'Which country does the most good for the world?'

I can't speak to southeast Asia, but Europeans know more than a few of our states. I have teenage relatives in Russia who are fully aware of Texas, Florida, Hawaii, Alaska, etc.

I have told some Europeans that buck teeth and sloped foreheads usually indicate West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, et al.

Yea most Europeans I’ve met are more knowledgeable about US geography than Asians I’ve known. However they tend to be as clueless as to how fucking vast this country is or that despite our flag waving how we identify with our State often more than our nation or that the cultural differences in the different regions are large.

I can remember visiting my brother in Naples, FL who had a lovely British couple visiting him. To make a long story short we got along very well and they asked where I lived as they had a couple days before they had to leave and would like to visit me. I was living in Arkansas at the time and and they were completely clueless that it was a two and a half day drive.
Yea most Europeans I’ve met are more knowledgeable about US geography than Asians I’ve known. However they tend to be as clueless as to how fucking vast this country is or that despite our flag waving how we identify with our State often more than our nation or that the cultural differences in the different regions are large.

I can remember visiting my brother in Naples, FL who had a lovely British couple visiting him. To make a long story short we got along very well and they asked where I lived as they had a couple days before they had to leave and would like to visit me. I was living in Arkansas at the time and and they were completely clueless that it was a two and a half day drive.

Only if you're driving a damn Prius.
Yea most Europeans I’ve met are more knowledgeable about US geography than Asians I’ve known. However they tend to be as clueless as to how fucking vast this country is or that despite our flag waving how we identify with our State often more than our nation or that the cultural differences in the different regions are large.

I can remember visiting my brother in Naples, FL who had a lovely British couple visiting him. To make a long story short we got along very well and they asked where I lived as they had a couple days before they had to leave and would like to visit me. I was living in Arkansas at the time and and they were completely clueless that it was a two and a half day drive.

There are many Americans who do not have a good grasp on the geography of the U.S., their own nation. And I am consistently astounded many Americans do not know the capital of Canada, our northern neighbor and purportedly best friend
That's not racism. That's pointing out someone else's by using skin color to make a choice.

Apparently a Christian Nations faith in thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists crusade is no different from dhimmitude servitude in flying flaming chariot warrior Mohammed Valhalla status warfare, except that the appeal of Islamophopbia Christiananality pedophilia overwhelms any logic of their master race.
I haven't listened to the video but I'd have a hard time believing that since the US has essentially been the worlds policeman since WWII and that death due to war, as a percentage of the population, are at historical lows and that with just reasons the post war era has been called the Pax Americana, that the US has done more to enhance peace and prosperity that any nation in human history has.

You'd have a hard time believing that the US has done more to enhance peace and prosperity? Or a hard time NOT believing?
That doesn't mean we haven't done some pretty appalling things and that there isn't room for improvement

Who has claimed we are perfect?

If the USA, as a world power were to vanish than economic collapse and violent upheavels would occur all over the world.


As ugly as Americans can be

There are plenty of ugly foreigners. Ever hang out with Australians? Loud mouthed and violent.

...we've done a pretty good job of protecting and policing the rest of the world from some pretty bad guys. I'm not being a nationalist either. The evidence of the impact of US international leadership is overwhelming.

They were doing fine when they were Socialist. It wasn't until America got involved that things went to shit. And it's the same thing every time a country attempts Socialism.

I still don't want the kind of Socialism that Venezuela had, because it's way too restrictive, but they're just not a good example of Socialism failing.

More lie filled bile. Were you born a liar and stupid; or do you just work at it?
So you didn't even know that America destroyed Venezuela with sanctions? Wow.

America's sanctions on Venezuela did not destroy that nations economy. It's thug like Marxist dictators who did that with their Marxist policies that chased capital out of the country and destroyed the value of its currency.
So Canada does not have a free market system based upon CAPITALISM? :palm: Where does the money for all THE FREE SHIT come from? :dunno: The only thing Canada is successful at is TAXING THE HELL out of its citizens. Hell Canada would be broke in a heartbeat.....if its borders were not protected by the greatest military on earth.....THE U.S.A. What it does not have to spend on PROTECTION it wastes on government programs.....so the socialists can stay in power. Why do they have cheaper meds? The citizens of the US pay for the actual cost of the drugs as they pay for the R&D that Canadian citizens do not have to pay for...…….its one big shell game.

Especially with this USA Christian Nation's Communism of Christianity while private property is defined as whatever their master race needs to maintain ethnic cleansing of anything defined not Christian; which in itself is Christiananality pedophilia resulting in an Islamidiotocracy of "death to the infidels" tautology to supplement that "serve the Pope or die" diatribe master economic plan.

^^Stuck on lunatic. :rolleyes:
There are many Americans who do not have a good grasp on the geography of the U.S., their own nation. And I am consistently astounded many Americans do not know the capital of Canada, our northern neighbor and purportedly best friend

So what? I lived with the Canadians and married one. I live part time there. Americans don't know much about the states they were born in. Thank the leftist educational establishment fro that.

You're a prime example of how badly our leftist controlled educational establishment has failed our youth.
The nigger chimed in like a good little BOY.

Nothing like getting confirmation atheists can govern themselves without God from business contracts betwixt Islam & Christians with condescending arrogance 9/11 was just conspiracy propaganda....
Yet another nothing like getting one nation under God confirmation atheists can govern themselves without God from business contracts betwixt Islam & Christians with condescending arrogance 9/11 was just conspiracy propaganda....
