Where, oh Where, is Rahm Emmanuel? -- Hiding


The Force is With Me
Emanuel: I'm Getting Death Threats Over Blagojevich Scandal
Obama's Chief of Staff Refuses to Go to Work Because of Media Stakeout

The President-elect's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said today he won't go to the Chicago Presidential transition offices in order to avoid reporters seeking to ask him whether he had contact with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich about the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama's election.

Emanuel appeared "beet-red," according to an ABC News cameraman who was invited inside by Emmanuel to use his bathroom this morning.

"I'm getting regular death threats. You've put my home address on national television. I'm pissed at the networks. You've intruded too much, " Emanuel said, according to the cameraman.

Emanuel has refused to comment as to whether he is the un-named Presidential advisor cited in the FBI affidavit filed in the Blagojevich case. "You're wasting your time," Emanuel told a Chicago Sun-Times reporter yesterday. "I'm not going to say a word to you. I'm going to do this with my children. Don't do that. I'm a father. I have two kids. I'm not going to do it."

Asked, "Can't you do both?" Emanuel replied, "I'm not as capable as you. I'm going to be a father. I'm allowed to be a father," and he pushed the reporter's digital recorder away, according to the Sun Times account.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald says there is "nothing in the complaint" that implicates President-elect Obama but the affidavit suggests someone from the Obama camp was in touch with Blagojevich or his aides, if only to tell the Governor that Obama would not offer anything but "appreciation" in exchange for the Senate appointment.

The President-elect said yesterday he would gather and make public a list of any aides or advisors who talked with Blagojevich on his behalf. Emanuel has not yet resigned his seat in Congress, the seat previously held by Blagojevich
Emanuel: I'm Getting Death Threats Over Blagojevich Scandal
Obama's Chief of Staff Refuses to Go to Work Because of Media Stakeout

The President-elect's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said today he won't go to the Chicago Presidential transition offices in order to avoid reporters seeking to ask him whether he had contact with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich about the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama's election.

Emanuel appeared "beet-red," according to an ABC News cameraman who was invited inside by Emmanuel to use his bathroom this morning.

"I'm getting regular death threats. You've put my home address on national television. I'm pissed at the networks. You've intruded too much, " Emanuel said, according to the cameraman.

Emanuel has refused to comment as to whether he is the un-named Presidential advisor cited in the FBI affidavit filed in the Blagojevich case. "You're wasting your time," Emanuel told a Chicago Sun-Times reporter yesterday. "I'm not going to say a word to you. I'm going to do this with my children. Don't do that. I'm a father. I have two kids. I'm not going to do it."

Asked, "Can't you do both?" Emanuel replied, "I'm not as capable as you. I'm going to be a father. I'm allowed to be a father," and he pushed the reporter's digital recorder away, according to the Sun Times account.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald says there is "nothing in the complaint" that implicates President-elect Obama but the affidavit suggests someone from the Obama camp was in touch with Blagojevich or his aides, if only to tell the Governor that Obama would not offer anything but "appreciation" in exchange for the Senate appointment.

The President-elect said yesterday he would gather and make public a list of any aides or advisors who talked with Blagojevich on his behalf. Emanuel has not yet resigned his seat in Congress, the seat previously held by Blagojevich

Thanks for news that nobody cares about....

Could you tell us who won the 2008 Scribbs National Spelling Bee?

Nope .. but I can tell you who is the most irrelevant poster on this board.

The local news hounds are on Emanuel like crazies now. One is reporting that the feds have him on the phone 6 times regarding the senate. I don't know, but Chicago is Chicago, I don't think most outside of this area really believed the stories about the machine, (that doesn't exist, lol!)
The local news hounds are on Emanuel like crazies now. One is reporting that the feds have him on the phone 6 times regarding the senate. I don't know, but Chicago is Chicago, I don't think most outside of this area really believed the stories about the machine, (that doesn't exist, lol!)

I'm quite certain that Emanuel talked to Blogojevich or his aides about the senate vacancy. Why wouldn't he?
The local news hounds are on Emanuel like crazies now. One is reporting that the feds have him on the phone 6 times regarding the senate. I don't know, but Chicago is Chicago, I don't think most outside of this area really believed the stories about the machine, (that doesn't exist, lol!)

I had forgotten that Emmanuel won the seat previously held by Blogothing.
I'm quite certain that Emanuel talked to Blogojevich or his aides about the senate vacancy. Why wouldn't he?

The question is less about if he talked to him and more about what did he say.

He's on tape .. but that haven't released what he said .. but Emmanuel's behavior is curious. Normally, he's always on stage with the messiah.
I'm quite certain that Emanuel talked to Blogojevich or his aides about the senate vacancy. Why wouldn't he?

The question is not "why wouldn't he", it's why all this effort to cover it up? When Obama was initially asked about this, he said: "We have not... uhm.. I have not spoken with the governor..." I think that little slip is what sent the media hounds a searchin' and it led them to the president-elect's right hand. If Rahm was talking to Balgo "on behalf of Obama" it is important, because Obama claimed he had not had contact with the governor. While technically true, it's not exactly forthright. Why the cover up?
The question is not "why wouldn't he", it's why all this effort to cover it up? When Obama was initially asked about this, he said: "We have not... uhm.. I have not spoken with the governor..." I think that little slip is what sent the media hounds a searchin' and it led them to the president-elect's right hand. If Rahm was talking to Balgo "on behalf of Obama" it is important, because Obama claimed he had not had contact with the governor. While technically true, it's not exactly forthright. Why the cover up?

Cover it up? Obama said he had no contact with the governor and is conducting a review to find out which staff had contact with the governor and the governor's staff and that he would release that information when the review was completed. How is that a cover up?
Cover it up? Obama said he had no contact with the governor and is conducting a review to find out which staff had contact with the governor and the governor's staff and that he would release that information when the review was completed. How is that a cover up?

"He's from Chicago"

Dixie has already stated that it doesn't matter whether they find any connection w/ Obama or not: he's guilty, because he's from Chicago.
Cover it up? Obama said he had no contact with the governor and is conducting a review to find out which staff had contact with the governor and the governor's staff and that he would release that information when the review was completed. How is that a cover up?

that nothing will come of his 'review' until the feds open the indictment which names emanuel. not necessarily a 'cover-up', just holding on to the facts until someone else releases them.
The question is less about if he talked to him and more about what did he say.

He's on tape .. but that haven't released what he said .. but Emmanuel's behavior is curious. Normally, he's always on stage with the messiah.

When I pointed that out here or on another board, I was called a bitter, partisan hack. :cof1: Axlerod wasn't there either, very strange indeed. Now about Emil Jones...Somehow i think we'll be reading more about him.
Cover it up? Obama said he had no contact with the governor and is conducting a review to find out which staff had contact with the governor and the governor's staff and that he would release that information when the review was completed. How is that a cover up?

Obama said he had no contact with the governor, but the facts start coming out that his staff did indeed have contact, and was discussing the senate seat. Call it crazy, but I think they just may have been doing so on behalf of Obama, why else would anyone from Obama's staff be talking to the governor about this? As I said, there is no crime in it, even if Obama spoke with the governor personally, it's a perfectly natural thing for him to have been involved, to contribute his input, etc. And the evidence so far, indicates Obama wasn't willing to participate in the 'pay for play' scheme, so no wrongdoing on his part there either.... so why the cover up? Why go out of your way to insist you had no contact?

To me, it just seems suspicious. Why not just admit that you had contact, but did nothing wrong? Why not just go ahead and say that, rather than claim you had no contact? It's like a pass play in the NFL, where the receiver hits the turf, and the DB is throwing up his hands, like he didn't do anything... then comes the pass interference flag... it's just odd that Obama made the immediate claim (throwing up his hands) that he had no contact with the governor. IF he didn't do anything wrong, why is he acting guilty?
If anyone here was Rahm and really receiving death threats and had NO contact with Blogojevich, then you would obviously come out and say that to stop the death threats.
I mean he has no reason to be quiet and let people make assumptions that threaten him.
Thus he obviously looks guilty.

Obama is already scandal ridden before even in office.
Oh how many times could this line be used against Dixie's past comments....


Do you even know what the fuck you are yapping about? We are discussing Obama and Blago, and why Obama claimed he had no contact with him, when he knew his staff had indeed been in contact. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have ever posted here, or anything I have ever said.

I'm sorry, but the cute little tactic of diverting the thread into a debate of Dixie's posting habits, isn't going to clear this scandal up for Obama. I know you are just so used to doing that, whenever things get tough for you, or whenever the debate isn't going your way, but it just won't work this time. Sorry!
Do you even know what the fuck you are yapping about? We are discussing Obama and Blago, and why Obama claimed he had no contact with him, when he knew his staff had indeed been in contact. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have ever posted here, or anything I have ever said.

I'm sorry, but the cute little tactic of diverting the thread into a debate of Dixie's posting habits, isn't going to clear this scandal up for Obama. I know you are just so used to doing that, whenever things get tough for you, or whenever the debate isn't going your way, but it just won't work this time. Sorry!

Agreed. The idea that there 'was no contact' would be ludicrous from the get go. That's an "Illinois" seat and Blago is still, (until hopefully the IL Supreme Court decides differently, sooner than later), governor.

Now it seems to me from what I've read, that Emanuel is likely the conduit, but didn't go along with pay to play. However, did he take the discussion to the Feds? If not, how will that reflect on the administration if he still is part of it? They can't recognize 'corruption' and illegalities when confronted? Not good.
Agreed. The idea that there 'was no contact' would be ludicrous from the get go. That's an "Illinois" seat and Blago is still, (until hopefully the IL Supreme Court decides differently, sooner than later), governor.

Now it seems to me from what I've read, that Emanuel is likely the conduit, but didn't go along with pay to play. However, did he take the discussion to the Feds? If not, how will that reflect on the administration if he still is part of it? They can't recognize 'corruption' and illegalities when confronted? Not good.

Normal people who had nothing to hide, might have said... "I have talked to the governor about the senate seat I was vacating, as would be expected, but I was not involved in anything unethical regarding a replacement. We are working with the prosecutor in an ongoing investigation, and further comment is not appropriate at this time."

Instead, we get the typical Obama double-speak... "Uhm, let me just say... that we have not... uhm... I have not... had personal contact with the governor... and uhm... I don't really know him that well... err...uhm... well, I knew he was the governor of my state.... but that's about it... I think he has nice hair.... don't you think he has nice hair? ....But again... and let me be perfectly clear.... We never had... uhm... I mean.... I never personally had contact... and by contact, I mean... conversations.... I think I may have shook hands with him before... but I never had contact with that woman--err... the governor... about the senate seat or anything else... I don't even know his phone number!"

Then, when facts surface that the Obama staff had contact... "Let me just say that... uhm.... we are looking into the allegations... that someone on our staff may have possibly had some contact.... with the governor... but, let me be clear... we will assess the situation and take the appropriate actions when our evaluation is complete... but again, and let me be clear... I don't know the governor, and I haven't sent him any Christmas cards with money in them... and he doesn't know me... in fact, if he does know me, he doesn't like me very well... so, just to make it perfectly clear, this administration is not involved in anything wrong whatsoever, and never will be... you can't prove it... and by proof, I mean... uhhm... things you could take to court... because we are completely above board with the American people... it is important that we all keep this in perspective and realize this is a new age... we will do whatever it takes to convey that image to the public... so there could have been, and would have been, no... uhm... contact... with the governor."