White Privilege

Thanks, great post.


I was watching a piece on Blacks, WWII, and the New Deal recently and the piece detailed the unfairness of treatment. Even this dyed in wool liberal was astounded. I Url'ed the piece below.

Prejudice and hatred of the other is so deeply embedded in some they think they are thinking not reacting.


[ame="http://www.amazon.com/When-Affirmative-Action-White-Twentieth-Century/dp/0393328511/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254658386&sr=1-1"]Amazon.com: When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America (9780393328516): Ira Katznelson: Books[/ame]
Nevertheless, the white males are still the only group it's legal and even ENCOURAGED to disriminate against.

Race revenge is not a legitimate basis for private or public policy.
That is what I have been saying for months. Obama doesn't have a clue. I wonder how many people who voted for him have voters remorse, but won't admit it?

The trip to Denmark is a capstone to my suspicion and the assertion of many, that the dude is nothing more than an empty suit who has confused campaigning with being a leader...the forever community organizer is a dweeb.
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The trip to Denmark is a capstone to my suspicion and the assertion of many, that the dude is nothing more than an empty suit who has confused campaigning with being a leader...the forever community organizer is a dweeb.

Yep, he is really hopeless he should have started at least two new wars by now!!
what the fuck does that have to do with anything? she had more EXECUTIVE experience than he did....it is factual and nothing to do with race

but please do keep playing the race card...it is working wonders for the dems

So she was the head honcho in Mayberry R.F.D. Big honking deal. Some people run schools or businesses that are bigger than her little hamlet, but that doesn't qualify them to be president. What rabid righties don't seem to understand is that the whole package of experience and capability needs to be weighed, and Palin came up seriously deficient.
what is so great about it? what privilege did he speak of? you can't explain the privilege without looking like a total moron.....so you give a stroke post....

Why don't you tell me which part of the article you're having a problem with? Maybe you've always lived in a rarified atmosphere of no crime, no racism, no problems but some of us are citizens of the real world. If the Palin family dramas had happened to a liberal politician, conservatives would be all over it. Rabid righties are always whining about values, morals and personal responsibility, except when "issues" happen to one of their own. If you can't understand the double standard here, then I think the "total moron" moniker is one that you can embrace.
BTW, I wasn't aware that either Bristol Palin or the guy who knocked her up are considered responsible by anyone. I certainly can't imagine that their parents do, whatever attempts they might make to comfort the offspring.

White privilege exists. The examples provided in the opening post are extremely weak, however. Stronger examples involve the justice system and minorities being busted for drug possession, for example...
Yep, he is really hopeless he should have started at least two new wars by now!!

Afghanistan is a war he said must be won. Obama has done nothing but twiddle his thumbs while men and women risk their lives waiting for him to lead...instead it's off to Denmark, do all the Sunday morning shows and most fun of all Lat Night with Letterman...so presidential.:rolleyes:
Why don't you tell me which part of the article you're having a problem with? Maybe you've always lived in a rarified atmosphere of no crime, no racism, no problems but some of us are citizens of the real world. If the Palin family dramas had happened to a liberal politician, conservatives would be all over it. Rabid righties are always whining about values, morals and personal responsibility, except when "issues" happen to one of their own. If you can't understand the double standard here, then I think the "total moron" moniker is one that you can embrace.

why don't you answer my question....
So she was the head honcho in Mayberry R.F.D. Big honking deal. Some people run schools or businesses that are bigger than her little hamlet, but that doesn't qualify them to be president. What rabid righties don't seem to understand is that the whole package of experience and capability needs to be weighed, and Palin came up seriously deficient.

you obviously have demitas...you forget obama saying he has more executive experience than palin BECAUSE his campaign has more money than her state budget.....

try not to be so partisan
you obviously have demitas...you forget obama saying he has more executive experience than palin BECAUSE his campaign has more money than her state budget.....

try not to be so partisan

ACORN helped to get Obama elected, which makes the election questionable. Didn't Obama give them $800,000?
you obviously have demitas...you forget obama saying he has more executive experience than palin BECAUSE his campaign has more money than her state budget.....

try not to be so partisan

Yes, I forgot it. Link me up, please, because I can't find it.

FYI, Obama wasn't my first choice for president. However, I'm extremely partisan in the case of Palin because she was so obviously incapable of holding any office higher than mayor of Wasilla. There were several more qualified women than Palin who the GOP could have selected, but for unknown reasons chose not to. Have you ever asked yourself "why Palin"? Did you even know about her before she was picked?

You know, I'd expect somebody who went to law school to show more rigorous reasoning when it came to vetting a prospective candidate for the office of VP, but you just fell into the trap of spouting the GOP talking points, like all the rest.
ACORN helped to get Obama elected, which makes the election questionable. Didn't Obama give them $800,000?

During the third presidential debate, McCain made the additional charge that the Obama campaign directed campaign money to ACORN, calling the group "the same front outfit organization that your campaign gave $832,000 for 'lighting and site selection.'"

Here's what we know about that allegation: The Obama campaign paid a group called Citizens' Services $832,386 during the primaries. (For comparison, the Obama campaign has spent an overall $391-million through August 2008.) Some of the expenditures are listed as sound, stage and lighting, and others are listed as get-out-the-vote efforts. ACORN has said Citizens Services subcontracted out part of the get-out-the-vote work to ACORN, but ACORN officials say it was "a small amount." The Obama campaign said it paid Citizens' Services, who in turn paid $80,000 to ACORN. The two groups share offices in New Orleans.

We can confirm through campaign finance public records that Obama paid Citizens' Services, but we can't independently confirm what part of the contract ACORN actually received, so we are not ruling on that statement. We're including the facts of the matter here for our readers to consider for themselves.

why don't you answer my question....

Duh. The privileges were spelled out in the original post. Look back at reagan's hyperbole about "welfare queens". Look at your own party's claims about the Obamas and affirmative action. There's nothing in the article that isn't true, when it comes to righties defending their own while holding a double standard for others.
Yes, I forgot it. Link me up, please, because I can't find it.

FYI, Obama wasn't my first choice for president. However, I'm extremely partisan in the case of Palin because she was so obviously incapable of holding any office higher than mayor of Wasilla. There were several more qualified women than Palin who the GOP could have selected, but for unknown reasons chose not to. Have you ever asked yourself "why Palin"? Did you even know about her before she was picked?

You know, I'd expect somebody who went to law school to show more rigorous reasoning when it came to vetting a prospective candidate for the office of VP, but you just fell into the trap of spouting the GOP talking points, like all the rest.

What makes palin so incredibly incapable in your eyes? you say it's so obvious, but I don't see it at all.
Yes, I forgot it. Link me up, please, because I can't find it.

I'm guessing you didn't look at all, and if you did, I suggest you didn't look that hard:

(CNN) — Barack Obama defended his experience in dealing with natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, and took a swipe at newly minted GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

In an interview on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Monday night, Obama was asked about whether his experience in the U.S. Senate dealing with weather-related situations compares to Palin’s executive experience running the state of Alaska and as the small town mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

“My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees. We've got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month,” Obama responded.

"Our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the past couple of years and certainly in terms of the legislation I’ve passed in the past couple of years, post-Katrina.”

Interestingly, he didn't really answer the question asked by Cooper, he concentrated on her position as Mayor of Wasilla, completely ignoring her position as Governor of Alaska. In his answer, he seems to believe that merely voting on a bill and being the candidate in a campaign managed by others is sufficient experience.

Even more interesting, the headline for the CNN story is more than slightly misleading:

Obama defends natural disaster experience

There is barely a mention of "natural disaster" experience in the piece.

Personally, I do not believe that either one of them was or is qualified to sit in the big chair. If Palin were to simply fade away into political obscurity, well, it would bother me not at all.
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