Which Country on JPP has the Best Posters?

Living in a nation of over 150 million you could never possibly understand the nascent connection between fellow Englishmen.

In many ways we are like Star Trek's 'The Borg'.

This week has been particularly traumatic for the English creed and we are at one in deep contemplative thought. However, Mr AnyOld may have dealt with our collective traume utilising his own means and it is very difficult to plug in, even a laptop, from his particular high.

Regarding said trauma, at least McClaren is now out. England really only do well when the tournament is actually being held in Blighty (hey - the USA don't do well even if the referee is bunged) so let's be realistic, eh. ;)
Regarding said trauma, at least McClaren is now out. England really only do well when the tournament is actually being held in Blighty (hey - the USA don't do well even if the referee is bunged) so let's be realistic, eh. ;)

Ahoy-hoy Mr Magpie!

Apparently Big Sam has already ruled himsef out of the running. A little surprising since every Newcastle United suporter worth his salt is screaming at the FA board to take him away from Geordieland quick-smart.

I'm still preying for Mourinho. If the FA threw all their cash at him indebting the nation for the next 50 years it would be worth it. Sadly, i don't think he'll take it so we've gots to weigh up O'Neill/Capello/Van Gaal/Scolari/Klinsmann.

I don't think i could take a German in charge but i'm up for an Italian or an Ulsterman.
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I agree....

GB has awesome posters too...

US posters are just god awful....

When it consists of Lieberman Democrats, Neolibertarians, and Religious Theocrats...

Man the US is a big theocracy...


Don't blame all of us for the lunatic zionists that run this place.