Where's those jobs they promised????


New member
The US lost over 2.5 million jobs in the first four months of this year under the Obama Administration.
The US unemployment rate rose from 7.6% to 9.4% under Obama... the highest rate in 25 years.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU1JZ5qvvl8"]YouTube - House Republican Leader John Boehner Delivers Weekly Republican Address[/ame]
Most companies plan layoffs months ahead of time.

Your worst nightmare is coming true; the economy is turning around earlier than people had actually predicted.

Guess who is going to get credit for the recovery?
Most companies plan layoffs months ahead of time.

Your worst nightmare is coming true; the economy is turning around earlier than people had actually predicted.

Guess who is going to get credit for the recovery?

hopefully people will be honest and not give it to obama. i hope the economy does in fact turn around as soon as possible. who the fuck cares about idiots who would give credit where virtually no credit is due...
"hopefully people will be honest and not give it to obama."

Of course. Because there is NO WAY that any of his policies could possibly deserve credit.

Man, is it going to be a tough 8 years for you guys...
"hopefully people will be honest and not give it to obama."

Of course. Because there is NO WAY that any of his policies could possibly deserve credit.

Man, is it going to be a tough 8 years for you guys...

he is not singularly responsible for the economy turning around at this point, that is a fact. your post indicated that obama alone would get the credit....i merely set the record straight. i feel bad for you as you have such hope when you guys will not carry 010 or 012...
he is not singularly responsible for the economy turning around at this point, that is a fact. your post indicated that obama alone would get the credit....i merely set the record straight. i feel bad for you as you have such hope when you guys will not carry 010 or 012...

Can you even read what you wrote?

You said "virtually no credit is due." That's fairly definitive, Yurt.

Just a couple of months back, you were on here arguing that Obama deserved all of the credit for the negative things that were happening in the economy at that time, because he was President. Now, you're here asserting that he deserves NONE of the credit for any recovery we experience.

Nothing screams "partisan hack" to the board quite like that...
Can you even read what you wrote?

You said "virtually no credit is due." That's fairly definitive, Yurt.

Just a couple of months back, you were on here arguing that Obama deserved all of the credit for the negative things that were happening in the economy at that time, because he was President. Now, you're here asserting that he deserves NONE of the credit for any recovery we experience.

Nothing screams "partisan hack" to the board quite like that...

i suggest you once again apply your post to yourself....if you read my posts i blamed obama as a counter point to intentionally show the idiocy of blaming or giving all credit solely to obama everytime something happened to the economy. i also merely pointed out how when people like desh gave obama's stimulus the credit for the economic upswing, that they were mistaken as his stimulus was not in effect.

do keep up
Only 5% of it has been spent.

Good try, though.

The effects are well beyond the % spent. Clearly, you haven't read much about the stimulus or its intent.

Much of the purpose of the stimulus was to restore confidence - which it did in the market, clearly. With the market on the upswing, and a much more significant portion of the stimulus in the works for the summer, many employers have regained confidence that the worst is over, and that its okay to not only bring a halt to layoffs, but begin hiring again, if not today, then in the next few months.

Next time you need a tutorial on economics again, just let me know.
restore confidence, which it did...what? for one day...
and put all us into how much dept on that same day.....

wwww boy, I'm gonna put my feet up.......no crap in between my toes..
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The effects are well beyond the % spent. Clearly, you haven't read much about the stimulus or its intent.

Much of the purpose of the stimulus was to restore confidence - which it did in the market, clearly. With the market on the upswing, and a much more significant portion of the stimulus in the works for the summer, many employers have regained confidence that the worst is over, and that its okay to not only bring a halt to layoffs, but begin hiring again, if not today, then in the next few months.

Next time you need a tutorial on economics again, just let me know.
This is consumer confidence?

Gallup Poll

June 25, 2009

In U.S., 6 in 10 Expect Rise in Unemployment, Inflation

Pessimism about near-term inflation falls, but pessimism about near-term unemployment rises. :rolleyes:

Consumer AND investor confidence, TuTu.

I love how much of a stake you guys have in a bad economy; it's fun. It's going to be spin cycle for you for the next 7 years, trying to pretend things aren't getting better.

Pretty much every key economic indicator has either leveled off, or is on the upswing, over the past month. Most have exceeded what expectations were for this point in time.

Take that.
He economy not only hasn't turned it's still getting worse by losing several hundred thousand jobs a month. Bush got to much blame for the economy going down and obama will get to much credit. Though after the summer Obama needs to start owning the results.
The stimulus has been in effect since March.

Good try, though.

i suggest you go back and read my post....you have no idea what you are talking about....desh gave obama the credit on specific things and i merely pointed out that those specific things were bush's stimulus.