Where's the lefty's cry to ban knives?


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Suspect in Lone Star College slashing spree fantasized about killing people, planned attack, police say

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/1...ed-on-lone-star-college-campus/#ixzz2QFzk1YfH

Where is the leftwing outrage and major media reporting of this mass college assault? Why has major lefty media only paid lip service to this crime and quickly put it on the shelf not to be mentioned again?

How come the gun grabbers aren’t even mentioning this massive criminal act? Why haven’t the leftwing TV media given this incident the massive coverage they give gun crimes? Do the leftwing media gun grabbers ever tell us that more people are killed every year with clubs and baseball bats than are killed with rifles? Why aren’t the lefties protesting for a ban on clubs and knives?
Last week's news. How many would have died if he got his hands on a gun?

Here’s the better questions, “how many people would die or be slashed by knives in our schools IF there were ARMED security in every building? How will banning automatic rifles prevent school killings since more people get killed with clubs every year than rifles? Who and what kind of people will turn in and not buy automatic rifles if they’re banned? Who and what kind of people won’t turn in and will still buy automatic rifles if they’re banned? How many people in Syria do you think should have been prohibited from gun ownership?”

To answer your question, “maybe none or damn few IF their were ARMED SECURITY in every building on that college campus.
Suspect in Lone Star College slashing spree fantasized about killing people, planned attack, police say

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/1...ed-on-lone-star-college-campus/#ixzz2QFzk1YfH

Where is the leftwing outrage and major media reporting of this mass college assault? Why has major lefty media only paid lip service to this crime and quickly put it on the shelf not to be mentioned again?

How come the gun grabbers aren’t even mentioning this massive criminal act? Why haven’t the leftwing TV media given this incident the massive coverage they give gun crimes? Do the leftwing media gun grabbers ever tell us that more people are killed every year with clubs and baseball bats than are killed with rifles? Why aren’t the lefties protesting for a ban on clubs and knives?

Guns first, knives later. Guns are the weapons an army uses. Opposition to their planned total obliteration of our Constitution will eventually have to fight them and they hope to take most guns before that point arrives. Trained military with the weapons (guns),planes and artillery would have no problem eliminating opposition armed only with cutting weapons.
Their gun confiscation is all about making sure when they force the civil war the opposition has zero chance of victory.
They use propaganda to inflame the gullible population against guns by pointing out gun violence but the real aim by the government officials is to eliminate the ability of any future patriots defending the Constitution against it being cast aside completely.
The public is sold this fake cause and eats it up like it is food for a starving man. Sad but true..
see them spit into the eyes of the sandyhook families

the sociopathic party

On the contrary, you spit in the eyes of the Sandy Hook victims when you thumb your arrogant, ignorant nose at armed security in our schools. You pine for more successful insane attacks on America’s children so you can propagandize your criminal disarming agenda of America’s law-abiding citizens.
Here’s the better questions, “how many people would die or be slashed by knives in our schools IF there were ARMED security in every building? How will banning automatic rifles prevent school killings since more people get killed with clubs every year than rifles? Who and what kind of people will turn in and not buy automatic rifles if they’re banned? Who and what kind of people won’t turn in and will still buy automatic rifles if they’re banned? How many people in Syria do you think should have been prohibited from gun ownership?”

To answer your question, “maybe none or damn few IF their were ARMED SECURITY in every building on that college campus.

The proof in this is to look at the UK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4581871.stm

I hope there's some straw left in those piles.

Failed talking points don't work, so let's get to the truth.

How large are college campuses? How many buildings are there? How large are those buildings? Even if you have one armed guard per building, how will that guard get from one end of the building to the other when he hears shots? How many floors do those buildings have? Using your reasoning we need at least one armed guard per floor.

Take Northern Illinois University. They have over 6000 acres of land and 65 major buildings. How many armed guards will be needed? Then let's multiply that by the number of colleges in the nation, over 4100.

Finally. The question nobody wants to answer.

I hope there's some straw left in those piles.

Failed talking points don't work, so let's get to the truth.

How large are college campuses? How many buildings are there? How large are those buildings? Even if you have one armed guard per building, how will that guard get from one end of the building to the other when he hears shots? How many floors do those buildings have? Using your reasoning we need at least one armed guard per floor.

Take Northern Illinois University. They have over 6000 acres of land and 65 major buildings. How many armed guards will be needed? Then let's multiply that by the number of colleges in the nation, over 4100.

Finally. The question nobody wants to answer.


Who paid for the 6000 acres of land and 65 major buildings, who pays for the athletic programs, the football stadium, its lighting system, the gymnasium its equipment, the athletic uniforms, the coaches who in many cases make millions of $, the “campus police force” already in existence in most cases?

What about professor volunteers who are willing to train and carry to secure their class rooms? What about conceal carry students that would volunteer to take a special training course conducted by NRA volunteers? What about retired police officers and military volunteers?

Seems to me there’s a bounty of ideas and possibilities to enact more secure places of education and sure as hell enough money in college institutions to set the most logical and reasonable priorities for the safety of their students. They sure as hell find the money for all other kinds of activities not related to education.

Maybe my “talking points” would work if y’all gun-nut lefties would relate to the entire conversation. When in hell are y’all gonna address the right to keep and bear arms with my talking point about Syria and if those folks need their automatic rifles and large ammo clips?

Here’s another thought for y’all to ponder, why does Switzerland have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the entire world when its mandatory for every male of a certain age to own a pistol and a rifle and ammunition for both and they are supplied by the Swiss government? How does that relate to the leftist pile of horseshit that guns cause gun crime? Our founding fathers never adopted that view. They adopted the exact opposite view.

Why do states with conceal carry laws have lower rates of gun crime than states with the most stringent gun laws? Why do cities with the most stringent gun laws have the most gun crime?
Funny how libs are suddenly so concerned about spending the public's money.

And in many cases relating to “private” institutions, little to no “public” money should even be necessary. The only thing necessary is law makers with common sense. That would be a novelty for sure!
Ok. So add another 30,000 guns to the mix . Now who's paying for all those guns and the training?

I’ll “VOLUNTEER” to donate to my local and state “GUN FUND” because I think it’s more important than the expensive Obama-Care fraud I’m “FORCED” to donate to. What about you? Are you willing to donate?
I’ll “VOLUNTEER” to donate to my local and state “GUN FUND” because I think it’s more important than the expensive Obama-Care fraud I’m “FORCED” to donate to. What about you? Are you willing to donate?

Liar. I'll prefer common sense over repub overreaction: Metal detectors at the entrances to each building and hire three to four armed guards and let a tax on guns and ammo pay for them.
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it's called 'INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY', one of those things that go along with exercising rights, not that you'd know much about individual responsibility.

So you're willing to have 60,000 untrained kids and teachers running around with guns strapped to their waists? What is your plan? Have a fucking bake sale to buy the goddamn guns?

so you want to set up an operation like the TSA in our schools???? :palm:

Did I say that? No. I'm talking a common sense approach. Something you know nothing of.