Where The Hell Are The Real Republicans?

Who the hell shutdown the government Republicans????? Where the hell are the Real republicans with brains, balls and principles? Where are the Republicans that are willing to stand up in public and tell the nation that Harry Reid & Barrack Obama were the bastards who refused to negotiate methods to lower the nations deficits and national debt that are the driving force behind the ever expanding debt ceiling and thereby those sons-of-bitches are the guilty party behind shutting down the government?

Where the fuck did these cowardly RINO bastards in the Republican Party and the rightist media come from who blabber all over the media that Republicans were responsible for the government shutdown and thereby simply repeat the commie Democrats talking points for them? Who the hell are these assholes anyhow? How many more times are y’all gonna reelect the assholes McCain, Graham, Boehner, King and the rest of the RINO assholes?

Maybe you are one? You act as if there is some value in being a "real" Republican and I don't see any reason to agree.
Two articles filled with nonsense. Bush cannot be measured without taking into consideration the increases due to Homeland Security as a result of 9-11 and fighting two wars in the ME.

Democrats continue to “blame Bush” for debt and deficit. George W. Bush is blamed for the spending in the 2009 “Bush” budget (fiscal year October 2008 – September 2009) which Bush DID NOT SIGN after his own budget submitted to a completely Democrat Congress for that time period was reworked under the control of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Bush’s budget proposed a 3% increase in spending. By the time Pelosi, Reid and Democrats, et al were finished with it, spending increases soared to 17.9%. The budget was NEVER presented to Bush for signature and Democrats ran the government with continuing resolutions until Obama took office in January 2009. Obama then signed the Democrat budget. G. W. had nothing to do with that monster.


Is Bush a Big Spender?

In an update to his column today, Paul Krugman adds more on Bush and the perception that spending on domestic programs has grown out of control during his administration:

Is Bush A Big Spender?, by Paul Krugman, Money Talks: The idea that George W. Bush has been “spending like a drunken sailor” ... is in danger of becoming one of those factoids that everybody knows to be true, regardless of the evidence. ... But the data just don’t support that claim. Most of what you need to know is in the Congressional Budget Office’s historical budget data. From Table 6 we learn that overall federal spending rose from 18.5 percent of G.D.P. in fiscal 2001 ... to 20.1 percent of G.D.P. in fiscal 2005, a rise of 1.6 percentage points. However, that somewhat understates the true spending increase, because it includes interest payments, which fell because of lower interest rates. Non-interest spending rose from 16.5 to 18.6 percent of G.D.P. — 2.1 percentage points.

But where did the money go? Table 8 gives us data on discretionary spending — spending that isn’t mandated by law. Defense and international spending rose from 3.2 to 4.3 percent of G.D.P., 1.1 percentage points. So that’s more than half the spending rise, right there. Domestic discretionary spending rose from 3.2 to 3.5 percent of G.D.P. Conservatives make a big deal about this rise, but as you can see it’s fairly small... And what you ... can infer from other C.B.O. reports, is that a significant part of the rise in domestic discretionary spending ... was really new spending on homeland security.

So increases in non-security discretionary spending were a trivial factor in the overall rise in spending as a share of G.D.P., of which well over half – say 1.2 percentage points at least - was security-related. On to health care: Table 10 tells us that combined spending on Medicare and Medicaid rose from 3.7 to 4.2 percent of G.D.P. Health care expenses for current and retired government employees also rose.

As you can see, there isn’t much left. The Bush domestic spending binge never happened.



Good questions. It turns out that Obama supposed frugality is largely the result of how TARP is measured in the federal budget. To put it simply, TARP pushed spending up in Bush’s final fiscal year (FY2009, which began October 1, 2008) and then repayments from the banks (which count as “negative spending”) artificially reduced spending in subsequent years.

The combination of those two factors made a big difference in the numbers. Here’s another table from my prior post, looking at how the presidents rank when you subtract both defense and the fiscal impact of deposit insurance and TARP.

All of a sudden, Obama drops down to the second-to-last position, sandwiched between two of the worst presidents in American history. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

But this ranking is incomplete. At that point, I was trying to gauge Obama’s record on domestic spending, and the numbers certainly provide some evidence that he is a stereotypical big-spending liberal.


A number of people emailed after I posted “Some US Government Spending Statistics From 1960 to 2010” yesterday, asking if I could break down the numbers by president.

In 1961, the United States government spent a total of $97,723,000,000 (this works out to about $708,492,000,000 in inflation adjusted dollars).

In 2010, the United States government is expected to shell out somewhere in the neighborhood of $3.7 trillion.

How did spending grow so much in the past 50 years? Which presidents oversaw the largest increases in spending while they were in office? Which presidents oversaw the smallest increases in spending?

Let’s break it down:

Kennedy/Johnson (1961-1964)
Spending Grew by 6.5% YoY (Year over Year)
Spending Grew by 5.28% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Lyndon B. Johnson (1965-1968)
Spending Grew by 10.93% YoY
Spending Grew by 7.74% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Richard Nixon (1969-1972)
Spending Grew by 6.7% YoY
Spending Grew by 1.97% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Nixon/Ford (1973-1976)
Spending Grew by 12.85% YoY
Spending Grew by 4.44% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Jimmy Carter (1977-1980)
Spending Grew by 12.32% YoY
Spending Grew by 2.37% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Ronald Reagan, First Term (1981-1984)
Spending Grew by 9.62% YoY
Spending Grew by 3.46% YoY (Inflation Adjusted

Ronald Reagan, Second Term (1985-1988)
Spending Grew by 5.79% YoY
Spending Grew by 2.33% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

George H. W. Bush (1989-1992)
Spending Grew by 6.75% YoY
Spending Grew by 2.24% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Bill Clinton, First Term (1993-1996)
Spending Grew by 3.1% YoY
Spending Grew by 0.31% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Bill Clinton, Second Term (1997-2000)
Spending Grew by 3.48% YoY
Spending Grew by 1.15% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

George W. Bush, First Term (2001-2004)
Spending Grew by 6.41% YoY
Spending Grew by 4.02% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

George W. Bush, Second Term (2005-2008)
Spending Grew by 6.82% YoY
Spending Grew by 3.4% YoY (Inflation Adjusted)

Barack Obama (2009-2012)
Spending Expected to Grow by 6.71% YoY (according to White House projections)
*inflation numbers not available


So, the three highest average Year over Year increases for a single presidential term belonged to:

Nixon/Ford, +12.85%
Jimmy Carter, +12.32%
Lyndon B. Johnson, +10.93%

The three highest Year over Year increases (for a single presidential term) AFTER accounting for inflation:

Lyndon B. Johnson, +7.74%
Kennedy/Johnson, +5.28%
Nixon/Ford, +4.44%

The three lowest average Year over Year increases (for a single presidential term):

Bill Clinton’s First Term, +3.1%
Bill Clinton’s Second Term, +3.48%
Ronald Reagan’s Second Term, +5.79%

The three lowest average Year over Year increases after adjusting for inflation (for a single presidential term):

Bill Clinton’s First Term, +0.31%
Bill Clinton’s Second Term, +1.15%
Richard Nixon’s First Term, +1.97%


The president who oversaw the smallest increases in government spending? Bill Clinton, and it’s not even close.

The president who oversaw the largest increases in government spending? After adjusting for inflation, Lyndon B. Johnson.


What do you mean the two articles are filled with nonsense? For the most part I'm not an unreasonable person. Show me what in the article is nonsense. CATO is a libertarian free market organization who gets funding from the Koch Brothers who are backers of the Republican Party. I'm not posting info from Paul Krugman, rawstory or some other left-wing site.
Maybe you are one? You act as if there is some value in being a "real" Republican and I don't see any reason to agree.

I don’t have a problem with being identified with real republicanism. A real Republican understands that the nation was founded as a Constitutional Representative Republic and that its only democratic principle and concept is free democratic elections. Otherwise the nation is to be operated by democratically elected representation sworn only to the constitutional rule of law and not the whims and prejudices of a majority. If you can't find reasonable cause to agree with that, maybe you're a neo-commie?

That by no means indicates that I identify with a Republican Party or any political party. I despise political parties.

“If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go.” (Thomas Jefferson)