from now.

Here is George Carlin laughing at liberals thinking we can save the Earth.

I suggest everyone watch it.
It heals itself every year when they ozone hole opens then closes.

It has nothing to do with what humans are doing, it's an event of nature.

And you aren't smart enough to educated me on anything.

That's because you can't read, and don't understand the simplest of concepts. You are a dullard. I can't teach a dullard anything. Especially one as fucking lazy as you. There was zero dispute about the fact that CFCs were causing the hole in the ozone layer (which has ALWAYS been there) to get larger. 137 countries agreed to ban CFCs, and the ozone layer returned to normal. You don't know any of this because you are a fucking idiot.