'Which country does the most good for the world?'


I found this fascinating and since I have genetic markers from the 'most good' country it helps explain my wonderfulness. LOL Many in America would call the nations in this survey socialistic? So why is that a bad word in America? Who made it bad and why? Thoughts.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." Ronald Wright
Purportedly,international polls frequently indicate the socialist dominion of Canada is the most admired nation on earth.

For some weird reason politicians like Trump and George Dumbya Bush reduce America's stature in the world, and travelling internationally one gets a palpable sense of increased anti-Americanism.
Purportedly,international polls frequently indicate the socialist dominion of Canada is the most admired nation on earth.

For some weird reason politicians like Trump and George Dumbya Bush reduce America's stature in the world, and travelling internationally one gets a palpable sense of increased anti-Americanism.

A less charitable person than me might conclude Republicans are generally repulsive to minorties, the educated, to chicks, and to foreigners
and travelling internationally one gets a palpable sense of increased anti-Americanism.
Ive done a lot of international traveling. Id say Russians stick out like sore thumbs. Ive heard the same from others. When in Australia i found the Chinese to be kinda overwhelming. Very different from Koreans and Japanese.Japs super polite, seen many in Alaska and Hawaii.
You can always spot the middle aged German guy with his white ankle socks , shorts, and fanny pack.
Texans are LOUD, ive seen them kicked out of a restaurant in Austria after being asked to tone it down. Five minutes later they were LOUD again and were asked to leave by the owner.
Brits are like Americans in that it depends on where they’re from . The limeys are like texans LOUD . And their accents are equally bad.
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Ive done a lot of international traveling. Id say Russians stick out like sore thumbs. Ive heard the same from others. When in Australia i found the Chinese to be kinda overwhelming. Very different from Koreans and Japanese.Japs super polite, seen many in Alaska and Hawaii.
You can always spot the middle aged German guy with his white ankle socks , shorts, and fanny pack.
Texans are LOUD, ive seen them kicked out of a restaurant in Austria after being asked to tone it down. Five minutes later they were LOUD again and were asked to leave by the owner.
Brits are like Americans in that it depends on where they’re from . The limeys are like texans LOUD . And their accents are equally bad.
Hilarious. I must say, I have met many Texans who are mild mannered, polite, and maintain impeccable social etiquette.

I always say I am Californian when I am traveling internationally. In general, that provenance seems to be held in higher esteem than Trumpist America does .
I always say I am Californian when I am traveling internationally. In general, that provenance seems to be held in higher esteem than Trumpist America does .
Alaska always elicits a reaction.
Some think it's part of Canada or a different country. Even for those that know it's part of the U.S. I always get a comment, some stupid like "is it dark there all the time?" I get a lot about fishing.
Purportedly,international polls frequently indicate the socialist dominion of Canada is the most admired nation on earth.

Being admired doesn't make Canada significant. America has liberated more countries from tyranny than any nation in the history of man. That is an irrefutable FACT.
A less charitable person than me might conclude Republicans are generally repulsive to minorties, the educated, to chicks, and to foreigners

You're a lie filled, uneducated, Marxist leaning loony leftist hack. No one gives a shit about what a Marxist lunatic like you thinks.
Venezuela........for showing us what happens when a country turns socialist......


I always say I am Californian when I am traveling internationally. In general, that provenance seems to be held in higher esteem than Trumpist America does .

I must say I used to have this unrealistic opinion that Californians were all a bunch of loony leftists. But in our HOA in Hawaii there are several from California, a couple from the Bay Area, one even from the Castro district of S.F. and a couple more from L.A. One is even a PhD in geology at USC or UCLA, I forget, but an academic we all think are out to indoctrinate students politically. Most all of them complain about how bad the politics have become in CA, like it's a foreign country they don't recognize any more. Like minded folks are the same no matter where they're from.
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Purportedly,international polls frequently indicate the socialist dominion of Canada is the most admired nation on earth.

For some weird reason politicians like Trump and George Dumbya Bush reduce America's stature in the world, and travelling internationally one gets a palpable sense of increased anti-Americanism.

When Obama was President and went on his apology tour, those countries weren't any less anti-American. They simply liked having their asses kissed by a black BOY.
Hilarious. I must say, I have met many Texans who are mild mannered, polite, and maintain impeccable social etiquette.

I always say I am Californian when I am traveling internationally. In general, that provenance seems to be held in higher esteem than Trumpist America does .

No one that matters believes you've ever traveled outside your neighborhood.
Purportedly,international polls frequently indicate the socialist dominion of Canada is the most admired nation on earth.

For some weird reason politicians like Trump and George Dumbya Bush reduce America's stature in the world, and travelling internationally one gets a palpable sense of increased anti-Americanism.

Canada is great. Even from a simple tour through central and western Canada I saw many things that made me feel really good. The recycle bins in every hotel room was just one of them. It was Canada day while we were there and it ended up being perfectly fine. Much more enjoyable and less rambunctious then our usual 4th festivities.
Canada is great. Even from a simple tour through central and western Canada I saw many things that made me feel really good. The recycle bins in every hotel room was just one of them. It was Canada day while we were there and it ended up being perfectly fine. Much more enjoyable and less rambunctious then our usual 4th festivities.
I think Canucks have an excellent reputation internationally because of the way they comport themselves on the world state.

They have never started a war.

They are very active in UN peacekeeping operations.

Canada might be the only country in the world that has a military memorial in it's capital city dedicated to Peacekeeping Missions by the armed forces of Canada.

And, by world standards, they obviously have a democratic, progressive social welfare states that respects the rights of citizens and generally welcomes refugees and immigrants.