White Evangelicals Are The Most Fragile Of All White People

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
The real snowflakes, color and all

When situations arise where race and privilege are questioned and criticized, often times white people free fall into fear, anger, silence, denial or guilt. These emotions, while understandable and not bad in their own right, typically derail and recenter race conversations around the feelings of the privileged white person instead of on the lived oppressive reality of people of color.

The perceived victimization of white people creates victimizing experiences for people of color. Even though calling out white racism is not persecution, nor an attack on individual whites, without the coping mechanism that people of color are forced to have, white people frequently take on the role of the victim through outrage, tears or other derailing tactics that in effect only seek to reinforce white supremacy ― the normalization of and catering to white people at all costs.

The real snowflakes, color and all

When situations arise where race and privilege are questioned and criticized, often times white people free fall into fear, anger, silence, denial or guilt. These emotions, while understandable and not bad in their own right, typically derail and recenter race conversations around the feelings of the privileged white person instead of on the lived oppressive reality of people of color.

The perceived victimization of white people creates victimizing experiences for people of color. Even though calling out white racism is not persecution, nor an attack on individual whites, without the coping mechanism that people of color are forced to have, white people frequently take on the role of the victim through outrage, tears or other derailing tactics that in effect only seek to reinforce white supremacy ― the normalization of and catering to white people at all costs.


No one has to cater to me, boy. As a white MAN, I'm more than capable of doing what black BOYS still can't do with advantages like affirmative action.
actually you are just an arrogant, ignorant (and probably stupid) redneck with at most a 15 year old maturity level. You are an embarrassment to your race, no, the human race.
No one has to cater to me, boy. As a white MAN, I'm more than capable of doing what black BOYS still can't do with advantages like affirmative action.
Looks like another race-baiting thread from Jewno.
Surprised he didn't throw 'Goyim' out there. (I think the Muslims just say 'Infidel')
Looks like another race-baiting thread from Jewno.
Surprised he didn't throw 'Goyim' out there. (I think the Muslims just say 'Infidel')

Well to be fair, I'm a white Christian, and I can't stand southern white evangelicals. They exemplify many anti-christian things like materialism, and the often save the fetus, but kill them stances are sickening. I've heard a few even say if they execute abortion doctors, maybe they wouldn't have so much abortion. I pray they were just trolls.
Well to be fair, I'm a white Christian, and I can't stand southern white evangelicals. They exemplify many anti-christian things like materialism, and the often save the fetus, but kill them stances are sickening. I've heard a few even say if they execute abortion doctors, maybe they wouldn't have so much abortion. I pray they were just trolls.

That's fine. My problem with juno is the one-dimensional mindset. EVERY post seems to be about 'whites' or 'christians'. Which he refers to as 'Goyim'.
His mirror image is the person that ALWAYS talks negatively about 'blacks' and 'Muslims'.
actually you are just an arrogant, ignorant (and probably stupid) redneck with at most a 15 year old maturity level. You are an embarrassment to your race, no, the human race.

Yet I'm still superior to an dumb NL like you.
cain hated abel and slew him because abel offered the acceptable sacrifice and cain was self righteous and rejected the prescribed offering. the spirit of cain and abel is alive today; in cain the spirit of self righteousness and murder and that of abel in the faithful of Christ. cain hates abel and is the mortal enemy of abel. the difference is that cain will be slaughtered as a pig if he rises up in the field against abel today. cain is a faggot today. 3-8 esp. http://biblehub.com/kjv/genesis/4.htm
cain hated abel and slew him because abel offered the acceptable sacrifice and cain was self righteous and rejected the prescribed offering. the spirit of cain and abel is alive today; in cain the spirit of self righteousness and murder and that of abel in the faithful of Christ. cain hates abel and is the mortal enemy of abel. the difference is that cain will be slaughtered as a pig if he rises up in the field against abel today. cain is a faggot today. 3-8 esp. http://biblehub.com/kjv/genesis/4.htm

Great post, jewitness!!!
Well to be fair, I'm a white Christian, and I can't stand southern white evangelicals. They exemplify many anti-christian things like materialism, and the often save the fetus, but kill them stances are sickening. I've heard a few even say if they execute abortion doctors, maybe they wouldn't have so much abortion. I pray they were just trolls.

Oh, believe me, Us are real.