Where do you guys honestly think Palin would be right now

Really? When was the last time we had an unattractive president that wasn't an old man?

Look at Congress, most of the younger men are reasonably attractive.

The only really attractive president we've ever had was JFK. I didn't say that being downright ugly was good for chances either.

I'd like to refer you to my book:

If she wasn't attractive?

Her qualificatiosn:

Mayor of a small city

Governer of the second smallest state in the union for a couple of years, but it was close to Russia, so I guess that's foreign policy experience


C'mon. I'm sure she's smart, articulate, and capable. At least in the context of state and local level politics, and from the perspective of an extremist rightwing ideology. And that's tough for me to say, because I personally think she's satan's spawn.

A woman - any woman - has a higher bar to jump than a man. Bush got a pass for being an apalling and inarticulate dummy - because he was a man. No woman would EVER get close to a governor's mansion, or the white house if they were as stupid and inarticulate as Bush. In general, a woman has to be better than a man. I'd be willing to even wager, that Sarah Palin is more intelligent, driven, and articulate than Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo or a host of other Republican male ignoramuses.

That's not to say here theocratic and extremist rightwing views aren't horrifying. I'm pretty sure she's a total rightwing freak.

But, its just a simple statement of fact that any woman who becomes a governor, a senator, or a mayor generally has to be smarter and more driven than their male competition. They don't get the passes that dummies like Bush and Fred Thompson get. Bush can pull of that stupid hick schtick, and people like Dixie think its cute. A woman can't afford to look like a dummy or a hick. Republican women, or democratic women.
No Desh, she's totally unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. That's not what I was talking about. Her choice was clearly a McCain pander.

What WM was talking about, was whether she was capable of being a mayor or a governor without her good looks.

She's an appalling theocrat. But, I'm not going to go down that road that she's an incredible ignoramus that got to be mayor or governor on her looks. I'm quite sure she is a skilled, articulate, and cunning rightwing politician.

....Even if she is a total freak who thinks creationism should be taught as a science, and that raped women should be forced to carry their rapist's embryo to term.

Fuck her and her ideology. That's not what I was talking about.
I dont think I would automatically say someone with her history of puplic service unqualified. I do think she is not someone I would want even as a senator or rep.

She is Busher to McCains Bush.
I personally think you are all being sexist bigots if you conclude she got this far on her looks alone. I am not going to try to argue with you, because you all think you know more than the rest of the world, so... keep on yammering about how she looks, keep on insinuating she got to where she is based on her physical appearance... and watch your poll numbers with average American women, continue to go down the toilet!

You don't seem to realize it yet, but you are pissing off a hell of a lot of people these past few days, and you just continue to stick your size 12's in your big mouths, without realizing what you're saying, or how it is perceived. That's fine with me, bury yourselves! I'm making popcorn! :D
I personally think you are all being sexist bigots if you conclude she got this far on her looks alone. I am not going to try to argue with you, because you all think you know more than the rest of the world, so... keep on yammering about how she looks, keep on insinuating she got to where she is based on her physical appearance... and watch your poll numbers with average American women, continue to go down the toilet!

You don't seem to realize it yet, but you are pissing off a hell of a lot of people these past few days, and you just continue to stick your size 12's in your big mouths, without realizing what you're saying, or how it is perceived. That's fine with me, bury yourselves! I'm making popcorn! :D

Obama is WAY ahead in the polls with women this time, an even larger gap that the last Bush-Kerry race where women favored Kerry by a six point margin.
I don't know Desh, would Dems have nominated Obama if he wasn't black?

No, I don't think he would have. People have paid more attention to him because he is black. Its an edge he has used.

But he it is only a small part of who he is. The Dems had Al Sharpton in '04, but he didn't get anywhere.
No, I don't think he would have. People have paid more attention to him because he is black. Its an edge he has used.

But he it is only a small part of who he is. The Dems had Al Sharpton in '04, but he didn't get anywhere.

I disagree with this statement.

I for one did not listen as closely to him at first because I thought America would not take him seriously bacause he was black.

What I heard and saw during and after Katrina depressed the shit out of me.

Obama was attacked for not being black enough if you rember.
Ok , so I guess I should have posted this here.

Men are voting with their dicks on palin? I don't get it. My friend had this big fight with some guy named Irv who she met at a peace rally and was a big supporter of Hillary's. Now he thinks that Obama is the anti-christ. So she is arguing with him and he says "oh all the women are jealous because she's a hot babe". My friend is really nice looking herself, and trust me, this has nothing to do with how Palin looks.

so I guess I just don't see this. She's attractive. A hot babe who is driving women crazy with jealousy? Are you guys serious?

funny how you didn't find Waters original comments "sexist". Proclaiming that because she is attractive there is no way Palin could have been qualified to be mayor or governor.... yeah thats not sexist.:cool:

Do you honestly think she would have been picked if she was male?

Obama would not have gotten the nomination over Clinton had he not been black. The Clintons were traditionally strong within the black community and would have won the nomination had Obama been white or hispanic for that matter.

That and the fact that Obama has the same inexperience problem you label Palin with equates to no chance in hell of his making the top of the Dem ticket. Though I do think he might have been able to get the bottom half.
Obama would not have gotten the nomination over Clinton had he not been black. The Clintons were traditionally strong within the black community and would have won the nomination had Obama been white or hispanic for that matter.

That and the fact that Obama has the same inexperience problem you label Palin with equates to no chance in hell of his making the top of the Dem ticket. Though I do think he might have been able to get the bottom half.

How do you think the overall community would have felt about a white guy who went to work as a community organizer in Chicago?
How do you think the overall community would have felt about a white guy who went to work as a community organizer in Chicago?

they would have stated the same thing... being a community activist in no way qualifies you for the Presidency. Especially if that white guy got caught up in the corrupt little political circle jerk that Obama did.
There is an inherent gender gap in elections. Women go 10% more for Democrats. This is academically assumed.