White dad stops daughter from shaking Black superintendent’s hand - at school infamous for Nazi salute photo

Twice now Express Lane has instructed to "See folks whose base really hates the Jews".

Now I assume he takes the Yahoo/Likund zionist stance that ANY criticism of Israel's policies and tactics towards the Palestinians is akin to antisemitic hate. That is a stance that doesn't hold water, as there are home grown Israeli's who have LONG been critical of zionism and the treatment of the Palestinians.

However, I challenge anyone to provide positive proof that all the white nationalist/neo-nazi/white supremacist groups that have been publicly flexing their muscles in the last 20 years are registered Democrats or consider themselves "liberals".

I'll wait.
However, I challenge anyone to provide positive proof that all the white nationalist/neo-nazi/white supremacist groups that have been publicly flexing their muscles in the last 20 years are registered Democrats or consider themselves "liberals".
you guys like to claim Trump pulled them into the Republican Party..........where did you think they came from?.......
A white dad rushed the stage and pushed the Black superintendent out of the way so he couldn’t shake his daughter’s hand during her high school graduation yelling ‘I don’t want her touching him.’

The shocking incident took place Friday at Baraboo High School in Wisconsin - the same school that drew national headlines in 2018 when a photo emerged depicting several current and former students doing the Nazi salute.

As she approached Superintendent Rainey Briggs, who is Black and was hired in 2021, the man jumped on stage and grabbed the superintendent by his arm and dragged him away from his daughter.

“That’s my daughter,” the man says, according to footage of the ceremony. “You better get up off me man,” Briggs can be heard saying as the two went off camera.

What a p.o.s. he is. An embarrassment to his daughter and the whole school. :mad: