Where, oh Where, is Rahm Emmanuel? -- Hiding

As I said, one of the reports in these local Chicago parts are saying the Feds have him on tape, 6 times. Oh boy! It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. :cof1:
Do you even know what the fuck you are yapping about? We are discussing Obama and Blago, and why Obama claimed he had no contact with him, when he knew his staff had indeed been in contact. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have ever posted here, or anything I have ever said.

I'm sorry, but the cute little tactic of diverting the thread into a debate of Dixie's posting habits, isn't going to clear this scandal up for Obama. I know you are just so used to doing that, whenever things get tough for you, or whenever the debate isn't going your way, but it just won't work this time. Sorry!

Obama is not his staff you ignorant boob.
Even the MSM is getting annoyed with Obama, if the AP counts:


Obama aides won't discuss Ill. governor probe

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer
43 mins ago

WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama is refusing to answer any questions about the internal review he has ordered into Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's alleged efforts to sell his former Senate seat, saying he will do so when the examination is finished.

Obama's staff has declined to respond to even basic questions, like who is conducting the probe, how long it will take, what issues are being explored and whether they are working with federal investigators. Obama has promised transparency throughout his service and to divulge contacts his staff has had with Blagojevich's office in the coming days. But his staff has locked down on inquiries in the meantime.

The Obama transition team's refusal to talk has contributed to a maelstrom around Obama's incoming White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago congressman likely to have been in contact with the governor, who was arrested this week in a corruption scandal. But Emanuel is not a target of the probe, according to people who have been briefed on the investigation.

The two people spoke on a condition of anonymity because the criminal investigation is ongoing. One is a person close to Emanuel, who said he has been told by investigators that he's not a subject of their probe.
Asked if any conversations between Emanuel and Blagojevich were captured on government wiretaps, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "I honestly don't know." Other transition officials refused to respond to inquiries.

There are no suggestions that Obama or his aides were involved in the alleged sale of his seat. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said prosecutors were making no allegations that Obama was aware of any scheming. And Blagojevich himself, in taped conversations cited by prosecutors, suggested that Obama wouldn't be helpful to him and called him a vulgar term. Even if the governor was to appoint a candidate favored by the Obama team, Blagojevich said, "they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation."

Obama told reporters Thursday that he never personally spoke to Blagojevich about who would fill the seat he resigned to take over the presidency next month.

"What I want to do is to gather all the facts about any staff contacts that may have taken place between the transition office and the governor's office," Obama said. "And we'll have those in the next few days, and we'll present them. But what I'm absolutely certain about is that our office had no involvement in any dealmaking around my Senate seat. That I'm absolutely certain of."

Another question that Obama's staff didn't answer is how he knows that his office had no involvement if he had yet to gather all the facts about conversations they had with Blagojevich's office. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, transition officials said they do not want to release any information on the internal review until it is completed....
Yes, Obama's Chief of Fucking Staff, is Obama, for all intents and purposes here... you ignorant boob!

actually... there is a real distinction. Emmanuel is not Obama and vice versa. Obama said he, hiumself, had not talked with the governor concerning the appointment... that seems to be a true statement.
actually... there is a real distinction. Emmanuel is not Obama and vice versa. Obama said he, hiumself, had not talked with the governor concerning the appointment... that seems to be a true statement.

Technically it is, but that is not what he inferred. In fact, he initially said "we" and quickly changed it to "I" because he knew RE had talked to the governor. Now, why not just say that? "Rham has spoken with the governor, but I haven't." Instead, he wanted to infer that he and his staff had nothing to do with this, and that wasn't totally forthright. My question is, why?

Generally speaking, when you go out of your way to intentionally mislead on something like this, there is a valid reason. It will be interesting to hear what was discussed between Obama's chief of staff and the governor, when they subpoena Emanuel to testify, and that WILL happen.
Cover it up? Obama said he had no contact with the governor and is conducting a review to find out which staff had contact with the governor and the governor's staff and that he would release that information when the review was completed. How is that a cover up?

No. He said WE had no contact. Now why does he have to do a "review" if he already answered the question? Does he answer questions without knowing the truth?
No. He said WE had no contact. Now why does he have to do a "review" if he already answered the question? Does he answer questions without knowing the truth?

No. He said "I had no contact" and then he said that he was conducting a review to determine who on his staff had contact with the governor and his staff and when. He answered as truthfully as possible. He cannot possibly know who talked to the governor or when, but he could answer whether he personally had contact with the governor.

This stuff really isn't all that difficult.
For whatever it is worth I have heard that RE and some of his aides cooperated in the investigation and may have actually been part of the sting. If that is true, then using Dixie's logic, Obama helped bust Blagojevich. If this is the truth though you can expect Dixie to stuff that statement that Rahm is Obama back up his ass and pretend he never said it.
Normal people who had nothing to hide, might have said... "I have talked to the governor about the senate seat I was vacating, as would be expected, but I was not involved in anything unethical regarding a replacement. We are working with the prosecutor in an ongoing investigation, and further comment is not appropriate at this time."

Instead, we get the typical Obama double-speak... "Uhm, let me just say... that we have not... uhm... I have not... had personal contact with the governor... and uhm... I don't really know him that well... err...uhm... well, I knew he was the governor of my state.... but that's about it... I think he has nice hair.... don't you think he has nice hair? ....But again... and let me be perfectly clear.... We never had... uhm... I mean.... I never personally had contact... and by contact, I mean... conversations.... I think I may have shook hands with him before... but I never had contact with that woman--err... the governor... about the senate seat or anything else... I don't even know his phone number!"

Then, when facts surface that the Obama staff had contact... "Let me just say that... uhm.... we are looking into the allegations... that someone on our staff may have possibly had some contact.... with the governor... but, let me be clear... we will assess the situation and take the appropriate actions when our evaluation is complete... but again, and let me be clear... I don't know the governor, and I haven't sent him any Christmas cards with money in them... and he doesn't know me... in fact, if he does know me, he doesn't like me very well... so, just to make it perfectly clear, this administration is not involved in anything wrong whatsoever, and never will be... you can't prove it... and by proof, I mean... uhhm... things you could take to court... because we are completely above board with the American people... it is important that we all keep this in perspective and realize this is a new age... we will do whatever it takes to convey that image to the public... so there could have been, and would have been, no... uhm... contact... with the governor."

Can you produce a link for this exact Obama quote, Dixie?
For whatever it is worth I have heard that RE and some of his aides cooperated in the investigation and may have actually been part of the sting. If that is true, then using Dixie's logic, Obama helped bust Blagojevich. If this is the truth though you can expect Dixie to stuff that statement that Rahm is Obama back up his ass and pretend he never said it.

Even more the reason I am not understanding the defensive posture and attempting to conceal details about this, by Team Obama. Hell, if I were Obama and RE, I'd be bragging about how we are already helping to clean up the corruption in politics! If what you say is true, what is the motivation for Obama and RE to give this illusion they are not involved in any way? It hasn't gone to a Grand Jury yet, there is no 'gag order' and they can openly discuss any conversations Rahm, or Obama for that matter, may have had with Blago. Instead, they are going the other direction, trying to make it appear they have not had any contact with him. That's strange to me.

And regardless, I will stand by my statement, in this circumstance, the president-elect's chief of staff talking to the governor, is the same as the president-elect talking to the governor. You can split hairs about it, but I will remind you of what you all had to say about Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney.
No, I was paraphrasing. :cof1:

Hmmm...you didn't indicate you were paraphrasing, there. Normally, that wouldn't bother me, but since you seem to have set the standard here, it doesn't seem too much to expect for you to adhere to it.

So, by your own standard, you admit that you are a lying hack, and that you owe Obama an apology for lying about him like that?

You always end up digging deeper holes for yourself. It's fun.
Here you go, Dix - just in case you forgot your own words on this topic, which I think were offered very recently:

"Yes, you outright lied. When you wrap quote marks around something, and claim someone said that, it is supposed to be something they actually said, this is the purpose of the quote marks. There are ways to "paraphrase" what someone says, without the quote marks, and you can even use the quote marks as long as you say you are paraphrasing, and it is a reasonable example of what was actually said"

"But he didn't state he was paraphrasing at all, he used quotation marks, which are used to QUOTE someone's EXACT words, not a paraphrase, not a crux, not a gist of what they said, but the EXACT WORDS! That is what QUOTE marks are used for! "
Hmmm...you didn't indicate you were paraphrasing, there. Normally, that wouldn't bother me, but since you seem to have set the standard here, it doesn't seem too much to expect for you to adhere to it.

So, by your own standard, you admit that you are a lying hack, and that you owe Obama an apology for lying about him like that?

You always end up digging deeper holes for yourself. It's fun.

Have Obama's people contact my people, and I will issue a formal apology. Thanks for your input, now I would like to direct your attention to the Official Dixie-Bashing Thread for further remarks. [ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=16263"]Official Dixie-Bashing Thread - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
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