Where did the hole in the Ozone layer go?

That's because you can't read, and don't understand the simplest of concepts. You are a dullard. I can't teach a dullard anything. Especially one as fucking lazy as you. There was zero dispute about the fact that CFCs were causing the hole in the ozone layer (which has ALWAYS been there) to get larger. 137 countries agreed to ban CFCs, and the ozone layer returned to normal. You don't know any of this because you are a fucking idiot.

There was zero dispute that SARS-COV2 did not come from the lab.
Maybe a year ago I was reading that the Chinese are illegally making chlorofluorocarbons, that is why the ozone hole wont go away as promised.
That's because you can't read, and don't understand the simplest of concepts. You are a dullard. I can't teach a dullard anything. Especially one as fucking lazy as you. There was zero dispute about the fact that CFCs were causing the hole in the ozone layer (which has ALWAYS been there) to get larger. 137 countries agreed to ban CFCs, and the ozone layer returned to normal. You don't know any of this because you are a fucking idiot.

You are wrong.

In 2018, a research team led by Montzka announced that from 2014 to 2016, emissions of CFC-11 had increased by more than 13,000 tonnes per year (or 14,000 U.S. tons) to about 59,000 tonnes (65,000 U.S. tons) per year, a jump of 25 percent above average emissions from 2002 to 2012. A followup investigation by AGAGE and NOAA scientists determined that at least 40 to 60 percent of the global emission increase came from eastern mainland China, primarily from China’s Shandong and Hebei provinces.

The new results show that from 2018 to 2019, emissions of CFC-11 decreased globally by 18,000 tonnes per year (or about 20,000 U.S. tons) to 52,000 tonnes per year (57,000 U.S. tons), a decline of 26 percent. Current annual emissions now appear to have returned to pre-2012 levels.

CFC's are up yet the hole in the Ozone still closes up on it's own on a yearly cycle proving that humans are not the cause of it.

https://research.noaa.gov/2021/02/1...results show that,returned to pre-2012 levels.
The hole is still there!
It has been healing. Unless you want to claim the thread author is lying.

No one issued you a guarantee that environmental damage at a global scale would be healed in 20 years.

The projections are it will take several decades for the damage to be reversed.

The fact that natural processes erode ozone is hardly surprising or relevant. O[SUB]3[/SUB] is not a very stable molecule. The fact is that ozone in the stratosphere has existed at least for hundreds of millions of years in spite of volcanoes. There's a natural cycle, an equilibrium that keeps the stratosphere replenished with ozone. Humans were disrupting that natural equilibrium.

It is an experimentally known scientific fact that CFCs degrade ozone.

If you want to bring CFCs back, write to your representative and senators. MAGAs could probably be convinced to scream for the return of CFCs, with a little manipulation by Fox.
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It has been healing. Unless you want to claim the thread author is lying.

No one issued you a guarantee that environmental damage at a global scale would be healed in 20 years.

The projections are it will take several decades for the damage to be reversed.

The fact that natural processes erode ozone is hardly surprising or relevant. O[SUB]3[/SUB] is not a very stable molecule. The fact is that ozone in the stratosphere has existed at least for hundreds of millions of years in spite of volcanoes. There's a natural cycle, an equilibrium that keeps the stratosphere replenished with ozone. Humans were disrupting that natural equilibrium.

It is an experimentally known scientific fact that CFCs degrade ozone.

If you want to bring CFCs back, write to your representative and senators. MAGAs could probably be convinced to scream for the return of CFCs, with a little manipulation by Fox.

We now get lied to constantly.
Damning evidence against those who claim that we solved the problem with the bans:


Money quote from your own article --->

"A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved globally since 1986. This reduction has largely been driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol...

.. In 2000, the ozone hole reached its maximum extent since 1979 and has stopped increasing in size in subsequent years, which is attributable to the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol"
Money quote from your own article --->

"A significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) has been achieved globally since 1986. This reduction has largely been driven by the 1987 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Montreal Protocol...

.. In 2000, the ozone hole reached its maximum extent since 1979 and has stopped increasing in size in subsequent years, which is attributable to the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol"

And the COVID Death Jabs are safe and effective.
A scientific illiterate hollers: "the hole is still there!"

The scientifically informed person knows that many anthropogenic synthetic chlorinated compounds are
persistent in the environment. Even if the CFC phase out eliminated all CFC by the early 21st century (unlikely), the chlorinated compounds associated with CFCs will still persist in the environment for many decades, deep into the 21st century.

Stopping the ozone hole from growing is the first step mitigation. Reversing the damage will take decades.
I think the thread author has hit a level of stupidity that makes this thread worthless. Just sayin'
That's because you can't read, and don't understand the simplest of concepts. You are a dullard. I can't teach a dullard anything. Especially one as fucking lazy as you. There was zero dispute about the fact that CFCs were causing the hole in the ozone layer (which has ALWAYS been there) to get larger. 137 countries agreed to ban CFCs, and the ozone layer returned to normal. You don't know any of this because you are a fucking idiot.

What self absorbed idiots you tree huggers are
A scientific illiterate hollers: "the hole is still there!"

The scientifically informed person knows that many anthropogenic synthetic chlorinated compounds are
persistent in the environment. Even if the CFC phase out eliminated all CFC by the early 21st century (unlikely), the chlorinated compounds associated with CFCs will still persist in the environment for many decades, deep into the 21st century.

Stopping the ozone hole from growing is the first step mitigation. Reversing the damage will take decades.

Its fascinating how simple you are. You get filled with shit and wonder why people think you stink.